文獻來源:Jane U. Jepsen, Snorre B. Hagen, Stein-Rune Karlsen, and Rolf A. Ims. 2009. Phase-dependent outbreak dynamics of geometrid moth linked to host plant phenology. Proc R Soc B 276: 4119-4128. [link]植食性昆蟲的同步大發生機制尚未被確認,但一直被認為是由氣候驅使的「莫倫效應」(Moran effects)所引起。然而,寄主植物與幼蟲的物候之間相關的程度,對許多在春季取食的昆蟲幼蟲而言,在生長與存活方面相當重要;推測物候上的吻合/不吻合所驅使的「莫倫效應」可能有如同步化的驅動者。作者選在北歐芬諾斯堪地亞的北方白樺木森林,分析由週期性的尺蛾幼蟲大發生所造成、與階段有關的( phase-dependent )空間動態,觀察期間為2000–2008之間最近幾次的大暴發。作者使用人造衛星產生的時間序列,比較蛾幼蟲造成的落葉傳染和整個地區生長季節開始初期,以調查落葉模式和大發生傳播之間的關係。此外,為了評估蛾與其寄主植物之間物候吻合的程度是否可能是「莫倫效應」背後的機制,作者測試在於落葉與生長季的初始之間、是否存在與階段有關的(phase-dependent )統一性在空間同步的樣式。區域空間同步落葉的強度與落葉傳播的樣式都和階段(phase)具有高度相關。與傳染階段和崩潰階段相較,大發生的初始階段具有極高地區性同步落葉和長距離傳播的特徵。落葉傳染的最佳描述模型是二尺度階層性的傳播模型,可能是由於落葉傳染受到兩種不同空間尺度的動力驅使。與階段有關的空間同步之樣式對落葉及生長季的開始,均具有統一性。此結果推測春季物候的時間對白樺林蛾類的大發生在大尺度的同步化上扮演了重要角色。AbstractClimatically driven Moran effects have often been invoked as the most likely cause of regionally synchronized outbreaks of insect herbivores without identifying the exact mechanism. However, the degree of match between host plant and larval phenology is crucial for the growth and survival of many spring-feeding pest insects, suggesting that a phenological match/mismatch-driven Moran effect may act as a synchronizing agent.We analyse the phase-dependent spatial dynamics of defoliation caused by cyclically outbreaking geometrid moths in northern boreal birch forest in Fennoscandia through the most recent massive outbreak (2000–2008). We use satellite-derived time series of the prevalence of moth defoliation and the onset of the growing season for the entire region to investigate the link between the patterns of defoliation and outbreak spread. In addition, we examine whether a phase-dependent coherence in the pattern of spatial synchrony exists between defoliation and onset of the growing season, in order to evaluate if the degree of matching phenology between the moth and their host plant could be the mechanism behind a Moran effect.The strength of regional spatial synchrony in defoliation and the pattern of defoliation spread were both highly phase-dependent. The incipient phase of the outbreak was characterized by high regional synchrony in defoliation and long spread distances, compared with the epidemic and crash phase. Defoliation spread was best described using a two-scale stratified spread model, suggesting that defoliation spread is governed by two processes operating at different spatial scale. The pattern of phase-dependent spatial synchrony was coherent in both defoliation and onset of the growing season. This suggests that the timing of spring phenology plays a role in the large-scale synchronization of birch forest moth outbreaks.
Figures 4-18. Adults (male and female if examined) of (4), (5) E. interruptalis; (6), (7) E. nymphaeata; (8), (9) E. difflualis; (10), (11) E. nigralbalis; (12), (13) E. manilensis; (14), (15) E. turbata; (16), (17) E. fengwhanalis; (18) E. orientalis.
Figures 19-30. Adults (male and female if examined) of (19), (20) E. sinicalis; (21), (22) E. miurai; (23), (24) E. nigrolinealis; (25) E. roesleri; (26), (27) E. separatalis; (28), (29) E. radiospinula sp. n.; (30) E. nuda sp. n.
文獻來源: Chen F, Wu C, Xue D. 2010. A review of the genus Elophila Hubner, 1822 in China (Lepidoptera: Crambidae: Acentropinae). Aquatic Insects 32(1): 35-60.
Fifteen species of the genus Elophila Huumlbner are recognised from China, including two new species described herein, namely E. radiospinula and E. nuda. The species E. melagynalis (Agassiz, 1978) from Fujian Province was a misidentification of Thysanoidma octalis Hampson, 1891 and its record in China is abolished. The species E. manilensis (Hampson, 1917), E. orientalis (Filipjev, 1933) and E. miurai Yoshiyasu, 1985 are reported for the first time in China. Descriptions of the genus and subgenera and a key to the Chinese species of Elophila are provided. The adults and the genital structures of all examined species are illustrated.
文獻來源:SH EBERHARD,AL HIKL,CL BOGGS, AND HW KRENN. 2009. Saliva or Regurgitated Nectar? What Heliconius Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) Use for Pollen Feeding. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 102(6): 1105-1108 [link]
人們已經知道新熱帶的Heliconius屬蝴蝶會攝取花粉以補充其以蜜源為主的菜單,他們從花 粉粒中得到蛋白質與氨基酸,伴隨著利用來源不明的液體以便攝入花粉的行為。由於解剖學上的證據顯示蝴蝶只能透過口器釋放出唾液或是反芻的花蜜,故此未知來 源的液體被假設來自上述兩者。在此研究的試驗一,作者取27隻 Heliconius melpomene (L.) 給予帶有紅色染劑染色的糖水,接著觀察他們排出以幫助攝食花粉的液體是否帶有紅色染劑。試驗二則將H. melpomene分為兩組,分別給予/不給予糖水,然後用蒸餾水洗淨其口器,再給予花粉粒般尺寸的玻璃小珠誘導其攝食花粉的行為,將被口器沾過的玻璃小珠以微量的蒸餾水浸潤沖洗,進行是否含有還原糖的檢測(利用aniline phthalate,可測葡萄糖、果糖,但對蔗糖不產生反應)。試驗三則在哥斯大黎加雨林中捕捉野生個體,測試其口器上是否有還原糖。結果發現,除了試驗二的第一組給予糖水的測試之外,在Heliconius的口器上無法測得還原糖,而在試驗一中吐出的液體為透明無色且甚至可在排遺露滴中觀察到紅色染劑的存在。試驗二第一組少數樣本的差異可能歸因於沾染糖水的足再次接觸接受蒸餾水洗淨的口器,因而造成誤差。因此作者的結論為本研究證明了Heliconius屬蝴蝶攝取花粉食輔助攝食的液體為他的唾液、而非反芻的糖蜜。
The Neotropical Heliconius butterflies are well known to supplement their nectar diet by active pollen collecting. They extract proteins and free amino acids from pollen grains, exhibiting a particular behavior that involves the use of a fluid of uncertain origin. It has been assumed that this fluid is either regurgitated nectar or saliva, because for anatomical reasons a butterfly is able to release only these two fluids through its proboscis. In an experimental approach, 27 individuals of Heliconius melpomene (L.) were given red-dyed sugar solution and subsequently we observed whether the fluid used in pollen feeding was dyed or not dyed. Because regurgitated nectar should contain sugar, fluid samples were taken from the proboscis of butterflies from natural populations in Costa Rica. Samples of 44 individuals from seven species were tested for the presence of fructose and glucose with the aid of aniline phthalate. This study is the first detailed investigation of the origin of the fluid used by Heliconius butterflies in pollen feeding. The results are discussed in terms of already existing hints in literature concerning the true nature of that fluid.
KEY WORDS: heliconiines, Laparus, sugar assay, nutritional ecology
[書名] Chrysartona Swinhoe, 1892 (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae, Procridinae)[作者] Efetov KA, Tarmann GM[年代] 2008[出版] Simferopol: CSMU Press[ISBN] 966-7348-23-7
內容如下:- Contribution to the Nolinae (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) fauna of North Thailand
- New Orthosiini (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Hadeninae) species and genera from the wide sense Himalayan region
- New Psaphidinae and Oncocnemidinae (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) species and genera from the wide sense Himalayan region
- New Xylenini (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Xyleninae) species and genera from the wide sense Himalayan region
- Revision of the genus Acontia Ochsenheimer, 1816 and the tribus Acontiini Guenée, 1841 (Old World) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Acontiinae)
- Catocala kaki ishizukai a new subspecies (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) from China
- Meharia yakovlevi, a new species (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from Yemen
- Wittocossus dellabrunai (Lepidoptera, Cossidae), a new species from China
- Mimeusemia morinakai Kishida, 1995 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Agaristinae) on Lombok with a Checklist of the Agaristinae of Sumatra, Java, Bali and Lombok
- Contribution to the knowledge of the Iranian Orthopteroid insects I.
- A new Euchloron megaera subspecies (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae), described from Yemen
- Über das Artenspektrum der Gattung Creatonotos Hübner, 1816 auf der Arabischen Halbinsel mit einer Revision der afrotropischen Creatonotos leucanioides Holland, 1893-Artengruppe (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Spilosominae)
- A hitherto overlooked species of Speiredonia Hübner, 1823 from Australia (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
[書名] Moths of Thailand Vol. 6, Arctiidae
[作者] Cerny K, Pinratana A
[年代] 2009 (September)
[出版] Brothers of Saint Gabriel in Thailand
[ISBN] 978-6-6-202-035-3
文獻來源:JM Norghauer, J Grogan, JR Malcolm, JM FelWli. 2010. Long-distance dispersal helps germinating mahogany seedlings escape defoliation by a specialist caterpillar. Oecologia 162:405–412. DOI 10.1007/s00442-009-1476-9
具有嚴格專一性的植食者或病原菌造成幼苗死亡與密度或距離變因有關,且可能會促進熱帶雨林樹種的高生物多樣性,然而目前證據不足。長久以來有許多假說試圖解 釋熱帶雨林具有高生物多樣性的原因,其中以天敵假說(Enemies hypothesis or Janzen-Connell hypothesis)最廣受討論。天敵假說認為愈接近母樹的區域,種子密度愈高,因此容易吸引大量天敵取食或攻擊,導致該處種子或幼苗死亡率高,此現象 稱為密度-距離依變效應(Density-distance dependent effect)。雖然鱗翅目幼蟲是森林中最豐富且對寄主植物最具專一性的類群,但是他們對幼苗造成的干擾仍未明瞭。即便指針對一個樹種,進行一個支持天敵 假說的可靠實驗也是困難的,因為這不只是處理種子、幼苗和記錄其結果而已。試驗測試還需要(1)一種已被鑑定的且具高度專一食性的植食性昆蟲,(2)該昆 蟲所取食且能在原處進行測量的食草樹種,與(3)對該多株該樹種的樹木進行多年的評估及確認。作者在此研究中呈現了新熱帶樹種-大葉桃花心木 (Swietenia macrophylla, Meliaceae)的新生小苗與一種夜蛾科幼蟲(Steniscadia poliophaea)之間在空間上的詳盡互動關係,該幼蟲專門取食大葉桃花心木的初生苗。試驗樣區位於巴西的熱帶森林的下層,結果顯示,由該種夜蛾科幼 蟲造成之幼苗被攻擊的比例、葉損失面積和幼苗死亡率之最高峰,均落在最接近母樹的樣點,且隨著距離母樹愈遠有顯著的下降,此結果與天敵假說吻合。作者的結 論是,大於50公尺的長距離傳播事件提供大葉桃花心木幼苗在早期的生存優勢,且鱗翅目幼蟲在天敵假說中扮演的媒介角色在熱帶森林中被低估了。
Abstract Herbivores and pathogens with acute host specificity may promote high tree diversity in tropical forests by causing distance- and density-dependent mortality of seedlings, but evidence is scarce. Although Lepidoptera larvae are the most abundant and host-specific guild of herbivores in these forests, their impact upon seedling distributions remains largely unknown. A firm test of the mechanism underpinning the Janzen–Connell hypothesis is difficult, even for a single tree species, because it requires more than just manipulating seeds and seedlings and recording their fates. Experimental tests require: (1) an insect herbivore that is identified and highly specialised, (2) linkage to an in situ measure (or prevention) of herbivory, and (3) evaluation and confirmation among many conspecific adult trees across years. Here we present experimental evidence for a spatially explicit interaction between newly germinating seedlings of a Neotropical emergent tree, big leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla, Meliaceae), and caterpillars of a noctuid moth (Steniscadia poliophaea). In the understory of a southeastern Amazon forest, the proportion of attacks, leaf area lost, and seedling mortality due to this specialised herbivore peaked near Swietenia trees, but declined significantly with increasing distance from mature fruiting trees, as predicted by the Janzen–Connell hypothesis. We conclude that long-distance dispersal events (>50 m) provided an early survival advantage for Swietenia seedlings, and propose that the role of larval Lepidoptera as Janzen– Connell vectors may be underappreciated in tropical forests.