2012年3月19日 星期一


文獻來源: Wang S, Zhang L, Wang J. 2012. Four new species of the genus Casmara Walker, 1863 (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) from China. Zootaxa 3239: 58-63.

Four new species of the genus Casmara Walker are described based on specimens collected in China: C. quadrilatera sp. nov., C. acantha sp. nov., C. longiclavata sp. nov., and C. aduncata sp. nov. Illustrations of the adults and male genitalia are provided.

其中Casmara acantha之副模標本由王效岳於1995年所採集, 而Casmara longiclavata之正模標本採自台中八仙山. 兩個新種皆分布於台灣與中國.