2019年9月12日 星期四


文獻來源:Wu, S., M. Owada and M. Wang. 2019. Review of Cidariplura Butler, 1879 (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Herminiinae). Part 1: the Cidariplura gladiata species complex. Zootaxa 4668 (4): 489–502.

棕胸鬚裳蛾(Cidariplura gladiata Butler, 1879)爲胸鬚裳蛾屬(Cidariplura Butler, 1879)的模式種,此文章處理與此種有關共六個種的分類議題。除分布於臺灣中海拔特有的酋胸鬚裳蛾(C. maraho Wu & Owada, 2013)外,棕胸鬚裳蛾與其他四種分別共域分布,包含中國廣東南嶺新種南嶺胸鬚裳蛾(C. nanling Wu, Owada & Wang, 2019)、四川新種瀘定胸鬚裳蛾(C. luding Wu, Owada & Wang, 2019)、臺灣與中國華南新種哈盆胸鬚裳蛾(C. hbun Wu, Owada & Wang, 2019; 正模產地為福山植物園)以及臺灣低海拔特有種山美胸鬚裳蛾(C. shanmeii Wu & Owada, 2013)。後兩者於臺灣共域分布、後翅臀角區皆有明顯黃斑,而山美胸鬚裳蛾所指定模式系列標本混有哈盆胸鬚裳蛾,於本文章釐清此問題。


The generic type species Cidariplura gladiata Butler, 1879 and its allies of the genus Cidariplura Butler, 1879 are reviewed. In total, there are seven recognized species ranging from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Vietnam; and we provide descriptions of three new species: C. nanling sp. nov., C. luding sp. nov., C. hbun sp. nov.. The species C. shanmeii Wu & Owada, 2013 is re-described since the type series was the existence of specimens belonging to both C. shanmeii and C. hbun. Key to all belonging species is given.

2019年8月8日 星期四


文獻來源:Owada, M. & S. Wu. 2019. Study on moths of the Herminia decipiens complex (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Herminiinae) with descriptions of three new species. Zootaxa 4652 (3): 579–590.

裳蛾科毛足裳蛾亞科的短斑簞鬚裳蛾(Herminia decipiens (Hampson, 1898))種群廣泛分布於東方區,據Holloway(2008)的處理將所有地理分布類群視為同種,然亦提出種群內分類地位仍須檢討。本文章透過解剖大量不同地區與分布限界標本,釐清種群內物種的劃定與描述三新種:短斑簞鬚裳蛾分佈於印度大部分區域,延伸至馬來半島與中國南部,新種域鬆簞鬚裳蛾(H. yuksam Owada & Wu, 2019)分布於尼泊爾東部與印度錫金、婆羅洲簞鬚裳蛾(H. borneo Owada & Wu, 2019)分布於婆羅洲、新種奄美簞鬚裳蛾(H. amamioshima Owada & Wu, 2019)分布於日本奄美大島嶼下甑島,臺灣族群過去由Wileman描述為 Nodaria terminalis Wileman, 1915,於此恢復種級地位並確認為特有種,建議中文名為臺灣簞鬚裳蛾(H. terminalis)。

Asian herminiine moths of the Herminia decipiens complex are revised and five allopatric species are recognized, i.e. Herminia decipiens (Hampson, 1898) in Nilgiri Hills, Khasi Hills, South China, Indochina, Malay Peninsula, H. terminalis (Wileman, 1915) in Taiwan, H. yuksam sp. nov. in East Nepal, Sikkim, H. borneo sp. nov. in Borneo and H. amamioshima sp. nov. in Amami-oshima Is., Shimo-Koshikijima Is. and South Kyushu (Kagoshima). Key to all species is given.

2019年3月5日 星期二


文獻來源:Wu, S and Z. B. Xie. 2019. On the clarification of the species identity of Peratophyga Warren, 1894 of Taiwan, with description of a new subspecies (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Ennominae). Tinea 24 (4): 226-232.

枝尺蛾亞科晶尺蛾屬(Peratophyga Warren, 1894)為一分布於東南亞與東亞的小類群,近期由Jiang et al. (2012)回顧中國與臺灣分類群並紀錄此屬物種數達17種。臺灣過往僅知一物種,經本研究確認歷來記載此種的四個學名皆為誤鑑定,而應為亦分布於日本與中國的P. grata (Butler, 1879)。又據不同產地個體的比較,台灣個體相較原名亞種與亞種P. g. totifasciata Wehrli, 1923其翅展寬度較長,且據雌生殖器與幼生期形態的差異而描述為臺灣特有亞種P. grata stuningi Wu & Xie, 2019,亞種名獻名給研究東方區尺蛾的知名德國分類學者 Dr. Dieter Stuning,物種建議中文名為寬晶尺蛾。此屬過往寄主紀錄僅有日本產寬晶尺蛾原名亞種於1927年被記錄取食金絲桃科金絲梅(Hypericum patulum),本研究之第二作者確認寬晶尺蛾臺灣亞種取食同屬的雙花金絲桃(H. geminiflorum)。

The present study deals with the taxonomic identity of the Peratophyga Warren, 1894 taxon of Taiwan. After type examination and comparative study, the Taiwanese taxon is proved to belong to P. grata (Butler, 1879) but is somewhat different to the nominate subspecies and subspecies totifasciata Wehrli, 1923 in China based on the slight larger wingspan size, the features of female genitalia and known larvae. The new Taiwanese endemic subspecies, P. grata stuningi ssp. nov., is described.

2019年2月13日 星期三


[文獻出處] Wu, S. and S. H. Yen. 2019. Evaluating the generic definition of Lithopolia Yoshimoto, 1993 with a description of one new species of Taiwan (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae, Orthosiini). Zootaxa 4555 (3): 425–432.

夜蛾科夜蛾亞科中的盜夜蛾屬群(Egira Duponchel, 1845 group)是一個包含七個屬級與約44物種的分類群。過往由於文獻並未給定各屬分別的共衍徵與明確鑑識依據,故屬群內仍有不少待釐清議題。本研究針對採於臺灣的屬群內新種進行屬級判定,認為新種與過往描述產自泰國北部的Egira phahompoki Hreblay & Ronkay, 1999應都需歸屬於貍夜蛾屬(Lithopolia Yoshimoto, 1993),並提出此屬共衍徵為交尾囊上無其他屬群內常見的縱向條狀囊片。臺灣新種描述為 L. tadaokanoi Wu & Yen, 2019,種小名獻名給日治時期知名博物學家鹿野忠雄,物種中文名為忠雄貍夜蛾,模式產地為觀霧山區,亦分布於梅峰山區。此外轉至貍夜蛾屬的 L. phahompoki則首次紀錄亦分布於中國西部四川山區,中文名引其種小名即泰國一山名 Doi Phahompok而為法洪波山貍夜蛾。

The present study evaluates the relationships among the Orthosiini genus Lithopolia Yoshimoto, 1993 and its related genera in Egira Duponchel, 1845 group. We propose the absence of signum on corpus bursae can be regarded as the synapomorphic character of Lithopolia. Based on this character, we transfer Egira phahompoki Hreblay & Ronkay, 1999 of N. Thailand (type locality) and W. China (new record) to Lithopolia (comb. nov.) and describe a closely related new species, L. tadaokanoi sp. nov., from Taiwan. The inner relationship of Lithopolia is also discussed.

2018年9月25日 星期二

台灣新紀錄屬薄翅秋葉尺蛾屬(Pseudepione)與一新種中島薄翅秋葉尺蛾(P. nakajimai)之描述

[文獻來源] Wu, S. 2018. Discovery of the genus Pseudepione Inoue, 1943 in Taiwan, with description of a new species (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Ennominae). Zootaxa 4486 (1): 96–100.

薄翅秋葉尺蛾屬(Pseudepione)為一過去僅知分布於日本、韓國與中國江西的分類群,過去已知僅兩個物種,成蟲侷限發生於秋季。經近年台灣蛾類相的基礎調查發現此屬亦分布於台灣,台灣標本經與已知兩物種比對確認為新種,新種種小名nakajimai獻名給對此屬幼生期有深入研究,且對台灣秋冬尺蛾相有重要貢獻的日本尺蛾專家中島秀雄博士(Dr. Hideo Nakajima)。近年來的數篇尺蛾科、枝尺蛾亞科高階親緣關係研究皆為取樣此屬,而經本研究檢視標本,確認此屬具有枝尺蛾亞科中獨特的特徵組合:前翅無翅窩(fovea)、腹部第三腹板無鱗片叢、雄性生殖器不具有顎形突(gnathos)、背兜側突(socii)與味刷(cormata),因此此屬的親緣關係有待未來進一步研究。台灣新種之正模式與部分副模式標本((產地為台東向陽山區))為中央研究院生物多樣性中心與成功大學生命科學系團隊執行巨觀生態學計畫時於採獲並存放於中央研究院動物標本館,為該館首批蛾類模式標本,其餘模式系列標本存放於林業試驗所與傅建明老師蒐藏。

2018年6月12日 星期二


文獻來源:Wu, S. and W. C. Chang. 2018. Revising the generic characters of Lobogonodes Bastelberger, 1909, with description of a new species from Taiwan (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Larentiinae). Zootaxa 4433 (3): 434–444.

角尺蛾屬為東方區尺蛾科波尺蛾亞科的類群,過去已知六個種。本研究經重新評估屬級特徵,確認此屬之雄蟲生殖器共衍徵:下匙形突骨化、陽端基環與橫帶片呈U形連結、囊形突朝前方突出。此外,本研究重新評估屬內分類群身份,將原本視為日本、韓國產合角尺蛾 L. complicata (Butler, 1879)的台灣特有亞種 dactylotypa Prout, 1940處理為獨立種四線角尺蛾L. dactylotypa,並描述一產於台灣苗栗觀霧與南投塔塔加山區石山的新種煦岫角尺蛾 L. shiushioui,新種之近緣種為日本、韓國與俄羅斯產的 L. erectaria (Leech, 1897)。

The present study re-assesses the characters of the Oriental genus Lobogonodes Bastelberger, 1909 based on all 8 species, including the newly described L. shiushioui sp. nov. and the distinct species L. dactylotypa Prout, 1940 stat. rev.. Three synapomorphic characters based on the male genitalia are proposed: the presence of a sclerotized subscaphium, the U-shaped connection between the juxta and anellus lobe and the saccus process pointed anteriorly. A new key to the species in this genus is provided.

2018年4月6日 星期五


文獻來源:Description of a new Dypna species in Taiwan (Notodontidae: Spataliinae: Ceirini) with taxonomic notes on some broad sense Bireta species. Tinea 24(2): 109-113. 

舟蛾科禾舟蛾亞科是一群大多成蟲體色黃色調而幼蟲主要取食禾本科的類群,由於這類群外觀大多相似但生殖器形態多樣,過往不同學者對其分類體系的屬級定義與屬級物種多樣性看法不一,其中對廣義的禾舟蛾屬(Bireta sensu lato)的觀點最不一致。

本研究為了釐清一台灣產禾舟蛾類新分類群的屬級地位與其近緣種關係,回顧廣義禾舟蛾屬在Schintlmeister (2008)歐亞大陸舟蛾科誌的形態特徵以及Kobayashi與Nonaka(2016)的舟蛾科分子親緣關係。本研究重新定義包含䓢舟蛾(Cutuza)與荻舟蛾(Dypna)枝系的共衍徵為拱狀的軛片(juxta),而此兩屬可由抱器(valva)不同的骨化突起部位作區分。

基於上述形態特徵評估,台灣產新分類群為一荻舟蛾屬之特有新種宇老荻舟蛾 D. yulaonensis Wu & Lai, 2018,其近緣種為由禾舟蛾屬轉置荻舟蛾屬之兩雲南產物種:D. sicarius (Schintlmeister, 2008)與D. parricidae (Schintlmeister, 2008)。

Dypna rapinae (Schintlmeister, 2008) (Bireta) 新組合名
Dypna extortor (Schintlmeister, 2008) (Bireta) 新組合名
Dypna theodosius (Schintlmeister, 1997) (Torigea) 新組合名
Dypna theodosius felicitas (Schintlmeister, 2008) (Bireta) 新組合名
Dypna dorsisuffusa (Kiriakoff, 1962) (Bireta) 新組合名
Cutuza formosana (Nakamura, 1973) (Torigea) 新組合名,台灣特有種,新倡議俗名:台灣䓢舟蛾

Torigea fortis Kobayashi & Kishida, 2008
Mangea gemina Kishida & Kobayashi, 2004 台灣特有種,建議俗名:雙星繁花舟蛾

A new notodontid species of the genus Dypna Kiriakoff, 1962, D. yulaonensis sp. nov. is described from Taiwan, with the taxonomic notes on some broad sense Bireta species in the tribe Ceirini of subfamily Spataliinae. The arciform juxta is regarded as the synapomorphic character of Cutuza and Dypna clade, the heterogeneous sclerotized projection of valva can be adopted to separate these two genera. Totally eight new recombinations are proposed, i.e. Dypna rapinae (Schintlmeister, 2008), comb. nov., D. sicarius (Schintlmeister, 2008), comb. nov., D. parricidae (Schintlmeister, 2008), comb. nov., D. extortor (Schintlmeister, 2008), comb. nov., D. theodosius (Schintlmeister, 1997), comb. nov., D. theodosius felicitas (Schintlmeister, 2008), comb. nov., D. dorsisuffusa (Kiriakoff, 1962), comb. nov., C. formosana (Nakamura, 1973), comb. nov. The species Torigea fortis Kobayashi & Kishida, 2008 and Mangea gemina Kishida & Kobayashi, 2004 are transferred back into their original genus, respectively, from Bireta sensu Schintlmeister, 2008 (comb. rev.).