2008年12月23日 星期二


一部非常有野心的出版計畫, 由匈牙利自然史博物館所執行, 德國幕尼黑Witt Museum所出資. 預計以25年的時間為歐亞大陸與北非的夜蛾科(廣義)物種出版約60冊的單行本. 每一個物種皆含描述與詳細的照片與繪圖. 官方網頁於此, 請參考其編輯出版進程以及訂購方式.

The Families of Malesian Moths and Butterflies可於Google books預覽

一本貴三三但是又頗重要的書, 現在可由google books預覽囉.

2008年12月16日 星期二


中國著名蝶類與昆蟲學者周堯教授, 於2008年12月15日晚間7:40分病逝, 享年98歲. 相關新聞請見新華網報導.

2008年12月2日 星期二

Mutualistic Interactions Drive Ecological Niche Convergence in a Diverse Butterfly Community

Open Access

Mutualistic Interactions Drive Ecological Niche Convergence in a Diverse Butterfly Community

Marianne Elias1,2*, Zachariah Gompert3, Chris Jiggins2, Keith Willmott4

1 Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 23 Department of Botany, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, United States of America, 4 McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, United States of America Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom,

Ecological communities are structured in part by evolutionary interactions among their members. A number of recent studies incorporating phylogenetics into community ecology have upheld the paradigm that competition drives ecological divergence among species of the same guild. However, the role of other interspecific interactions, in particular positive interactions such as mutualism, remains poorly explored. We characterized the ecological niche and inferred phylogenetic relationships among members of a diverse community of neotropical Müllerian mimetic butterflies. Müllerian mimicry is one of the best studied examples of mutualism, in which unpalatable species converge in wing pattern locally to advertize their toxicity to predators. We provide evidence that mutualistic interactions can drive convergence along multiple ecological axes, outweighing both phylogeny and competition in shaping community structure. Our findings imply that ecological communities are adaptively assembled to a much greater degree than commonly suspected. In addition, our results show that phenotype and ecology are strongly linked and support the idea that mimicry can cause ecological speciation through multiple cascading effects on species' biology.

Funding. This work was funded by the Royal Society (UK), the Leverhulme Trust F/00158/AK, F/09 364F (UK), and the National Science Foundation DEB 0103746 (USA).

Competing interests. The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Academic Editor: Anurag Agrawal, Cornell University, United States of America

Citation: Elias M, Gompert Z, Jiggins C, Willmott K (2008) Mutualistic Interactions Drive Ecological Niche Convergence in a Diverse Butterfly Community. PLoS Biol 6(12): e300 doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060300

Received: July 24, 2008; Accepted: October 22, 2008; Published: December 2, 2008

Copyright: © 2008 Elias et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: melias2008@gmail.com

2008年10月6日 星期一

[Article]Phylogenetic relationships of Holarctic Teleiodini (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) based on analysis of morphological and molecular data

Phylogenetic relationships of Holarctic Teleiodini (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) based on analysis of morphological and molecular data


Source: Systematic Entomology, Volume 33, Number 4, October 2008 , pp. 595-612(18)

Publisher: Blackwell Publishing

Abstract: Phylogenetic relationships of 25 genera of Holarctic Teleiodini (Gelechiidae) are postulated based on morphology and molecular characters, including CO-I, CO-II, and 28S genes. The phylogenetic analysis of the morphology matrix yielded four equal most-parsimonious trees (length 330 steps, CI = 0.36, RI = 0.55) and a strict consensus tree (length 335 steps, CI = 0.36, RI = 0.54) with one polytomy and one trichotomy. The phylogenetic analysis of the combined morphology and CO-I + CO-II + 28S matrices yielded two equally most-parsimonious trees (length 1184 steps, CI = 0.50, RI = 0.42) and a strict consensus tree (length 1187 steps, CI = 0.50, RI = 0.42) that reinforced results from the morphological analysis and resolved the one polytomy present in the morphology consensus tree. Teleiodini are defined as a monophyletic clade with a Bremer support value greater than 5 in the consensus tree based on morphological and molecular data. Twenty-three clades of genera are defined with Bremer support values provided. An analysis of larval host-plant preferences based on the consensus tree for combined data indicates derivation of feeding on woody hosts from genera feeding on herbaceous hosts and a single origin of feeding on coniferous hosts. An area cladogram indicates five independent origins of Nearctic genera from Holarctic ancestors and one origin from a Palearctic genus.

[Article]Widespread decoupling of mtDNA variation and species integrity in Grammia tiger moths

Widespread decoupling of mtDNA variation and species integrity in Grammia tiger moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)


Source: Systematic Entomology, Volume 33, Number 4, October 2008 , pp. 613-634(22)

Publisher: Blackwell Publishing

Abstract: We investigate the diversity of the North American tiger moth genus Grammia Rambur (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) by comparing mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) `barcode' fragments of cytochrome oxidase I with non-molecular characters such as morphology, ecology, behaviour and distribution. Mitochondrial DNA genealogy is strikingly at odds with morpho-species taxonomy for most of the 28 sampled species, as haplotypic polyphyly not only is taxonomically widespread, but involves multiple shared haplotypes among two to four species. Morpho-ecological traits show that those species sharing haplotypes are often not closely related. Furthermore, high mtDNA divergences occur within species. Haplotypic variation is highly discordant with species taxonomy, but variation at a continental scale reveals significant geographic structuring of haplogroups, transcending morpho-species boundaries. A nested clade analysis and comparison of non-molecular with mtDNA data indicate that most discordance between mtDNA and taxonomy in Grammia is explained best by taxonomically and geographically widespread ongoing hybridization events resulting in mtDNA introgression. We hypothesize that broad areas of sympatry, interspecifically compatible genitalic structure, and species overlap in pheromone components facilitate hybridization, with disparate interspecies abundances promoting mitochondrial introgression. The molecular evolution of Grammia challenges the view that interspecific gene exchange occurs rarely and is restricted to recently diverged species. These results show the value of mtDNA in detecting cryptic hybridization, while highlighting the inherent dangers of drawing taxonomic conclusions based solely on mtDNA. Widespread decoupling of mtDNA variation and species integrity in Grammia tiger moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

[Article]Molecular phylogenetics of heliothine moths

Molecular phylogenetics of heliothine moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Heliothinae), with comments on the evolution of host range and pest status
Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 675K)

Source: Systematic Entomology, Volume 33, Number 4, October 2008 , pp. 581-594(14)

Abstract: The Heliothinae are a cosmopolitan subfamily of about 365 species that include some of the world's most injurious crop pests. This study re-assesses evolutionary relationships within heliothines, providing an improved phylogeny and classification to support ongoing intensive research on heliothine genomics, systematics, and biology. Our phylogeny estimate is based on two nuclear gene regions, namely elongation factor-1α (EF-1α; 1240 bp) and dopa decarboxylase (DDC; 687 bp), and on the barcoding region of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI; 708 bp), providing a total of 2635 bp. These were sequenced for 71 heliothines, representing all major genera and nearly all recognized subgenera and species groups, and for 16 outgroups representing all major lineages of trifine Noctuidae. Analysis of the combined data by maximum likelihood, unweighted parsimony and Bayesian methods gave nearly identical topologies, and the individual gene trees showed only one case of potentially strong conflict. Relationships among genera and subgenera are resolved with strong bootstrap support. The earliest-diverging lineages (c. 200 species in total) consist almost entirely of host specialists, reflecting the inferred ancestral heliothine host range under parsimony. The remaining species form a clade - the Heliothis group - that includes most of the polyphages (30% of heliothines) and all of the major pests. Many other species in the Heliothis group, however, are host specialists. Our results extend previous efforts to subdivide this large clade, and show the most notorious pest groups, the corn earworm complex (Helicoverpa) and the tobacco budworm (Heliothis virescens) group, to be closely related, joining with a small oligophagous genus in what we term the major-pest lineage. Thus, genomic/experimental results from one model pest may extrapolate well to other pest species. The frequency of evolutionary expansion and contraction in host range appears to increase dramatically at the base of the Heliothis group, in contrast to the case for earlier-diverging lineages. We ascribe this difference provisionally to differential evolutionary constraints arising from contrasting life-history syndromes. Host-specific behaviour and crypsis, coupled with low fecundity and vagility, may discourage host-range expansion in earlier-diverging lineages. By contrast, in the Heliothis group, the absence of host-specific traits, coupled with high vagility and fecundity, may more readily permit expansion or contraction of the host range in response to varying ecological pressures such as host species abundance or differential competition and predation.

2008年10月3日 星期五

Lepidoptera Larval Morphology Symposium at ESA 2008

Lepidoptera Larval Morphology Symposium at ESA 2008

LepTree is sponsoring a symposium entitled “Lepidopteran Larvae: Biology and Morphology” at the Entomological Society of America Meetings in Reno November 19 from 1-3:30 pm. Organized by John Brown, Don Davis and Susan Weller, this symposium will highlight current larval research from several lab groups in a series of four 20-25 minute talks. After the talks we will present an introduction to LepTree.net, and we will have computers available for hands-on demonstrations and guided exploration of the website. At this time LepTree developers will be able to talk with individuals and lab groups about contributing content to the growing LepTree.net resource. There will be a signup to encourage and facilitate those interested in adding species and higher level taxon descriptions, glossary entries, and character sets to the databank. Although the workshop officially ends at 3:30, the room and computers will be available until 5:00pm so those who would like to are welcome to stay on and navigate LepTree.net with us.

Symposium Schedule
1:00 PM Introductory Remarks.

1:05 PM Don Davis Morphology and biology of larval Micropterigidae and leaf-mining Lepidoptera.
1:50 PM J Brown and TM Gilligan An overview of larval morphology of "advanced" microlepidoptera...but mostly Tortricidae.
2:20 PM MA Solis Snout moth caterpillars (Lepidoptera:Pyraloidea) eat wax, feces, or just plain plants - Yikes!: What do they look like?
2:40 PM F. Vegliante The glands of lepidopteran larvae.
3:10 PM Discussion.
3:20 PM Concluding Remarks.

2008年9月22日 星期一


著名日本蝶類研究者五十嵐邁博士於2008年4月逝世於東京. 其訃文訊息刊登於產經新聞. 五十嵐博士畢生致力於鳳蝶總科系統學之建立, 尤其是喙鳳蝶等稀有蝶類之幼期特徵發掘. 五十嵐博士對台灣蝶學之貢獻亦極為卓著.

2008年9月8日 星期一

[Article] Revision of the Micronoctuidae (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea). Part 2, Taxonomy of the Belluliinae, Magninae, and Parachrostiinae

Zootaxa 1867: 1-136 (3 Sep. 2008) 28 plates; 15 references Accepted: 30 Jun. 2008
Revision of the Micronoctuidae (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea). Part 2, Taxonomy of the Belluliinae, Magninae, and Parachrostiinae
Abstract & excerpt (PDF; 20KB) free | Full article (PDF; 2840KB)
subscription required

所謂的微夜蛾科(Micronoctuidae)是一個在2005年突然被建立的一個新科. 這個新科被建置的目的乃是為了置放過去屬於燈蛾, 夜蛾, 瘤蛾以及其它夜蛾總科類群的"微小種類". 然而即始是原作者Michael Fibiger或Donald Lafontaine都未能說明這個新科的單系性如何能夠被穩固地確認, 又為何它是真夜蛾科(Noctuidae)的姐妹群? 此篇文章包含了大量描述自台灣的新分類群. 茲羅列如下:
Taiwani yoshimotoi
Taiwani imperator
Taiwani albipuncta
Taiwani bialbipuncta
Duplex septemtria
Bellulia lacii
Bellulia konoenkoi
Digita biuncys
Digita ampullai
Parachrostia yoshimotoi
其中Taiwani albipuncta為A.E. Wileman採自關仔嶺並發表在Eublemma屬中的舊種, 在此文章中被轉移自Taiwani這個新屬. Taiwani也是除了Taiwania外唯一以台灣單詞為語源的新屬名.

2008年8月26日 星期二


創立著名的Endless Collection的東京昆蟲收藏家遠藤俊次 (Toshitsugu Endo)於2008年8月17日病逝於東京, 享年61歲. 遠藤先生之本業為出版印刷業, 但早於青少年時期便對昆蟲產生濃厚之興趣, 因此在1990年代開始創立ESI (Endless Science Information)公司發行一系列的昆蟲圖鑑. 其中以日行性的蛾類一書最受人矚目.

2008年8月5日 星期二

[Conference]The 2nd ALCS

Dear Friends

We are cordially inviting you to the 2nd Asian Lepidoptera Conservation Symposium (ALCS) which will be held in the sunny and beautiful tropical Island of Penang, Malaysia from 24th to 28th November 2008. This forthcoming symposium aims to review the conservation status of butterflies and moths in the region and addressing the challenges faced by Lepidopterists.

With the theme of “Conservation of Lepidoptera through Education and Research”, the symposium will provide the latest findings and research work of top experts in the Lepidoptera industry with the focus on the following core themes:

· Identifying the Asian Lepidoptera status and its needs
· Lepidoptera Research and Info Sharing
· Education towards Lepidoptera Conservation
· Global / Asian Lepidopteran Trend

The following are our key speakers and speakers:

Key Speakers

· Dr. Jeremy D. Holloway (The Natural History Museum, London, UK)
· Dr. Peggie Djunijanti (Museum Zoologi, Bogor, Indonesia)
· Dr. Isaac Kehimkar (General Manager, Bombay Natural History Society, India)
· Dr. Daniel, Bexell-Ayyachamy (Zoo Outreach Organisation, India)


· Prof. Li Hou Hun (College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, China)
· Dr. Laurence G. Kirton (FRIM, Malaysia)
· Dr. Kodi Isparan Kandasamy (Senior Scientist, FRIM, Malaysia)
· Dr. Henry Barlow (Member of IUCN/SSC; Lepidopterist)
· Dr. Roger C. Kendrick (Senior Conservation Officer, Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden, Hong Kong)
· Dr. Victor Wu Yun (Kunming Expo, Yunnan, China)
· Mr Simon Chen (Chairman of Butterfly Group, Nature Society Of Singapore)
· Mr Gan CW (Vice Chairman of Butterfly Group, Nature Society Of Singapore)
· Ms Wu I Hsin (Curator, Animal Department, Taipei Zoo, Taiwan)

Other highlights of the symposium programme include:

· Close to Nature & Conservation Related Excursions:
- Penang Butterfly Farm's Breeding Facilities
- Penang National Park (habitat of 50+ species of butterflies)
- Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve (one of the world's best managed mangrove forests)
- Taiping Zoo & Taiping Lake Garden

- Georgetown City Heritage Tour (UNESCO World Heritage Site)
· Largest networking session in 2008 with international experts of the Lepidoptera scene
· A concurrent “Butterfly Awareness Conservation Week” campaign held at Penang Butterfly Farm

To obtain more information or register for the symposium, please visit our website at
http://www.butterfly-insect.com/alcs2008/ . Early bird registration is by 15 August 2008.

Your attendance will certainly make valuable significance towards the success of the 2nd Asian Lepidoptera Conservation Symposium. I look forward to receiving your positive reply.

Sincerely yours

David Goh
Chairman of the 2nd Asian Lepidoptera Conservation Symposium

2008年8月3日 星期日




  • 作者:詹家龍
  • 出版社:晨星
  • 出版日期:2008年07月01日
  • 語言:繁體中文 ISBN:9789861771960
  • 裝訂:平裝
  • 定價:550 優惠價:79435
  • 優惠期限:2008 年 08 月 15 日止





● 蝶道謎蹤──

● 世界兩大越冬蝶谷──

● 斑蝶的生態觀察──





  • 叢書系列:生態館
  • 規格:平裝 / 384頁 / 16*22.5cm / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

2008年7月18日 星期五

[Article]Classification, nomenclature and identification of lime swallowtail butterflies: a post-cladistic analysis (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)

Systematics and Biodiversity (2008), 6:175-203 Cambridge University Press
Copyright © The Natural History Museum 2008

Research Article

Classification, nomenclature and identification of lime swallowtail butterflies: a post-cladistic analysis (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)

Campbell R. Smitha1 c1 and Richard I. Vane-Wrighta1a2
a1 Department of Entomology, the Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK
a2 Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology, Department of Anthropology, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7NR, UK
Article author query
smith cr PubMed Google Scholar
vane-wright ri PubMed Google Scholar


The taxonomy of the five species of ‘lime swallowtails’ of the Papilio demoleus group (P. demoleus, P. demodocus, P. erithonioides, P. grosesmithi, and P. morondavana) is re-examined. Sixty morphological characters are described, scored and illustrated based on features of the wings, antennae, and male and female genitalia. The results of cladistic analyses of these data are described and discussed in the light of a previous collaborative study that combined this morphological data set with DNA sequence data. While it is confirmed that the lime swallowtails form a monophyletic group, the internal relationships of the group, and the relationships of the group with other members of the genus, have yet to be established with any certainty. This implies that the current subgeneric classification of Papilio must be considered highly provisional. Dichotomous keys to the species and subspecies based on adults, together with a synonymic checklist, are presented. Implications of the current, possibly anthropogenic spread of two subspecies, P. d. demoleus and P. d. malayanus, are discussed. The nominal taxa P. demoleus flavosignatus Heydemann and P. demoleus libanius Fruhstorfer are both formally synonymised with P. demoleus demoleus (synn. nov.). Five on-line appendices accompany the paper. Appendix I gives full nomenclatural information, including diagnoses, synonyms and type data, for each species and subspecies. Lectotypes are designated here for 6 of the 20 nominal species-group taxa included in the lime swallowtails: Papilio morondavana Grose-Smith, P. grosesmithi Rothschild, P. erithonioides Grose-Smith, P. erithonius malayanus Wallace, P. demoleus novoguineensis Rothschild, and P. demoleus pictus Fruhstorfer. Type material or putative type material is located for the remaining nominal taxa, with the exception of P. erithoniusP. epius Fabricius, P. demoleus flovosignatus Heydemann and P. sthenelus Macleay. Appendix II presents a history of the application and misapplication of the names Papilio demodocus and Papilio demoleus, respectively, to the common afrotropical and oriental pest species. Appendix III summarises known distribution and natural history of the species and subspecies. The male and female genitalia of the various out-group species, as examined during this study, are described in Appendix IV. Appendix V provides an index to the principal entries for lime swallowtail taxa, including synonyms and infrasubspecific names. The five on-line appendices are completed by a comprehensive bibliography covering the entire work.

Key Words: higher-classification; species; subspecies; lectotype designations; type material; new synonymy; Papilio demoleus; P. demodocus; P. erithonioides; P. grosesmithi; P. morondavana; keys; distribution; natural history


c1 Corresponding author. Email: crs@nhm.ac.uk

2008年7月16日 星期三


赤腳踩死毛毛蟲 加女子10天後死亡 2008-07-16

加拿大一組醫師,在加拿大醫藥協會期刊中刊登出這名女子去年因赤腳踩死毛毛蟲大量出血死亡的案例,希望能引起醫學界注意。 根據他們的描述,這名女子當時踩死毛毛蟲時,立刻感覺腳底有灼熱和劇痛,之後蔓延到大腿。但由於腳痛和頭痛在之後的12小時內逐漸減輕,她因此並沒有再去醫院看醫生。 但當她回到加拿大後,又感到不適,才再去就醫。 醫生們診斷後認為跟毛毛蟲的毒液有關。緊急安排從南美洲運送血清來拯救中毒的女子,但血清48小時後才送達,中毒女子卻已經不幸身亡。 驗屍結果顯示,這名女子死於多重器官衰竭。 加一婦女因赤腳踩毛毛蟲中毒身亡

加拿大亞伯達省愛民頓市一組醫師,今天在加拿大醫藥協會期刊中刊登一篇有關一名亞伯達省婦女因赤腳踩死毛毛蟲大量出血死亡的案例,希望能引起醫界人士注意。 死亡婦女年二十二歲,去年赴秘魯東北部旅遊。她在旅遊時,曾赤腳踩死五隻毛毛蟲。結果十天後即毒發身亡。 期刊文章指出,死亡婦女當時踩死毛毛蟲時,立刻感覺腳底有灼熱似的劇痛,之後蔓延至大腿部位。該名婦女腳底的疼痛在走路時尤為劇烈。該名婦女的足痛及隨後併發的頭痛在之後的十二小時內逐漸減輕,她因此並未去醫療。 但當她回到加拿大後,又感不適,於是到愛民頓市亞伯達大學附屬醫院治療。醫生發現她腿部多處出現菸紫。 醫生們在網上資料庫搜尋後,發現這名婦女的症狀似乎與毛毛蟲的毒液有關。毛毛蟲釋放出的毒液可以造成人類大量出血。亞伯達大學附屬醫院醫師確定婦女病因後,立刻詢問巴西的醫生,徵詢他們的意見。 加拿大醫生最後安排從南美洲運血清至愛民頓,拯救中毒的婦女,但血清四十八小時後才抵達愛民頓,中毒婦女已不幸身亡。

註: 根據加拿大Alberta大學的研究報告, 該毛毛蟲應該是天蠶蛾科Lonomia obliqua的幼蟲, 該種幼蟲所造成之過敏可引發出血性腎衰竭.

2008年7月11日 星期五

[Article]Seven new species and a checklist of the genus Thecobathra Meyrick from China (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae)

Zootaxa 1821: 13-24 (11 Jul. 2008) 4 plates; 17 references Accepted: 11 Jun. 2008
Seven new species and a checklist of the genus Thecobathra Meyrick from China (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae)
Ximei Fan, Qing Jin & Houhun Li (P.R. China)

Abstract & excerpt (PDF; 20KB) free | Full article (PDF; 320KB)

此文描述兩種台灣產小白巢蛾屬的新種, 分別為毛瓣小白巢蛾Thecobathra basilobata以及裸瓣小白巢蛾T. partinuda. 兩者之模式產地接為台中八仙山.

2008年7月8日 星期二

[Article] The genus Ashinaga Matsumura, 1929 and its position in the classification of the gelechioid moths

The genus Ashinaga Matsumura, 1929 and its position in the classification of the gelechioid moths (Lepidoptera, Gelechiiformes)

A. L. Lvovsky1 Contact Information

(1) Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia

Received: 15 June 2007 Published online: 10 April 2008

Abstract Ashinaga Matsumura, 1929 is most closely related to Lactistica Meyrick, 1907. The only difference between these genera is the presence of long scales on the male antennae in AshinagaLactistica. The genus name Aeolarcha Meyrick, 1931 is considered as a junior synonym of Ashinaga Matsumura, 1929. This genus is more closely related to the family Oecophoridae, and not to Stathmopodidae. The latter taxon is considered a distinct family. The synonymy of Oecophoridae and Ashinagidae is substantiated.
© A.L. Lvovsky, 2008, published in Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 2008, Vol. 87, No. 1, pp. 147–151.


1. Gaede, M., “Oecophoridae,” in Lepidopterorum catalogus, Ed. by Bryk, F. (s’-Gravenhage, 1939), Pars. 92, pp. 209–476.
2. Hodges, R.W., “The Gelechioidea,” in Handbook of Zoology. Vol. 4. Arthropoda: Insecta. Part 35. Lepidoptera, Moths and Butterflies, Ed. by Kristensen, N.P. (Berlin, New York, 1999), Vol. 1, pp. 131–158.
3. Kuznetzov, V.I. and Stekol’nikov, A.A., New Approaches to the Classification of Lepidoptera of the World Fauna (on the Basis of the Functional Morphology of the Abdomen) (Nauka, St. Petersburg, 2001) [in Russian].
4. Leraut, P.J., “Redefinition de certains taxa du groupefamile appartenant aux Gelechioidea (Lep.),” Entomol. Gallica, 3(3), 129–138 [1992 (1993)].
5. Lvovsky, A.L., “Broad-winged Moths (Lepidoptera, Oecophoridae sensu lato) of the Palaearctic Region; their Taxonomy, Distribution, and Biology,” Chteniya pamyati N.A. Kholodkovskogo 55(2), 1–70 (2002).
6. Matsumura, S., “A New Family, a New Genus, and a New Species of the Moth from Formosa,” Insecta Matsum. 3(3), 129–138 (1929).
7. Meyrick, E., “Nachtrag. In Dritter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Pyraliden von Kwanhsien und Mokanshan (China),” Bull. Sect. Scient. Acad. Roumaine, 14(9–10), 211–212 (1931).
8. Minet, J., “Remaniement partiel de la classification des Gelechioidea, essentiellement en fonction de caractères pré-imaginaux (Lepidoptera, Ditrysia),” Alexanor, 16(3–4), 239–255 [1989 (1990)].
9. Nye, I.W.B. and Fletcher, D.S., The Generic Names of the Moths of the World. Vol. 6. Microlepidoptera (London, 1996).
10. Sinev, S.Yu., “To the Classification and Phylogeny of Gelechioid Moths (Lepidoptera, Gelechioidea s. l.),” Entomol. Obozr., 71(1), 143–159 (1992).

這篇文章最大的問題就是完全忽略近幾年有關Gelechioidea親緣關係的討論與文章, 關在自己國家閉門造車對著自己其實不熟的其它國家產生物類群發表分類學的議論. 雖然此文章並未動搖Ashinaga屬的有效性, 然而這篇文章對於織蛾與展足蛾的觀點是不足採信的.

2008年7月7日 星期一

[Article]Revision of Holarctic Teleiodini (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)

Zootaxa 1818: 1-55 (7 Jul. 2008) 12 plates; 217 references Accepted: 10 Jun. 2008
Revision of Holarctic Teleiodini (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)
Sangmi Lee & Richard L. Brown (USA)

Abstract & excerpt (PDF; 20KB) free | Full article (PDF; 940KB)
subscription required

2008年7月1日 星期二

[Article]Genomic outposts serve the phylogenomic pioneers: designing novel nuclear markers for genomic DNA extractions of Lepidoptera


Wahlberg, N.
, & Wheat, C. W. 2008: Genomic outposts serve the phylogenomic pioneers: designing novel nuclear markers for genomic DNA extractions of Lepidoptera. Systematic Biology 57: 231-242. pdf, for list of primers see Molecular Methods or download Electronic Appendices.

[New Book]Olethreutine Moths of the Midwestern United States


Olethreutine Moths of the Midwestern United States

Tortricid.net would like to announce the publication of a new book designed to aid in the study and identification of olethreutine moths occuring in the Midwestern United States. Authored by Todd M. Gilligan, Donald J. Wright, and Loran D. Gibson, the book is being published by the Ohio Biological Survey and provides the following:

  • Treatment of 306 species (approximately 1/3 of the Nearctic Olethreutinae)
  • Background information on the subfamily
  • Biographical sketches of historical figures
  • A detailed section on olethreutine morphology
  • Key characters for genera and species
  • Life history summaries
  • 420 color photographs of adults
  • More than 650 genitalia photographs
  • An introduction to the immature stages (eggs, larvae, pupae)
  • A key to the larvae of some common species and genera
  • Information on how to collect, rear, and preserve immatures
  • vii + 334 pages
  • Fully peer-reviewed
  • 8.5 x 11" format
  • Hard bound
  • Color illustrations throughout
  • Available June 2008
  • Price $75.00 USD

As of 16 Jun 2008 the book is back from the binder and is available for sale! Click here to download/print the order form in PDF format. You may also contact OBS directly to order a copy of the book: Contact Ohio Biological Survey

Please click on Example Pages on the left menu to view some examples from the book.

Thank you to everyone who has already requested information on the book! I will send out an electronic order form to your email address very shortly.

2008年6月19日 星期四

[TaiBNET名錄訂正] 枯葉蛾科屬名拼字訂正一筆

090316 南投 觀高工作站 銀肩枯葉蛾 Cosmotriche discitincta Wileman, 1914 Male

原TaiBNET資料庫中銀肩枯葉蛾科屬名拼為Cosmotricha, 應訂正為Cosmotriche.


2008年6月18日 星期三


Oxymacaria temerariaTaiBNET系統中誤拼為tameraria, 應予訂正. 此物種過去之學名組合為Semiothisa temeraria, 後由J.D. Holloway於Moths of Borneo系列中轉移至Oxymacaria.

此訂正為吳士緯先生提供, 圖片連結自jpmoth.


細 紋黃鉤蛾 Drepatodes mitaria在1992年的台灣鱗翅目昆蟲誌中並未記載, 首次的文獻記載為王效岳(1995)發表於認識台灣的昆蟲系列中. 隨後Holloway(1999)於其Moths of Borneo系列中引述了王的記錄. 然而此記錄為TaiBNET所忽略. 在此確認細紋黃鉤蛾於台灣的存在.


2008年6月16日 星期一


台 灣產球果尺蛾的系統分類在過去主要由故 井上 寬博士所進行, 而在近5年俄國科學院的V.G. Mironov以及前英國駐中國大使Anthony Galsworthy進行合作研究之後, 台灣產球果尺蛾的分類亂象漸漸地得到解決.Mironov & Galsworthy曾於2007年為文檢討台灣產球果尺蛾之分類 (見台灣昆蟲通訊之說明), 該文確認Inoue於1988年所記載之Eupithecia actaeata praenubilata實為Eupithecia tricornuta Inoue, 1980之誤判. 而在Mironov et al. (2008)的最新文章中, 他們再次確認tricornuta與Warren於1888年所描述之quadripunctata為同種, 並且應被處理為其次同物異名. 因此TaiBNET中之tricornuta記錄應被處理為quadripunctata的次同物異名, 而quadripunctata應被加入台灣產球果尺蛾名錄成為代表台灣族群的有效名.

Mironov, V.G., Galsworthy, A.C. 2007. The genus Eupithecia (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) in Taiwan: an updated survey. Transactions of Lepidopterological Society of Japan 58(3): 341-363.
Mironov, V.G., Galsworthy, A.C., Ratzel, U. 2008. A survey of the Eupithecia fauna (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) of the Western Haimalayas: Part II. Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 59(2): 117-143.


台灣產暗斑霜尺蛾原為Wileman & South (1917)根據一隻採集自阿里山的雄蟲以Boarmia subochrearia所描述. 然而在1917年之前, Prout(1914)則指出台灣產的Alcis variegata (Moore)翅色較印度產者為深. 張保信(1990)則以Alcis variegata為名重新描述了台灣產暗斑霜尺蛾, 隨後井上 寬(1992)將subochrearia降為variegata之台灣亞種. 這個命名分類處理為王效岳(1998), Parsons et al. (1999)以及鞍馬山的蛾(2002)所採用. 然而佐藤力夫認為台灣產的subochrearia與廣布於印度次大陸至中南半島及華南地區的variegata並不同種, 因此他倡議將subochrearia重新提升回種的位階. 然而這個種小名與Leech (1897)根據峨眉山產標本命名的subochrearia形成異物同名, 因此佐藤認為有必要為台灣產者提出一新名taiwanovariegata並確認暗斑霜尺蛾應歸於Alcis屬.

  • Chang, B.S. 1990. Illustrations of Moths in Taiwan 4: 1-480. Taiwan Museum, Taipei (in Chinese)
  • Fu, C.M., Tzuoo, H.R. 2002. Moths of Anmashan, part 1. 163 pp. Taichung Nature Research Society, Taichung.
  • Inoue, H. 1992. Geometridae. In Heppner, J.B. & Inoue, H. (eds.), Checklist. Lepidoptera of Taiwan 1(2): 111-129.
  • Leech, J.H. 1897. On Lepidoptera Heterocera from China, Japan, and Corea. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 19: 414-573.
  • Moore, F. 1888. In Hewitson, W.C. & Moore, F. (eds.), Descriptions of new Indian Lepidopterous Insects from the Collection of the late Mr. W.S. Atkinson. Heterocera. Calcutta.
  • Parsons, M.S., Scoboe, M.J., Honet, M.R., Pitkin, L.M. 1999. In Scoble, M.J. (ed.), Geometrid Moths of the World: A Catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometrudae). 1016 pp., Index 129 pp. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood/Apollo Books/Stenstrup.
  • Prout, L.B. 1914. H. Sauter's Formosa-Ausbeute: Geometridae (Lep.). Entomologische Mitteilunegn 3: 259-273.
  • Sato, R. 2008. Notes on Alcis variegata (Moore), A colorifera (Prout) (Geometridae, Ennominae), and their allieds from the Sunda Islands, with descriptions of two new species. Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 59(2): 171-185.
  • Wang, H.Y. 1998. Geometer Moths of Taiwan 2: 1-399. Taiwan Museum, Taipei (in Chinese).
  • Wileman, A.E., South, R. 1917. New species of Noctuidae and Geometridae from Formosa. Entomologist 50: 53-57.

圖片聯結自夜行者的世界, 拍攝者為陳丁嘉

2008年6月13日 星期五

2008年6月4日 星期三


陳文龍先生為台灣資深前輩職業昆蟲採集者, 曾於六龜鎮區開設"興南昆蟲採集所", 陳文龍先生對於台灣南部早期昆蟲相與採集地之開發具有相當之貢獻, 文龍角金龜即獻名予他. 陳文龍先生於2008年5月底逝世.


蝴蝶阿公陳文龍 見證蝴蝶王國興衰

2008年6月2日 星期一

[弔唁]一代鱗翅學者Eugene Munroe與井上 寬相繼辭世

加拿大國家博物館Dr. Eugene Munroe於上週末辭世, 享年87歲. Dr. Munroe為鳳蝶總科親緣關係研究之先驅, 其後投入北美與新幾內亞之螟蛾總科研究達半世紀之久. 螟蛾總科之高階親緣關係假說亦為其所提出.

日本大妻女子大學退休教授井上 寬博士亦於6/2清晨過逝, 享年90歲. 井上博士為亞洲重量級之鱗翅學者, 深受全球鱗翅學者之敬重, 一生發表無數的系統分類著作, 其研究分類群橫跨大小鱗翅類群. 並於高齡90歲時仍繼續創作. 井上博士對台灣蛾類研究貢獻卓越, 尤其是尺蛾科絕大多數為其發現並命名.

2008年5月29日 星期四


所謂的龜紋虎蛾台灣亞種Chelonomorpha japana formosana (Miyake, 1907)於三宅恆方1907年之原始報告(Annotnes zool. jap. 6: 53-82)中原本以獨立種Chelonomorpha formosana的地位地載, 然自Jordan (1912) (In Seitz, Gross-Schemetterlinge der Erde 11: 1-30)之後此分類群被降為japana之亞種. 其後Kiriakoff (1977, Tierreich 97)恢復formosana之獨立種地位, 然井上寬又於1992年出版之台灣鱗翅目昆蟲誌中再度將formosana降為japana之亞種. 杉繁郎(1995, 日本蛾類通信 185: 157-160)為文指出formosanajapana實為不同物種, 故再度恢復formosana之獨立種地位. TaiBNET中台灣龜紋虎蛾之學名原本為Chelonomorpha japana formosana, 現更改為Chelonomorpha formosana. 圖片分別聯結自塔內植物園及jpmoth網頁.

2008年5月8日 星期四


褐斑綠舟蛾(=棕斑索舟蛾, 瑟舟蛾)Somera viridifusca viridifusa Walker, 1855應更正為Somera viridifusca viridifusca Walker, 1855


此外, 台灣的貼圖網頁中經常出現Somera viridifusca taiwana Schintlmeister, 1981這個奇怪的學名組合. 但這個組合不知從何而來. Schintlmeister一直到1992年才發表第一篇有關東亞舟蛾的文章, 而他從未將台灣產的Somera viridifusca處理為任何獨立的亞種. 因此建議台灣的褐斑綠舟蛾學名目前應維持
Somera viridifusca viridifusa Walker, 1855.

2008年5月6日 星期二

[分類修訂]New additions of Eupsilia to Taiwan

文獻來源: Owada M, Fu CM, Tzoo HR, Kobayashi H. 2008. Further notes on moths of (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) from Taiwan, with description of a new species. EupsiliaTinea 20(2): 109-115.

大和田 守與小林 秀紀於1993年發表的論文(Owada M, Kobayashi H. 1993. Notes on the cuculliine mothsof the genus Eupsilia (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) from Taiwan. Bull. natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo (A), 19: 151-159.)中記載了台灣五個種的Eupsilia. 當時他們根據Boursin (1956: Z. wien. ent. Ges. 41: 38-41, pls. 6-7)的觀點將台灣產的一個種鑑定為Eupsilia quinquelinea. 而他們也在當時留意到台灣產的"quinquelinea"與張保信所描述的Eupsilia shyu皆僅有雌性標本的記錄. 近年由於傅建明與左漢榮兩位本土學者的努力, 所謂的台灣產quinquelineashyu的雄性標本終於被發現. 經過比對之後, 這些作者認為過去在台灣被鑑定為quinquelinea的物種, 應該處理為一個新種, Eupsilia baoshingchangi Fu, Tzoo et Owada, 2008 (注意: 小林秀紀為論文作者, 但並非此新種作者), 而此新種之中名暫稱為"張氏冬夜蛾". 至於徐氏三星冬夜蛾的首次雄蟲記錄則被發現於南投 (標本藏於東京科博以及左漢榮私人收藏). 此外在檢查小林秀紀於1989年採自翠峰之標(現存於東京科博)發現Eupsilia的新記錄種-Eupsilia tripunctata Butler, 1878 (三星冬夜蛾).

2008年4月13日 星期日

[Article]Molecular systematics and biogeography of the genus Zizina

Zootaxa 1746: 15-38 (11 Apr. 2008) 25 plates; 86 references Accepted: 6 Mar. 2008
Molecular systematics and biogeography of the genus Zizina (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
Abstract & excerpt (PDF; 20KB) free | Full article (PDF; 770KB) open access

[靈異]15萬小紫斑蝶 異常南遷台東

15萬小紫斑蝶 異常南遷台東





【2008/04/14 聯合報】

2008年4月11日 星期五


Hsu YF, Huang HC. 2008. On the Discovery of Hasora mixta limata ssp. nov. (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae: Coeliadinae) from Lanyu, Taiwan, with Observations of Its Unusual Immature Biology. Zoological Studies 47(2): 222-231.

徐老師的最新力作, 其中並提到有關蘭嶼產魚藤屬植物的鑑定問題
ps. 徐老師說他把這隻新亞種叫"南方絨弄蝶"


2008年3月29日 星期六

[Article]Lepidoptera phylogeny & systematics - a review of the recent advances since Scoble's book (1992) and the Handbook of Zoology (1999)

Zootaxa 1668: 699-747 (21 Dec. 2007) 9 plates; 163 references Accepted: 21 Nov. 2007
Lepidoptera phylogeny and systematics: the state of inventorying moth and butterfly diversity
Niels P.Kristensen (Denmark), Malcolm J. Scoble (UK) & Ole Karsholt (Denmark)
Abstract & excerpt (PDF; 20KB) free | Full article (PDF; 1110KB) open access

Zootaxa 1725: 67-68 (12 Mar. 2008)
Erratum ( NIELS P. KRISTENSEN, MALCOLM J. SCOBLE & OLE KARSHOLT (2007) Lepidoptera phylogeny and systematics: the state of inventorying moth and butterfly diversity. Zootaxa, 1668, 699–747.
Zootaxa, 1668, 699-747.) Full article (PDF; 250KB) open access

2008年3月16日 星期日


全球捲蛾科名錄之紙本於2005年由丹麥的Apollo Books所發行(Brown, J. W., Baixeras, J., Brown, R., Horak, M., Komai, F., Metzler, E., Razowski, J., Tuck, K. 2005. World Catalogue of Insects, Volume 5, Tortricidae (Lepidoptera). Apollo Books. 741 pp.). 由於捲蛾之高多樣性以及後續的命名變革, 因此此書已全文上網(名錄部份), 並於線上版增加名錄出版後的增補部份. 其中與台灣的防檢疫工作最為相關的Cydia, Grapholita等屬因具許多的命名處理, 因此尚待仔細研讀後使能清查與台灣相關物種之變革情形.

網址: http://www.tortricidae.com/catalogue.asp

[系統分類] 一色氏折角蛾屬學名訂正

060506 宜蘭 思源啞口 太平山一色氏折角蛾 Issikiopteryx taipingensis Park, 2003

Issikiopteryx是一個日行性的折角蛾類群,其屬名語源為森內 茂博士(Moriuti Shigeru)獻名給前國立台灣大學植物病蟲害學系日籍教授一色周知(Issiki Syuti)。過去台灣產Issikiopteryx被誤定為I. japonica Moriuti, 1973,然韓國昆蟲學者朴奎澤於2003年認為台灣產者為一新種-太平山一色氏折角蛾I. taipingensis Park, 2003。南開大學生命科學院教授李後魂與其研究生范喜梅於今年發表了此屬的分類檢討,並確認了朴氏對台灣種類的分類處理。

Fan, X., Li, H. 2008. The genus Issikiopteryx (Lepidoptera: Lecithoceridae): Checklist and descriptions of new species. Zootaxa 1725: 53-60. (摘要下載連結:http://www.mapress.com/zootaxa/2008/f/z01725p060f.pdf)
Moriuti, S. 1973. A new genus and two new species of the Japanese Microlepidoptera (Timyridae and Oecophoridae). Tyo to Ga 23(2): 31-38.
Park, K.T. 2003. Three new species of Lecithoceridae (Lepidoptera) from Taiwan. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 6(1): 15-19.

(攝影: 吳士緯)