
2009年10月25日 星期日
2009年10月24日 星期六

The genus Pyroderces Herrich-Schäffer new to China, with description of a new species (Lepidoptera, Cosmopterigidae)
文獻出處: Zhang Z and Li H. 2009. The genus Pyroderces Herrich-Schäffer new to China, with description of a new species (Lepidoptera, Cosmopterigidae). Zootaxa 2272: 63-68
本文描述紋翅蛾科Pyroderces屬在中國的首次紀錄以及一新種(P. bifurcata)與兩新紀錄種(P. argyrogrammos & P. sarcogypsa)的發表。 根據Sinev (2002)與此文中新種的發表,全世界Pyrodeces屬共計11種,而台灣鱗翅目誌中所列的P. simplex Walsingham, 1891與P. nephelopyrrha (Meyrick, 1917)已被Sinev置於Anatrachyntis屬中,故台灣目前並無Pyrodeces屬的物種紀錄。
Heppner JB and Inoue H. 1992. Lepidoptera of Taiwan, 1(2), Checklist. Scientific Publishers, Gainesville, USA, 276 pp.
Sinev, SY. 2002. World catalogue of cosmopterigid moths (Lepidoptera: Cosmopterigidae). Proceedings of the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg, 293, 183 pp.
The genus Pyroderces Herrich-Schäffer is recorded for the first time from China. Three species are included: Pyroderces bifurcata sp. nov. is described as new; P. argyrogrammos (Zeller) and P. sarcogypsa (Meyrick) are newly recorded for China. Images of the adults and the genitalia are provided, along with a key to the species from China.
2009年10月23日 星期五
[書介]歐洲蝴蝶之生態學 Ecology of Butterflies in Europe

[作者] Edited by Josef Settele, Tim Shreeve, Martin Konvicka and Hans van Dyck
[出版年代] 2009
[出版單位] Cambridge University Press
[規格] 513 pages, 37 b/w illus, 24 col illus, 27 tabs.
[ISBN] ISBN-13: 9780521747592
[原文書介網頁] 在此
1. 介紹:歐洲蝴蝶之生態學- 現在與未來
第一部分 棲地利用:資源與限制
2. 蝴蝶成蟲的食物資源 3. 蝴蝶的交配行為 4. 蝴蝶產卵之位置、行為與模式 5. 蝴蝶的食草與幼蟲生態 6.蝴蝶的體溫調節與棲地利用 7. 蝴蝶的物種分佈模式之預測
第二部分 族群生態學
8. 蝴蝶的族群結構與動態 9. 蝴蝶擴散的代價與獲益 10. 蝴蝶的族群遺傳學 11.歐洲蝴蝶的擬寄生物
第三部分 演化生物學
12. 蝴蝶的適應性與可塑性:基因與環境的交互作用表現 13.蝴蝶翅膀形態在功能上的重要性 14.蝴蝶生殖力的演化生態學 15.蝴蝶生物學的梯度
第四部分 時間與空間中的物種:分佈與親緣關係
16.壞物種-生態學與演化學如何混淆蝴蝶的分類 17.蝴蝶之動物相結構、親緣地理與歷史意義 18.蝴蝶的豐富度樣式與梯度 19.蝴蝶雜交帶的生態遺傳學與演化生態學
第五部分 全球變遷與保育
20.氣候暖化與蝴蝶分佈之改變 21.歐洲蝴蝶的保育地位 22. 蝴蝶的(關聯)族群生存力分析是否為保育瀕危物種時的水晶球 23. 歐洲生態系統的蝴蝶-土地利用的衝擊與保育經營管理上的機會
2009年10月19日 星期一
2009年10月12日 星期一

The genus Epipristis Meyrick, 1888 from China is reviewed, and two new species are described: E. roseus sp. nov., from North China and E. pullusa sp. nov., from Central China. The three previously known species from China are redescribed. A key to all species from China is provided. Illustrations of adults and genitalia are presented.
2009年10月11日 星期日

第四紀的氣候振盪對物種的演化造成巨大的影響。在高緯度地區,族群必須在避難所區域度過嚴寒的冰河期,然後週期性地在間冰期拓殖回高緯度地帶。這種歷史通常會導致遺傳多樣性的損失;反之,未經歷過冰河時期的族群,可能會比其祖先具有較高的遺傳多樣性。這些特色強烈影響到現今的遺傳多樣性分佈狀況,甚至影響到這些物種如何因應當前的全球變遷。作者針對一種廣分佈的松舟蛾複合群(Thaumetopoea pityocampa/T. wilkinsoni complex, Notodontidae)進行粒線體遺傳多樣性的研究,該種是地中海盆地與南歐地區的森林性害蟲。此物種對近期氣候變遷的反應為快速的自然擴張其分佈區域,其中或許也包括偶然的人為遷移。本研究的目標是探討第四紀冰河期氣候振盪是否影響該物種的分佈範圍,以及判斷晚近拓殖地區的族群是否能鑑別岀近代遷移過程的遺傳足跡。
Background Quaternary climatic oscillations had dramatic effects on species evolution. In northern latitudes, populations had to survive the coldest periods in refugial areas and recurrently colonized northern regions during interglacials. Such a history usually results in a loss of genetic diversity. Populations that did not experience glaciations, in contrast, probably maintained most of their ancestral genetic diversity. These characteristics dramatically affected the present-day distribution of genetic diversity and may influence the ability of species to cope with the current global changes. We conducted a range-wide study of mitochondrial genetic diversity in the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa/T. wilkinsoni complex, Notodontidae), a forest pest occurring around the Mediterranean Basin and in southern Europe. This species is responding to the current climate change by rapid natural range expansion and can also be accidentally transported by humans. Our aim was to assess if Quaternary climatic oscillations had a different effect across the species' range and to determine if genetic footprints of contemporary processes can be identified in areas of recent introduction.
Results We identified three main clades that were spatially structured. In most of Europe, the genetic diversity pattern was typical for species that experienced marked glaciation cycles. Except in refugia, European populations were characterized by the occurrence of one main haplotype and by a strong reduction in genetic diversity, which is expected in regions that were rapidly re-colonized when climatic conditions improved. In contrast, all other sub-clades around the Mediterranean Basin occurred in limited parts of the range and were strongly structured in space, as is expected in regions in which the impact of glaciations was limited. In such places, genetic diversity was retained in most populations, and almost all haplotypes were endemic. This pattern was extreme on remote Mediterranean islands (Crete, Cyprus, Corsica) where highly differentiated, endemic haplotypes were found. Recent introductions were typified by the existence of closely-related haplotypes in geographically distant populations, which is difficult to detect in most of Europe because of a lack of overall genetic structure.
Conclusion In regions that were not prone to marked glaciations, recent moth introductions/expansions could be detected due to the existence of a strong spatial genetic structure. In contrast, in regions that experienced the most intense Quaternary climatic oscillations, the natural populations are not genetically structured, and contemporary patterns of population expansion remain undetected.
2009年10月4日 星期日

星燈蛾屬(Utehteisa)為夜蛾科燈蛾亞科燈蛾族(註一)中日行性活動的類群,屬內現分為四個亞屬,其一是過去挾義星燈蛾(Utetheisa sensu stricto)所限的星燈蛾亞屬,全世界大約20~30種,當中含廣泛分布於舊世界的U. pulchella、U. pulchelloides與U. lotrix(後兩者亦分佈於台灣),以及新世界的U. ornatrix與U. bella,此亞屬類群之胸翅部具有紅黑白色塊斑紋,並取食紫草科的白水木屬(Tournefortia)植物,長久被認為利用此寄主的次級代謝物-氰化物(PAs)進行對天敵的化學防禦機制,並以警戒斑紋使天敵增強對星燈蛾有毒或不可食性(unpalatable)的印象。其餘三亞屬分別於Holloway (1988)(Pitasila與Atasca)以及de Vos (2007)(Raanya)置於星燈蛾屬下(詳見de Vos文章與本Blog對其文章的介紹)。此三屬在外觀上近似於燈蛾族成員蝶燈蛾屬(Nyctemera), 然根據明尼蘇達大學Susan Weller研究群對燈蛾科親緣關係重建的結果,Nyctemera與Pitasila並非近緣群,而Pitasila顯然應被視為星燈蛾屬Utetheisa亞屬。三亞屬已知皆分佈於印澳區(Indo-Australian region),所含物種數為25、13與1種,台灣有U. (Pitasila) fractifascia (模式標本)與U. (Pitasila) inconstans (原名模式標本、成蟲與幼蟲生態影像),前者為台灣特有種,後者為分布於台灣與日本,並於2009年由傅建明與徐渙之先生確認其於綠島與蘭嶼的分佈。
加拉巴哥距其南美洲屬國厄瓜多海岸線以西約971公里,為由大小不一的19座島嶼所組成的群島,其盛名與演化論提出者達爾文的旅航與該地相關研究有密切關係,其獨特的動植物相亦吸引生物學家屢屢造訪。事實上達爾文的造訪也與該群島星燈蛾屬的研究史有關,Butler (1877)指出達爾文曾經於群島上採集到廣泛分布於新世界的U. ornatrix,然而此證據標本至今無法由典藏於大英博物館的達爾文採集品中尋獲,而成為此島群研究史中其中的一個謎。Wallengren於1860年發表了第一種加拉巴哥特有的星燈蛾U. galapagensis(註二),後續有Hayes (1975)所發表的U. perryi與U. devriesi兩新種,以及後續大約四篇對這些物種的群島內新地理分佈紀錄的文章。
加拉巴哥產星燈蛾之所以會被研究者關注,一方面是此屬為該群島鱗翅目特有率第三高的類群,並且是唯一分布於此地的燈蛾亞科;一方面是此群島所包含的星燈蛾除了新世界廣佈種U. ornatrix具有警戒色以外,其餘物種皆為灰褐色調,這個觀察使得加拉巴哥特有星燈蛾的化學防禦機制、日夜活動行為以及非警戒型顏色斑紋被拿來與典型星燈蛾做比較,並進一步探討此類群是否受不同的選汰壓力而演化。於此,Roque-Albelo等人於2002年對此觀察提出了四個假說: (1) 此類群具有化學防禦之不可被食性(unpalatable),然而大多為夜行性活動因此使得日間視覺上警戒天敵的鮮明顏色不再被需要;(2) 具有化學防禦且為日行性,然而利用隱蔽的灰褐色作為第二線的防禦機制; (3) 沒有化學防禦因此具可被食性,也因此不需要具有警戒色來宣示其不好吃; (4) 既沒有化學防禦又是夜行性,因此就不需要具有警戒色。而Roque-Albelo等人雖然確認U. galapagensis幼蟲取食白水木屬植物並且能夠分泌氰化物,然而並沒有測試此物種的可被食性。Garrett等人於2008年的研究中選取了加拉巴哥特有的蜘蛛與火山岩蜥蜴作為U. galapagensis是否具有可被食性的實驗,並且使用同域分佈的螟蛾科物種作為控制組中的獵物。其結果顯示相對於控制組螟蛾被兩天敵完全取食,U. galapagensis實驗組中的蜘蛛會使用口氣接觸星燈蛾,最後將其棄於巢外,而蜥蜴並未取食所有星燈蛾,並顯示出勉強吞食的行為,以及取食後清理行為,少數情況蜥蜴嘗試取食後會再將星燈蛾吐出。Garrett等人對Roque-Albelo等人的假說提出討論,他們認為取食研究支持了前兩個假說,也就是以化學物質來抵禦夜行性蜘蛛,並以隱避色降低被蜥蜴的攻擊。此外另外兩特有種U. perryi與U. devriesi也正用來進行類似的取食實驗 (Hartmann et al., unpublished)。
這些觀察與假說測試,使Roque-Albelo等人 (2009)又衍生出了幾個對加拉巴哥特有、具隱蔽色星燈蛾類群演化上的興趣: (1) 這些星燈蛾是何時失去警戒色的? 又是什麼原因造成的 (2) 這些具隱避色類群是否由具警戒色的祖先拓殖至加拉巴哥,抑或是由夜行性具隱蔽色的祖先而來?
Roque-Albelo與Landry (2009)近期發表了兩新種U. connerorum與U. henrii,前種廣佈於群島,後者限於San Cristobal Island,並紀錄兩者皆取食厄瓜多特有白水木類群T. pubescens。此外並重新確認U. galapagensis僅分布於San Cristobal Island,並提供加拉巴哥此屬六物種的外部型態檢索表。作者在文中提及DeCosta對U. galapagensis與新種U. connerorum進行粒線體DNA之COI序列進行分析,在668鹼基對中遺傳距離介於1.06~2.26%,並建議兩者具有近緣關係。未來是否會加入其他特有種與警戒色類群一起分析探討加拉巴哥星燈蛾的起源? 著實令人期待。
註一: Lafontaine & Fibiger (2006)依據現有的形態資料,參考Mitchell et al. (2006)年的分子親緣關係,並考量到各分類群的單系性,提出夜蛾總科新的分類架構,當中將過去的燈蛾科與毒蛾科降為廣義夜蛾科中亞科的階層。夜蛾總科的分類研究現況將在未來再做介紹。
註二: Roque-Albelo與Landry (2009)提及U. galapagensis在Wallengren (1860)的原始發表中命名為Euchelia galapagenis,卻在Wallengren (1861)中將此種種小名載為galapagensis,然而並未指出更名的原因,因此1861年的galapagensis應為不正確的後續拼法(incorrect subsequent spelling)。然而galapagensis被所有後續研究者所盛行使用,故參考ICZN 33.3.1法規將此種小名考量為正當訂正 (justified emendation)並成為此物種的有效名。
Fu CM and Hsu HC. 2009. Moths of Green Island. Taichung: Taichung Nature Research Society, 78pp.
Garrett SE, Conner WE and Roque-Albelo L. 2008. Alkaloidal protection of Utetheisa galapagensis against an invertebrate and a vertebrate predator in the Galapagos Islands. Galapagos
Research 65: 2–6.
Hayes A. 1975. The larger moths of the Galapagos Islands (Geometroidea, Sphingoidea and Noctuoidea). Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 40(4): 145–208.
Holloway JD. 1988. The moths of Borneo, part 6: Actiidae: Syntominae, Euchromiinae, Arctiinae, Aganainae (to Noctuidae). Southdene Sdn. Bhd, Malaysia.
Roque-Albelo L, Garrett SE, Conner WE. 2009. Darwin’s moth: Utetheisa in the Galapagos Islands. In: Conner WE (Ed.) Tiger Moths and Woolly Bears: Behavior, Ecology, and Evolution of the Arctiidae. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 207–222. [Google Library線上部份閱覽、本Blog對此書的介紹]
Roque-Albelo L, Landry B. 2002. The Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) of the Galapagos Islands: their identifi cation, distribution, and host plants, with new records. Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique Suisse 74: 217–226.
Roque-Albelo L, Schroeder FC, Conner WE, Bezzerides A, Hoebeke ER, Meinwald J and Eisner T.
2002. Chemical defense and aposematism: the case of Utetheisa galapagensis. Chemoecology 12: 153–157.
Roque-Albelo L and Landry B. 2009. Two new species of Utetheisa Hubner (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Arctiinae) from the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. ZooKeys 21: 55–72
Vos R de. 2007. The Utetheisa species of the subgenera Pitasila, Atasca and Raanya Subg. N. (Insecta, Lepidoptera: Arctiidae). Aldrovandia 3: 31-120.
Wallengren HDJ. 1860. Lepidopterologische Mittheilungen. II. Wiener Entomologische Monatschrift 4(6): 161–176.
Wallengren HDJ. 1861. Lepidoptera species novas descripsit. In: Kongliga Svenska Fregatten Eugenies Resa Omkring Jorden... Zoologi V, Insecta, pp. 351–390, 3 pls.
2009年10月3日 星期六
文獻來源:Wahlberg, N., Leneveu, J., Kodandaramaiah, U., Pena, C., Nylin, S., Freitas, A. V. L. and Brower, A. V. Z. (2009) Nymphalid butterflies diversify following near demise at the cretaceous/tertiary boundary. Proc. R. Soc. B. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2009.1303
The butterfly family Nymphalidae contains some of the most important non-drosophilid insect model systems for evolutionary and ecological studies, yet the evolutionary history of the group has remained shrouded in mystery. We have inferred a robust phylogenetic hypothesis based on sequences of 10 genes and 235 morphological characters for exemplars of 400 of the 540 valid nymphalid genera representing all major lineages of the family. By dating the branching events, we infer that Nymphalidae originated in the Cretaceous at 90 Ma, but that the ancestors of 10–12 lineages survived the end-Cretaceous catastrophe in the Neotropical and Oriental regions. Patterns of diversification suggest extinction of lineages at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary (65 Ma) and subsequent elevated speciation rates in the Tertiary.
2009年10月1日 星期四

文獻來源:C Merlin, RJ Gegear, SM Reppert. 2009. Antennal Circadian Clocks Coordinate Sun Compass Orientation in Migratory Monarch Butterflies. Science 325 (5948): 1700 - 1704. DOI: 10.1126/science.1176221
During their fall migration, Eastern North American monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) use a time-compensated Sun compass to aid navigation to their overwintering grounds in central Mexico. It has been assumed that the circadian clock that provides time compensation resides in the brain, although this assumption has never been examined directly. Here, we show that the antennae are necessary for proper time-compensated Sun compass orientation in migratory monarch butterflies, that antennal clocks exist in monarchs, and that they likely provide the primary timing mechanism for Sun compass orientation. These unexpected findings pose a novel function for the antennae and open a new line of investigation into clock-compass connections that may extend widely to other insects that use this orientation mechanism.
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