2011年12月5日 星期一


文獻來源:Sihvonen, P., M. Mutanen, L. Kaila, G. Brehm, A. Hausmann, H. S. Staude. 2011. Comprehensive Molecular Sampling Yields a Robust Phylogeny for Geometrid Moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). PLoS ONE 6(6): e20356. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020356 [全文]


此篇文章選取全球具代表性尺蛾分類群,藉由八段基因來重建親緣關係。結果顯示 (1) 尺蛾科確為單系群,其姊妹枝系為偽燕蛾科 (Sematuridae)+鳳蛾顆 (Epicopeiidae),然而此結果與Mutanen (2010)以及Reiger et. al (2009)有出入;(2) 尺蛾科內部的分子親緣關係與2007年Yamamoto與Sota的研究中主要亞科的關係所得結果相同,姬尺蛾亞科與波(花)尺蛾亞科枝系為其他亞科之姊妹群,然而幾個物種數少的亞科關係則尚待釐清;(3) 星尺蛾與細尺蛾兩亞科在此篇文章形成一多系群;(4) 枝尺蛾亞科雖為單系群然而樹型支持度低,且納入了過去被視為獨立亞科之“空點尺蛾亞科 (Orthostixinae)”與Alsophilinae亞科之取樣物種;(4) 過去所劃定的族級族多非單系群。

雖然此篇文章以相較前人研究增加了倍數的分類群,然而仍有關鍵類群尚未納入,例如“空點尺蛾亞科 (Orthostixinae)”之模式屬Orthostixis、主要產於澳洲的狹義星尺蛾亞科類群,以及非洲產Diptychini族(被認為可能是尾尺蛾族Ourapterygini之姊妹群)等,則留待未來進行研究。

Background: The moth family Geometridae (inchworms or loopers), with approximately 23 000 described species, is the second most diverse family of the Lepidoptera. Apart from a few recent attempts based on morphology and molecular studies, the phylogeny of these moths has remained largely uninvestigated.

Methodology/Principal Findings: We performed a rigorous and extensive molecular analysis of eight genes to examine the geometrid affinities in a global context, including a search for its potential sister-taxa. Our maximum likelihood analyses included 164 taxa distributed worldwide, of which 150 belong to the Geometridae. The selected taxa represent all previously recognized subfamilies and nearly 90% of recognized tribes, and originate from all over world. We found the Geometridae to be monophyletic with the Sematuridae+Epicopeiidae clade potentially being its sister-taxon. We found all previously recognized subfamilies to be monophyletic, with a few taxa misplaced, except the Oenochrominae+Desmobathrinae complex that is a polyphyletic assemblage of taxa and the Orthostixinae, which was positioned within the Ennominae. The Sterrhinae and Larentiinae were found to be sister to the remaining taxa, followed by Archiearinae, the polyphyletic assemblage of Oenochrominae+Desmobathrinae moths, Geometrinae and Ennominae.

Conclusions/Significance: Our study provides the first comprehensive phylogeny of the Geometridae in a global context. Our results generally agree with the other, more restricted studies, suggesting that the general phylogenetic patterns of the Geometridae are now well-established. Generally the subfamilies, many tribes, and assemblages of tribes were well supported but their interrelationships were often weakly supported by our data. The Eumeleini were particularly difficult to place in the current system, and several tribes were found to be para- or polyphyletic.

2011年12月4日 星期日


文獻來源:Garzo-Orduna, I. J. 2011. Phylogenetic evidence for loss of sound production and a shift in sexual recognition signals in Hamadryas butterflies (Nymphalidae: Biblidinae). Systematic Entomology. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3113.2011.00599.x



過去30年間雖然有此屬的屬內歸群處理,然而尚未有以支序學所建立的親緣關係研究,本文章即首次以形態特徵重建親緣,並討論以下議題:(1) Hamadryas是否為一單系枝系,具有哪些衍徵來支持?(2) 此屬姊妹群為何? (3) 評估過去所建立亞屬之單系性;(4) 演化上如發聲、二型性與發香鱗等特徵出現與先後的判定與討論。


(1) Hamadryas屬為單系群;

(2) 此屬姊妹群為Ectima屬;

(3) 除了H. laodamia枝系外其餘過去之屬內亞屬歸群皆非單系群;

(4) 在發聲、二型性與發香鱗等特徵的演化上,發聲結構在特徵分析中被拆解為獨立的四個前翅翅脈特徵,然而能夠發聲的行為僅產生過一次(單一起源),該枝系當中的H. laodamia與其近緣種則再次失去此發聲結構。雖然H. laodamia枝系失去發聲能力,此支系卻擁有雄蟲發香鱗與翅型/翅紋雌雄二型性的特徵。作者因此認為若發聲行為是作為物種辨識用,則失去發聲行為的枝系則以發香鱗與二型性等特徵替代辨識。目前尚不清楚此三特徵組的出現順序,待後續研究。

(5) 藉由親緣關係樹所得之雌雄二型性特徵分佈,作者也比對此結果是否符合過去三個雌雄二型性起源假說(註)之一。由於雌雄二型性枝系H. laodamia的雌蟲翅紋為祖徵,而雄蟲翅紋為衍徵,因此雖然沒有直接的證據支持,此結果仍較符合達爾文所提出的雌蟲偏好特定雄蟲特徵的假說;

(6) 由於所重建之親緣關係樹整體樹型支持度不高,後續仍有待幼蟲形態資訊以及分子證據的加入,此外對於雌雄蟲辨識所利用特徵的方式,則需要更詳盡的野外觀察與網室試驗來解釋。


(1) 達爾文 (1971) - 性擇假說,由雌性偏好與特定雄性產生後代的選汰方式達成;

(2) 華萊士 (1889) - 天擇假說:雌性儘可能產生隱蔽自身的形狀、斑紋等(相對於祖先型者)來增加適存值;

(3) Silberglied (1984)- 雄性間互動假說:雄性藉由視覺來辨識其他雄性個體的物種異同,並用以對同種雌性進行展示。


The neotropical butterfly genus Hamadryas Hubner comprises 20 species that exhibit an intriguing variation in their natural history traits. Although revised in 1983, no phylogenetic hypothesis was presented: the first phylogenetic hypothesis is estimated here based on 93 characters and including species from the three other genera in the tribe Ageroniini. The phylogeny is used to test the monophyly of the genus, establish the sister group of Hamadryas and identify its apomorphies. The tree allows the inference of patterns of character change in sound production and sexual dimorphism. Implied weights show that Hamadryas is monophyletic and corroborate Ectima Doubleday as a sister genus. Previously suggested subgenera for Hamadryas were non-monophyletic, with the exception of the laodamia clade, supported by the presence of a complete sterigma. Sound production is inferred to be a derived condition in Hamadryas that has been lost in the laodamia clade. This, plus the presence of androconial organs and sexual dimorphism in the laodamia clade, suggests a shift in sexual recognition signalling. Furthermore, the phylogeny indicates that the colour pattern of males in the laodamia clade is novel, supporting a Darwinian origin of sexual dimorphism.

2011年11月3日 星期四


文獻來源: Kaila L, Mutanen M, Nyman T. 2011. Phylogeny of the mega-diverse Gelechioidea (Lepidoptera): Adaptations and determinants of success. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 61(2011): 801-809.

The Gelechioidea, with 18,000 described and many more unnamed species ranks among the most diverse lepidopteran superfamilies. Nevertheless, their taxonomy has remained largely unresolved, and phylogenetic affinities among gelechioid families and lower taxa have been insufficiently understood. We constructed, for the first time, a comprehensive molecular phylogeny for the Gelechioidea. We sampled seven genes, in total 5466 base pairs, of 109 gelechioid taxa representing 32 of 37 recognized subfamilies, and two outgroup taxa. We used maximum likelihood methods and Bayesian inference to construct phylogenetic trees. We found that the families Autostichidae, Lecithoceridae, Xyloryctidae, and Oecophoridae s. str., in this order, are the most basally arising clades. Elachistidae s. l. was found to be paraphyletic, with families such as Gelechiidae and Cosmopterigidae nested within it, and Parametriotinae associated with several families previously considered unrelated to them. Using the phylogenetic trees, we examined patterns of life history evolution and determinants of the success of different lineages. Gelechioids express unusually wide variability in life-history strategies, including herbivorous, saprophagous, fungivorous, and carnivorous lineages. Most species are highly specialized in diet and other life history traits. The results suggest that either saprophagy was the ancestral feeding strategy from which herbivory evolved independently on multiple occasions, or that the ancestor was herbivorous with repeated origins of saprophagy. External feeding is an ancestral trait from which internal feeding evolved independently several times. In terms of species number, saprophages are dominant in Australia, while elsewhere several phytophagous lineages have extensively specialized and diversified. Internal feeding has remained a somewhat less generally adopted feeding mode, although in a few lineages significant radiations of leaf mining species have occurred. We conclude that diverse feeding modes, specialization among saprophages, repeated shifts to phytophagy, and a generally high specialization rate on single plant species (monophagy) are the major factors behind the success of the Gelechioidea.

圖片拍攝: 吳士緯

2011年9月15日 星期四


文獻來源: Wang X, Zeng L, Wang M. (2011) The genus Andraca (Lepidoptera, Endromidae) in China with descriptions of a new species. Zookeys 127: 29-42, doi: 10.3897/zookeys.127.928 [link]

The six species of the genus Andraca Walker hitherto known from China are reviewed, and a new species, Andraca gongshanensis, sp. n., described from Yunnan Province, China. Adults and male genitalia of all examined species are illustrated, together with a distributional map. A key to all seven Chinese Andraca species is provided. The types of the new species are deposited in SCAU (South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China) and HUNAU (Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, China).

2011年9月14日 星期三

傳統上認知的"蝴蝶"並不是一個單系群, 若想要讓蝴蝶這個名詞代表一個單系群, 那麼就應該把弄蝶, 絲角蝶總科加以合併

文獻來源: Heikkilä M, Kaila L, Mutanen M, Peña C, Wahlberg N. (2011) Cretaceous origin and repeated tertiary diversification of the redefined butterflies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1430.[link]

Although the taxonomy of the ca 18 000 species of butterflies and skippers is well known, the family-level relationships are still debated. Here, we present, to our knowledge, the most comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the superfamilies Papilionoidea, Hesperioidea and Hedyloidea to date based on morphological and molecular data. We reconstructed their phylogenetic relationships using parsimony and Bayesian approaches. We estimated times and rates of diversification along lineages in order to reconstruct their evolutionary history. Our results suggest that the butterflies, as traditionally understood, are paraphyletic, with Papilionidae being the sister-group to Hesperioidea, Hedyloidea and all other butterflies. Hence, the families in the current three superfamilies should be placed in a single superfamily Papilionoidea. In addition, we find that Hedylidae is sister to Hesperiidae, and this novel relationship is supported by two morphological characters. The families diverged in the Early Cretaceous but diversified after the Cretaceous–Palaeogene event. The diversification of butterflies is characterized by a slow speciation rate in the lineage leading to Baronia brevicornis, a period of stasis by the skippers after divergence and a burst of diversification in the lineages leading to Nymphalidae, Riodinidae and Lycaenidae.

2011年9月11日 星期日


Margam VM, Coates BS, Ba MN, Sun W, Binso-Dabire CL, Baoua I, Ishiyaku MF, Shukle JT,   Hellmich RL, Covas FG, Ramasamy S, Armstrong J, Pittendrigh BR and Murdock LL. 2011. Geographic distribution of phylogenetically-distinct legume pod borer, Maruca vitrata (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea: Crambidae). Molecular Biology Reports 38: 893–903.

豆莢螟(Maruca vitrata)是泛熱帶分佈的重要豆類害蟲,防治上主要仰賴化學藥劑。在分類上,有學者認為豆莢螟是一個複合群,可能包含了不只一種(Taylor, 1967),然而後續研究卻仍將豆莢螟視為一獨立種。在這篇研究中,作者群利用PCR-RFLP分析來自臺灣、澳洲、西非與波多黎各材料的cox 1基因,發現西非的族群呈現較高的遺傳變異。利用ITS2重建親緣關係的結果則指向過去被認為是豆莢螟的物種分成三個主要分支,此結果顯示豆莢螟可能包含了不同的種或亞種有待釐清。

2011年8月29日 星期一

以COI序列重建鳥穀蛾的分子親緣關係發現一個華南到泰北產新種, M. monacha也被確認為M. monachella的次同物異名

文獻來源: Huang GH, Chen LS, Hirowatari T, Nasu Y, Wang M. 2011. A revision of the Monopis monachella species complex (Lepidoptera: Tineidae) from China. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 163(1): 1-14. [link]

Abstract The Monopis monachella species complex from China is revised, and its relationship to other species complexes of the genus Monopis is discussed with reference to morphological, and molecular evidence. Principal component analysis on all available specimens provided supporting evidence for the existence of three species, one of which is described as new: Monopis iunctio Huang & Hirowatari sp. nov. All species are either diagnosed or described, and illustrated, and information is given on their distribution and host range. Additional information is given on the biology and larval stages of Monopis longella. A preliminary phylogenetic study based on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (CO1) sequence data and a key to the species of the M. monachella species complex in China is presented. The types of the new species have been deposited in the Institute of Entomology, Hunan Agricultural University, China and Entomological Laboratory, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan.

2011年8月28日 星期日


文獻來源:deWaard JR, Mitchell A, Keena MA, Gopurenko D, Boykin LM, et al. (2010) Towards a Global Barcode Library for Lymantria (Lepidoptera: Lymantriinae) Tussock Moths of Biosecurity Concern. PLoS ONE 5(12): e14280. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0014280 [連結]


毒蛾屬(Lymantria)為裳蛾科(Erebidae)毒蛾亞科(Lymantriinae)之毒蛾族(Lymantriini)物種數約170種的類群,物種多樣性集中於亞洲地區。由於此屬有不少種類具有幼蟲雜食性、大發生造成森林經濟危害,例如原產歐洲的吉普賽毒蛾(L. dispar)於1868/1869引入北美使其森林之危害以及台灣黑角舞蛾(木毒蛾)(L. xylina)對闊葉林、果樹林甚至木麻黃防風林之危害,故此篇文章針對部份東亞毒蛾屬類群以及不同的地區之吉普賽毒蛾進行分子生命條碼(molecular bacode)之建置與親緣分析。



1. Lymantria nebulosa視為獨立於L. sinica之物種,兼論相關類群之誤鑑定

Lymantria nebulosa為Wileman (1910)所發表的台灣新種(模式產地台南關仔嶺),此種在Schintlmeister (2004)當中視為L. sinica之同物異名,Pogue (2007)延續此處理。此篇文章將L. nebulosa視為獨立種,所依據者為中國武夷山產之標本,該單一樣本於分子親緣關係樹中與兩隻台灣產被鑑定為L. sinica之樣本成為一單系群,此枝系再與另一香港產L. sinica成為姊妹群。此分類處理(將L. nebulosa視為獨立於L. sinica之有效種)與分子結果(L. sinica為駢系群)的資訊並不一致,作者認為原因可能有(1) COI生命條碼無法區別此兩物種; (2) 所選取之各地L. sinica樣本有可能有鑑定錯誤或是包含了未描述種之可能; 或是(3) 隨兩物種分歧時伴隨L. sinica之COI多型性之發生。然而此分類處理仍有待釐清者為 (1) L. nebulosa之模式產地為台灣,為何僅選取中國武夷山產個體作此學名的地位恢復(status revived)? (2) 分子親緣重建之樣本少且無樹型支持度,卻仍進行分類處理?(3) 缺乏型態證據的討論。

此外,在Schintlmeister (2004)的文章將影像(Fig. 417)鑑定為L. sinica雄蟲,然而此標本應為當時的未描述種。Pogue (2007)描述一台灣產新種L. pulverea,並指定兩隻花蓮大禹嶺七月採之雄蟲為正模與副模式標本,以及一筆五月採自宜蘭福山植物園之雄蟲作為另一隻副模標本,而大禹嶺產雄蟲之生殖器繪於圖板14-4。Pogue在其圖板3-7收錄了該福山副模而無大禹嶺產之成蟲標本影像,然此福山標本影像應是L紋褐毒蛾 Lymantria grisea kosemponis Strand, 1914雄蟲之誤鑑定。以上描述可知我們並無L. pulverea之大禹嶺標本影像作進一步評斷,直到上個月個人解剖科博館一筆毒蛾屬標本才釐清此物種隻標本鑑定,另此種之雌蟲尚未被描述。

Lymantria pulverea Pogue, 2007 (國立台中科學博物館館藏)

2. 波斑毒蛾 Lymantria mathura subpallida Okano, 1959被處理為獨立於原名種L. mathura外之獨立種,現用組合名為L. subpallida

在Schintlmeister (2004)文章中,其描述台灣產L. mathura之外部顏色斑紋變異甚大,並認為主要出自南部族群的標本偏向原名亞種L. m. mathura,而以北部為主的族群標本偏向日本亞種L. m. aurora,因此將台灣產L. m. subpallida視為aurora之次同物異名。此篇文章似乎忽略Schintlmeister之處理,選取過去認知的L. m. subpallida 3隻樣本(2隻台灣1隻香港產),於COI親緣關係樹上明顯與產於俄羅斯、韓國、日本之L. mathura分群(L. mathura與日本沖繩之L. flavida形成最近姊妹群),此結果初步支持此篇文章的分類處理,然亦如第1項分類處理般缺乏形態資訊。

3. 未來待釐清的L. minomonis/ L. sugii分類問題

台灣產之毒蛾亞屬(subgenus Lymantria)包含有低中高海拔夏季常見的絡毒蛾L. concolor以及另一物種,該物種由Kishida (1986)描述為L. minomonis之台灣特有亞種(模式產地桃源復興巴陵),另一亞種產於沖繩為L. m. okinawaensis Kishida, 1987。Schitlmeister (2004)認為L. minomonis除了由Kishida描述與原名種之雄蟲生殖器之間有些為差異,兩族群之雌蟲生殖器更能夠作為分類依據,他更認為L. minomonis sugii與印度、越南以及中國產之L. similis更接近,綜此將此族群視為獨立種L. sugii。Pogue (2007)將沖繩亞種名直接處理為原名種(minomonis)之次同物異名,並紀錄L. minomonis產於台灣,卻忽略了Kishida的L. sugii處理。此篇文章選取了日本本州山梨縣的一隻L. minomonis樣本,分子親緣與同亞屬的L. monacha (L. 1758)(58隻樣本)支系成為姊妹群,此樣本序列可在未來與台灣產L. sugii/minomonis作比較釐清分類問題。

Lymantria minomonis Matsumura, 1933/sugii Kishida, 1986 (左雄蟲; 右雌蟲)

4. 台灣產毒蛾屬後續研究


Background: Detecting and controlling the movements of invasive species, such as insect pests, relies upon rapid and accurate species identification in order to initiate containment procedures by the appropriate authorities. Many species in the tussock moth genus Lymantria are significant forestry pests, including the gypsy moth Lymantria dispar L., and consequently have been a focus for the development of molecular diagnostic tools to assist in identifying species and source populations. In this study we expand the taxonomic and geographic coverage of the DNA barcode reference library, and further test the utility of this diagnostic method, both for species/subspecies assignment and for determination of geographic provenance of populations.

Methodology/Principal Findings: Cytochrome oxidase I (COI) barcodes were obtained from 518 individuals and 36 species of Lymantria, including sequences assembled and generated from previous studies, vouchered material in public collections, and intercepted specimens obtained from surveillance programs in Canada. A maximum likelihood tree was constructed, revealing high bootstrap support for 90% of species clusters. Bayesian species assignment was also tested, and resulted in correct assignment to species and subspecies in all instances. The performance of barcoding was also compared against the commonly employed NB restriction digest system (also based on COI); while the latter is informative for discriminating gypsy moth subspecies, COI barcode sequences provide greater resolution and generality by encompassing a greater number of haplotypes across all Lymantria species, none shared between species.

Conclusions/Significance: This study demonstrates the efficacy of DNA barcodes for diagnosing species of Lymantria and reinforces the view that the approach is an under-utilized resource with substantial potential for biosecurity and surveillance. Biomonitoring agencies currently employing the NB restriction digest system would gather more information by transitioning to the use of DNA barcoding, a change which could be made relatively seamlessly as the same gene region underlies both protocols.

2011年8月16日 星期二

根據現生物種的地理分布資訊, 對寒冷氣候的耐受性及其在分子親緣關係架構中的保守性推測藍灰蝶起源於亞洲大陸並經由白令陸橋播遷至新世界

文獻來源: Vila R, Bell CD, Macniven R, Goldman-Huertas B, Ree RH, Marshall CR, Bálint Z, Johnson K, Benyamini D, Pierce NE. 2011. Phylogeny and palaeoecology of Polyommatus blue butterflies show Beringia was a climate-regulated gateway to the New World. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278(1719): 2737-2744. [link]

Transcontinental dispersals by organisms usually represent improbable events that constitute a major challenge for biogeographers. By integrating molecular phylogeny, historical biogeography and palaeoecology, we test a bold hypothesis proposed by Vladimir Nabokov regarding the origin of Neotropical Polyommatus blue butterflies, and show that Beringia has served as a biological corridor for the dispersal of these insects from Asia into the New World. We present a novel method to estimate ancestral temperature tolerances using distribution range limits of extant organisms, and find that climatic conditions in Beringia acted as a decisive filter in determining which taxa crossed into the New World during five separate invasions over the past 11 Myr. Our results reveal a marked effect of the Miocene–Pleistocene global cooling, and demonstrate that palaeoclimatic conditions left a strong signal on the ecology of present-day taxa in the New World. The phylogenetic conservatism in thermal tolerances that we have identified may permit the reconstruction of the palaeoecology of ancestral organisms, especially mobile taxa that can easily escape from hostile environments rather than adapt to them.

2011年8月14日 星期日

使用四個核基因與兩個粒線體DNA序列重建藍灰蝶節親緣關係時發現大藍灰蝶(Maculinea)的單系性的確因雀斑灰蝶(Phengaris)的插入而不復存在, 而稀有的碇灰蝶(Caeruelea)則為其姐妹群

文獻來源: Ugelvig LV, Vila R, Pierce NE, Nash DR. 2011. A phylogenetic revision of the Glaucopsyche section (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), with special focus on the Phengaris–Maculinea clade. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 61(1): 237-243.

Despite much research on the socially parasitic large blue butterflies (genus Maculinea) in the past 40 years, their relationship to their closest relatives, Phengaris, is controversial and the relationships among the remaining genera in the Glaucopsyche section are largely unresolved. The evolutionary history of this butterfly section is particularly important to understand the evolution of life history diversity connected to food-plant and host-ant associations in the larval stage. In the present study, we use a combination of four nuclear and two mitochondrial genes to reconstruct the phylogeny of the Glaucopsyche section, and in particular, to study the relationships among and within the Phengaris–Maculinea species.
We find a clear pattern between the clades recovered in the Glaucopsyche section phylogeny and their food-plant associations, with only the Phengaris–Maculinea clade utilising more than one plant family. Maculinea is, for the first time, recovered with strong support as a monophyletic group nested within Phengaris, with the closest relative being the rare genus Caerulea. The genus Glaucopsyche is polyphyletic, including the genera Sinia and Iolana. Interestingly, we find evidence for additional potential cryptic species within the highly endangered Maculinea, which has long been suspected from morphological, ecological and molecular studies.

2011年8月1日 星期一

即始一個分類群的生命條碼庫尚未被完全建置, 若一個樣本的屬級歸屬可以被確認, 那麼使用COI序列仍然可將其放置到正確的高階分類群中

文獻來源: Wilson JJ, Rougerie R, Schonfeld J, Janzen DH, Hallwachs W, Hajibabaei M, Kitching IJ, Haxaire J, Hebert PDN. 2011. When species matches are unavailable are DNA barcodes correctly assigned to higher taxa? An assessment using sphingid moths. BMC Ecology 11: 18 doi:10.1186/1472-6785-11-18.

When a specimen belongs to a species not yet represented in DNA barcode reference libraries there is disagreement over the effectiveness of using sequence comparisons to assign the query accurately to a higher taxon. Library completeness and the assignment criteria used have been proposed as critical factors affecting the accuracy of such assignments but have not been thoroughly investigated. We explored the accuracy of assignments to genus, tribe and subfamily in the Sphingidae, using the almost complete global DNA barcode reference library (1095 species) available for this family. Costa Rican sphingids (118 species), a well-documented, diverse subset of the family, with each of the tribes and subfamilies represented were used as queries. We simulated libraries with different levels of completeness (10-100% of the available species), and recorded assignments (positive or ambiguous) and their accuracy (true or false) under six criteria.

Results A liberal tree-based criterion assigned 83% of queries accurately to genus, 74% to tribe and 90% to subfamily, compared to a strict tree-based criterion, which assigned 75% of queries accurately to genus, 66% to tribe and 84% to subfamily, with a library containing 100% of available species (but excluding the species of the query). The greater number of true positives delivered by more relaxed criteria was negatively balanced by the occurrence of more false positives. This effect was most sharply observed with libraries of the lowest completeness where, for example at the genus level, 32% of assignments were false positives with the liberal criterion versus <1% when using the strict. We observed little difference (<8% using the liberal criterion) however, in the overall accuracy of the assignments between the lowest and highest levels of library completeness at the tribe and subfamily level.

Our results suggest that when using a strict tree-based criterion for higher taxon assignment with DNA barcodes, the likelihood of assigning a query a genus name incorrectly is very low, if a genus name is provided it has a high likelihood of being accurate, and if no genus match is available the query can nevertheless be assigned to a subfamily with high accuracy regardless of library completeness. DNA barcoding often correctly assigned sphingid moths to higher taxa when species matches were unavailable, suggesting that barcode reference libraries can be useful for higher taxon assignments long before they achieve complete species coverage.

2011年7月25日 星期一

社會性毛蟲倒底要由誰揪團去那吃東西並非因為角色的分化, 而是因為帶頭的蟲肚子餓了

文獻來源:McClure M, Ralph M & Despland E (2011) Group leadership depends on energetic state in a nomadic collective foraging caterpillar. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65:1573-1579.

社會性動物之集體行動可以為多數個體帶來利益,但誰要冒著較大的風險領隊出發?誰要決定對的出發時機和移動方向?在某些動物中這些決策是由團隊共同決定,有些則是由部分或單一個體來決定的。此篇研究探討在Malacosoma disstria枯葉蛾幼蟲的集體掠食行為中,是由哪隻幼蟲佔據領導位置率先出發。研究分成兩個實驗,一是探討是否有些幼蟲特別容易產生這種領導掠食行為,另一則是控制幼蟲的能量攝取,看幼蟲的飢餓程度是否與領導掠食行為有關。實驗結果顯示,在相同的食物控制下,幼蟲的齡期、重量及性別皆與領導掠食行為無顯著關係,顯示此實驗中所有幼蟲之領導傾向沒有顯著差異;另一方面,在有能量(食草)控制的情況下,能量儲存量較低(較飢餓)的幼蟲有較高的傾向領導團隊展開掠食活動,且具有飢餓幼蟲之團隊會越快決定出發,但實豪儦F食物的時間則會視團隊中所有個體之飢餓程度而定,一團隊中若具有較多飢餓之個體,其集體行動之凝結力會降低,反而減緩到達目的地之速度。

Group living is a common strategy among animals and has arisen independently in over 300 species of Lepidoptera. Yet, activity synchrony between individuals is necessary to derive the benefits that ensue from an aggregated lifestyle. Which individuals decide which activities to perform and when to perform them is, therefore, a fundamental question. In some species of social caterpillars and sawflies, the role of a potential behavioral polyethism between individuals has been suggested, whereby certain individuals are consistently more likely to initiate and lead a foraging event. However, in these cases, evidence in support of division of labor is lacking. This study was undertaken to determine if certain individuals of Malacosoma disstria are more likely to be consistent group leaders or if transient leaders could be predicted by the differences in energetic states between individuals. The results of this study indicate that unfed caterpillars initiate foraging bouts and are more likely to lead locomotion. There was no size or sex-based bias in those individuals that acted as temporary leaders. Consistent behavioral differences between individuals, if they exist, are therefore not necessary to explain task allocation and synchronization during foraging in this species.

2011年7月24日 星期日

婆羅洲蛾類誌最終回 - 榕蛾科, 帶翅蛾科, 斑蛾科與全系列包含物種之註釋名錄

文獻來源: Holloway, J.D. 2011. The Moths of Borneo: Families Phaudidae, Himantopteridae and Zygaenidae; revised and annotated checklist. Malayan Nature Journal 2011, 63(1-2): 1-548.

婆羅洲蛾類誌自1988年發表第一部燈蛾與擬燈蛾部份後, 到現在已經有18冊出版, 而這一冊也是整個系列的最後一本(聽起來真像哈利波特最後一集). 這個系列在過去出版的17冊中描述了婆羅洲與整個廣義的馬來亞區系的"大蛾類群"(註一), 只留下斑蛾總科的榕蛾科, 帶翅蛾科與斑蛾科這三個標本量稀少的類群尚未被搞定. 事實上Holloway自從1976年左右就已經開始針對Kinabalu山區的蛾類, 包含斑蛾科昆蟲進行分類學研究, 但是當時他尚未對整個馬來亞區的所有物種進行普查. 此外在這個厚達548頁的單行本中, 他也將過去所有冊數中所包含的物種的名錄, 以及這近23年來所有物種分類地位的變革加以整理, 使得這一冊的價值更為重要.

在斑蛾科的部份, Holloway進行以下的分類處理:
  • Cleoda屬二新種: 分別為Cleoda postvitrea以及C. flavipicta. 其中flavipicta在我2005年的論文中被視為Cleoda syntomoides的雄蟲.
  • Heteropan屬二新種: Heteropan leesi與H. hantu.
  • Agalope屬新亞種: Agalope glacialis postfasciata
  • Trypanophora屬一新種: Trypanophora potens
  • Psaphis屬一新種Psaphis endoi以及Psaphis resumpta的復活使用
  • Boradiopsis屬兩新種B. harmani與B. cheyi以及一新組合Boradiopsis bipartita.
在全系列回顧方面, Holloway採用2011年即將在Zootaxa發表的全新鱗翅目科級分類系統重新整理過去所有涵括物種的分類現況. 而這高達4630個物種的分類變更則將分別介紹.

此外有關馬來西亞自然學會未來是否會繼續出版蛾類專書一事, 目前尚沒有聽到確實的消息, 不過自三年前起該學會已經與德國柏林自然史博物館的學者接洽處理螟蛾總科的專書, 若該書確實已達策畫與執行的階段則是非常令人期待的.

註一: 所謂的"大蛾"(macromoths)其實只是一個不正式的名詞, 用以描述一般人認為"比較大隻的蛾", 但這個名詞在科學上是沒有意義的.

2011年7月19日 星期二

利用植物標本館檔案及老DNA片段追蹤歐洲入侵性植食者- 七葉樹潛蛾的入侵起源

資料來源: DC Lees, HW Lack, R Rougerie, A Hernandez-Lopez, T Raus, ND Avtzis, S Augustin & Lopez-Vaamonde. 2011. Tracking origins of invasive herbivores through herbaria and archival DNA: the case of the horse-chestnut leaf miner. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment doi:10.1890/100098

七葉樹潛蛾(Cameraria ohridella)1986年首度在歐洲被描述之後,在歐洲成為一個擴散路徑和起源地具有爭議性的入侵物種,2009年8月在本部落格曾介紹過下列文章: 粒線體與微衛星體DNA標記顯示具高入侵性的七葉樹潛蛾起源自巴爾幹半島,該文章報導此種潛蛾的COI單體型‭ (‬haplotype‭)‬(不計入觀賞用樹木上者)多為特有型或是侷限分布,唯有單體型A是廣泛優勢的,不僅遍佈全歐洲而且在巴爾幹半島殘餘的七葉樹族群分布地點上也能找到此型。故「此種潛蛾為何是在最近40年才從巴爾幹半島擴張出去?又是如何擴散到其它地方?」仍然未清楚,而單體型A為何會在擴及歐洲各地的七葉樹潛蛾COI遺傳組成中占優勢則成為本研究想要探討的問題,作者提出兩個假說‭ ‬H0‭:‬‭ ‬單體型A在歷史空間上原本就是廣布,且在自然組群中占優勢,因此就有較高的機率隨著景觀植物的種植被散播出去,H1‭: ‬過去的歷史中單體型A和其他單體型一樣稀少而且局限分布在巴爾幹半島,直到晚近才變得具有入侵性,甚至入侵到殘存的天然七葉樹族群中。

2011年6月此研究團隊利用植物標本館內寄主植物的館藏獲得這些潛蛾的歷史分布資料,‭ ‬最早可追溯自1879年採集自希臘中部的天然族群之標本,‭ ‬可作為推測此蛾擴散年代之參考,也由於歷史標本的各野生採集地非常難以到達,作者認為現代道路系統的發展是促成潛蛾擴散的原因,因為快速的汽車交通能在無意中將落葉中的幼蟲和渡冬蛹運送到另外一的個地點。

從標本檔案的葉片內留存的幼蟲或蛹的乾燥樣本可用統計受感染趨勢,甚至從這些樣本中擴增出短片段的核DNA與粒線體DNA作為遺傳單體型分析以族群遺傳學方式判斷擴散起源,這些檔案序列不僅確認了C‭.‬‭ ‬ohridella的身分更把其在歐洲的歷史回溯至少100年,雖然作者的結果無法充分的排除H0但是較支持他的‭ ‬H1,即單型體A是在1970年間道路系統發展後才擴散到其它地區的。本文強調植物標本館的重要性長期受到忽略,本研究的結果顯示研究入侵物種的擴散歷史和原因時,少數的植物標本館是唯一能追蹤過去空間歷史的僅存資訊,並能提供優質的資源得到接近真實的推測,提供入侵種管理策略之參考。

Determining the native geographic range or origin of alien invasive species is crucial to developing invasive species management strategies. However, the necessary historical dimension is often lacking. The origin of the highly invasive horse-chestnut leaf-mining moth Cameraria ohridella has been controversial since the insect was first described in 1986 in Europe. Here, we reveal that herbarium collections across Europe indicate a Balkan origin for C ohridella. We successfully amplified nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA barcode fragments from larvae pressed within leaves of herbarium samples collected as early as 1879. These archival sequences confirm an identity of C ohridella and set back its history in Europe by more than a century. The herbarium samples uncovered previously unknown mitochondrial haplotypes and locally undocumented alleles, showing local outbreaks of C ohridella back to at least 1961 and dynamic frequency changes that may be associated with road development. This case history demonstrates that herbaria are greatly underutilized in studies of insect–plant interactions, herbivore biodiversity, and invasive species’ origins.

doi:10.1890/100098 – zum Artikel (Full text available via http://dx.doi.org)
www.bgbm.org/bgbm/pr/Archiv/pressimages/press_images.HTM#Miniermotte – for press photos
http://eolspecies.lifedesks.org/pages/8675 – about the horse-chestnut leaf miner

2011年7月5日 星期二


文獻來源: Qi, F., K. Wang, D. Xue, D. Yang. 2011. A taxonomic revision of the Stictopterinae (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea, Noctuidae) in China. Zootaxa 2926: 1-45. [PDF]


蕊翅(裳)夜蛾亞科為一主要分布於熱帶、亞熱帶之廣義夜蛾科(Noctuidae sensu lato)或是裳蛾科(Erebidae)下分類群,目前已描述有10屬約200(台灣產27)。本研究進行了中國產此亞科之回顧、5新種描述、1屬與9種之新紀錄以及過去文獻之鑑定修訂。此亞科於中國分布之物種中,除了新描述之5新種之外其餘皆亦分布於鄰近地區/國家,且於中國境內主要分布於南方省會(海南、廣西與雲南等)


The Stictopterinae from China are revised. Seven genera and forty species are reported from China. Five new species (Lophoptera hamata sp. nov., Lophoptera solealis sp. nov., Lophoptera acutiprocessa sp. nov., Lophoptera purpurfera sp. nov. and Lophoptera trigonoprocessa sp. nov.) are described. One genus and ten species are recorded from China for the first time. Nine misidentifications in Chen (1982b, 1991, 1999) are revised. The male genitalia of Lophoptera obliquilinea Prout, 1928 are described for the frist time. Descriptions for the subfamily, all genera, and new species in China are provided, as are keys to genera and species, diagnoses for all species, and illustrations of adults and genitalia.

Key words: Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea, Noctuidae, Stictopterinae, taxonomy, new species

2011年7月2日 星期六


文獻來源: Sato R, Stuning D, Fu C-M. 2011. Review of the Taiwanese species of the genus Xerodes (Guenée, [1858]) (Geometridae, Ennominae), with taxonomic notes on the congeners from adjacent areas. Tinea 21(4): 219-237.

Xerodes屬為Guenée根據婆羅洲產的ypsaria Guenée, [1858]所建立. Holloway則在1994年時將Xerodes的範圍延伸涵蓋舊北區的Zethenia Motschulsky, [1861]. 在台灣產物種方面, 除了各別物種的原始發表記錄外, 張保信於1990年出版的台灣蛾類圖說記載了X. contiguariaaritai albonotaria (但其albonotaria之圖片為crenulata之誤植). 王效岳的認識台灣昆蟲系列亦圖示了contiguariacrenulata, 但他並沒有提到crenulata. 然而王書中所圖示的一隻採自水社寮的標本其實是破損的obscura. 傅建明與左漢榮老師於2002年發行的鞍馬山的蛾第一卷中記載了X. contiguaria (Leech, 1897)與X. crenulata (Wileman, 1915). 之後傅建明與徐渙之在2009年所出版的綠島的蛾一書中根據綠島與蘭嶼產標本首次記載了X. sordidata (Inoue, 1987)(TaibNET記錄). 此文作者之一的Rikio Sato(佐藤力夫)在解剖所謂的"台灣產contiguaria"時發現可能有另一個種混雜其中, 此外在波昂動物學博物館(ZFMK)中所發現的數個在鑑定上有疑義的標本也促成佐藤, Stuning與傅建明老師合作將這個屬的分類議題加以釐清. 根據此研究的結果, 台灣有Xerodes屬物種. 分別為
Xerodes albonotaria aritai (Inoue, 1971): 分布日本南西諸島, 台灣與華南(Yazaki與王敏於2003年採自廣東南嶺的Xerodes didyma為此種之誤判)
Xerodes crenulata (Wileman, 1915): 為台灣特有種. 其近緣種X. inaccepta (Prout, 1910)分布於中國, 然ZFMK所存標本中卻有一隻採自台灣阿里山的inaccepta, 但被此文作者認為可能是標籤的錯誤. 但他們也沒有排除inaccepta產於台灣的可能性
Xerodes contiguaria (Leech, 1897): 產於台灣, 華南, 華東與華西
Xerodes obscura (Warren, 1899): 產於台灣(蘭嶼, 綠島)與華南與華東 (好奇怪的分布型), 綠島的蛾中所記載的Xerodes sordidata為本種之誤訂

2011年7月1日 星期五


特有生物研究保育中心於2011年5月出版的解說折頁, 非常有趣, 不過這邊我的職業病犯了, 要指出三個錯誤, 標題"認識台灣的大蛾家族"的英文錯了, 改成"Macromoth families of Taiwan"或"Guide to knowing macromoths of Taiwan"其實就可以了, 不需要也不應該以中文邏輯逐字翻譯, 更何況moth一字也未以複數形式顯示. 第二個錯誤是姬尺蛾亞科應該是Sterrhinae而不是Sterrbinae. Microniinae應稱微點燕蛾亞科, 而不是微燕蛾亞科.

2011年6月27日 星期一

日本鱗翅學會期刊改名成為Lepidoptera Science

日本鱗翅學會科學期刊Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan (一般通稱為Tyo to Ga)自2011年5月17日起發行的62卷第1期正式改名成為Lepidoptera Science, 版面由原來的B5大小改為A4大小. 該學會之官方網頁在此

2011年6月6日 星期一


文獻來源: Y Basset, R Eastwood, L Sam, DJ Lohman, V Novotny, T Treuer, SE Miller, GD Weiblen, NE Pierce, S Bunyavejchewin, W Sakchoowong, P Kongnoo and MA Osorio-Arenas. 2011. Comparison of rainforest butterfly assemblages across three biogeographical regions using standardized protocols. The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 44: 17-2.


與大多數其他生物一樣,昆蟲的多樣性在熱帶區域較溫帶區域為高,然而熱帶各區域之間的標準化比較研究相當稀少。要解開影響群聚多樣性的生態,演化與生物地理因子需要標準化的作業流程和長期研究。作者在低地雨林鬱閉樹冠的底層以Pollard walk穿越線計數法比較巴拿馬的巴羅科羅拉多島(BCI),泰國的拷秋(KHC)與新幾內亞的瓦那(WAN)共三個地點的蝴蝶豐富度和多樣性。作者在上述三地分別以231、231120次穿越線調查,觀察到1792、 2797 3331隻蝴蝶個體,各有128、 131134個物種。分別對穿越線長度和調查時間長度進行數據校正後,結果顯示蝴蝶數量與物種豐富度分別在WANKHC最高。雖然在WAN的蝴蝶豐富度看來似乎並非由於人工方法所造成,此觀察的生物學上意義仍然是模糊的。WAN地區的植物多樣性與KHC相當,但是所擁有的蝴蝶霧種多樣性卻較KHC低。此現象強調了在植物多樣性之外的因素,例如生物地理歷史,對於解釋造成蝶類多樣性的成因的重要性。KHC特別多樣的蝴蝶相可能是由於其地理位置位在印度中國區和巽它大陸區的交會點。相反的,WAN則穩固位在澳洲地理區,且其較低的物種多樣性可能導因自島嶼生物地理過程。這三個地點的常見物種皆有幾個特色:食果和食蜜者平均出現,超過一半的常見種幼蟲時期取食附生植物或藤蔓類,且他們的翅長近似。由這些觀察推測, Pollard walk穿越線計數法在不同的熱帶雨林樣區指出了常見種的相似集合,並且是一個熱帶雨林蝴蝶組成長期監測的有用工具。

Abstract. Insects, like most other organisms, are more diverse in tropical than in temperate regions, but standardized comparisons of diversity among tropical regions are rare. Disentangling the effects of ecological, evolutionary, and biogeographic factors on community diversity requires standardized protocols and long-term studies. We compared the abundance and diversity of butterflies using standardised ‘Pollard walk’ transect counts in the understory of closed-canopy lowland rainforests in Panama (Barro Colorado Island, BCI), Thailand (Khao Chong, KHC) and Papua New Guinea (Wanang, WAN). We observed 1792, 1797 and 3331 butterflies representing 128, 131 and 134 species during 230, 231 and 120 transects at BCI, KHC and WAN, respectively. When corrected for length and duration of transects, butterfly abundance and species richness were highest at WAN and KHC, respectively. Although high butterfly abundance at WAN did not appear to result from methodological artefacts, the biological meaning of this observation remains obscure. The WAN site appeared as floristically diverse as KHC, but supported lower butterfly diversity. This emphasizes that factors other than plant diversity, such as biogeographic history, may be crucial for explaining butterfly diversity. The KHC butterfly fauna may be unusually species rich because the site is at a biogeographic crossroads between the Indochinese and Sundaland regions. In contrast, WAN is firmly within the Australian biogeographic region and relatively low species numbers may result from island biogeographic processes. The common species at each of the three sites shared several traits: fruit and nectar feeders were equally represented, more than half of common species fed on either epiphytes or lianas as larvae, and their range in wing sizes was similar. These observations suggest that Pollard walks in different tropical rainforests target similar assemblages of common species, and, hence, represent a useful tool for long-term monitoring of rainforest butterfly assemblages.

Keywords: Barro Colorado Island, Center for Tropical Forest Science, Lepidoptera, tropical rainforest, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Pollard walks, Smithsonian Institution Global Earth Observatories, Thailand.

Received: 22 December 2010
24 January 2011
Published online at www.lepidopteraresearchfoundation.org on 4 May 2011

2011年5月14日 星期六


文獻出處:J HRCEK,SE MILLER, DLJ QUICKE & MA SMITH. 2011. Molecular detection of trophic links in a complex insect host–parasitoid food web. Molecular Ecology Resources. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2011.03016.x

過去要揭露昆蟲宿主和其擬寄生物間的關係幾乎只能透過耗時的飼養,而分子方法則只有將對種專一的引子(primers)用在單純的農業害蟲與其擬寄生者系統上。本文報告一種藉由分子偵測巴布亞新幾內亞熱帶雨林內複雜"幼蟲-擬寄生者"食物網的普遍方式。作者對宿主、擬寄生者以及他們的組織殘餘物進行DNA條碼定序,再和當地物種龐大的資料庫進行比對。作者能比對出87% 的宿主序列和36%的擬寄生者序列到物種階層,而其餘則幾乎全部都能判斷到亞科或科的程度。作者運用宿主和擬寄生物雙方的DNA序列分析確認了93個迄今未發現的營養關係,由涉及鱗翅目廣泛科級的37個宿主物種和46個來自膜翅目和雙翅目的擬寄生者物種。由於以幼蟲時期的形態來鑑定宿主物種相單困難,幼蟲也會在飼育過程中死亡,而分子探測對此提供了相當實用的方法。作者甚至偵測到一個極為專一的擬寄生案例,該擬寄生者之宿主桑舞蛾屬(Choreutis)兩個物種在幼蟲形態與生態上沒有任何分別。藉由本研究介紹的方法能夠更加瞭解擬寄生物的宿主專一性,開啓快速調查食物網結構的新可能性,並且能探索尚未預測到的物種交互作用。

Previously, host–parasitoid links have been unveiled almost exclusively by time-intensive rearing, while molecular methods were used only in simple agricultural host–parasitoid systems in the form of species-specific primers. Here, we present a general method for the molecular detection of these links applied to a complex caterpillar–parasitoid food web from tropical rainforest of Papua New Guinea. We DNA barcoded hosts, parasitoids and their tissue remnants and matched the sequences to our extensive library of local species. We were thus able to match 87% of host sequences and 36% of parasitoid sequences to species and infer subfamily or family in almost all cases. Our analysis affirmed 93 hitherto unknown trophic links between 37 host species from a wide range of Lepidoptera families and 46 parasitoid species from Hymenoptera and Diptera by identifying DNA sequences for both the host and the parasitoid involved in the interaction. Molecular detection proved especially useful in cases where distinguishing host species in caterpillar stage was difficult morphologically, or when the caterpillar died during rearing. We have even detected a case of extreme parasitoid specialization in a pair of Choreutis species that do not differ in caterpillar morphology and ecology. Using the molecular approach outlined here leads to better understanding of parasitoid host specificity, opens new possibilities for rapid surveys of food web structure and allows inference of species associations not already anticipated.

Keywords: cytochrome oxidase I, Diptera, Hymenoptera, immature stages, Lepidoptera, Papua New Guinea

2011年5月5日 星期四

法國鱗翅學者Pierre Viette於4/30辭世享年89歲

法國鱗翅學者Pierre Viette (1921-2011)於4/30辭世. Viette最著名的貢獻就是完成馬達加斯加動物誌的鱗翅目多數卷冊, 一生共發表約403篇鱗翅學論文. 由於Viette所接觸的材料多半為馬達加斯加, 中美洲等地區的稀有材料, 他的論文對於填補鱗翅目系統分類, 演化與親緣關係一向具有重要的地位. 有關Pierre Viette的部份生平可參考美國水牛城科學博物館的介紹網頁, 部落格上所張貼的照片為1972年所拍攝.

2011年4月24日 星期日


Lepcey為印度的Habitats Conservation Initiative所發行的一個新期刊, 此期刊的主要議題為熱帶亞洲的昆蟲生態, 保育與部份的經濟昆蟲學. 至2011年4月底止尚未出刊.

2011年4月23日 星期六


[書名] 中國動物誌, 昆蟲綱, 第52卷, 鱗翅目粉蝶科
[作者] 武春生
[年代] 2010年11月
[出版] 科學出版社
[簡介] 粉蝶科隸屬於鱗翅目、鳳蝶總科。本志通過解剖我國所有已知種的成蟲雌、雄外生殖器,以及對外生殖器結構、脈序和外部形態的比較研究,對國內已知的24屬 154種粉蝶進行了全面訂正和系統總結,糾正了一些錯誤鑒定,澄清了一些分類疑點,提升和合併了一些種類。本書備有蝶類分科檢索表,粉蝶科分亞科、分族、分屬檢索表以及各屬的分種檢索表;每種都有完備的引證、別名、形態描述(含雌、雄外生殖器,並盡量包括幼期形態)、分佈、生物學及寄主植物;附有各屬的脈序圖、支序圖、雌雄外生殖器解剖圖、形態特徵等插圖174幅,成蟲彩色照片16版300多幅。在總論部分對粉蝶科的研究簡史、分類系統的演變、分類地位、形態特徵、生物學、寄主植物等作了介紹和總結,並對粉蝶科的地理分佈和區系成分等進行了總結與分析。本書是中國粉蝶科系統分類學研究在現階段的全面總結,為昆蟲學、生物多樣性保護、生物進化、生物地理學提供了基本資料,可供昆蟲學科研與教學工作者、生物多樣性保護與農林生產部門管理者、高等院校有關專業師生及蝴蝶愛好者參考。

[書名] 中國動物誌, 昆蟲綱, 第54卷, 鱗翅目尺蛾科尺蛾亞科
[作者] 韓紅香, 薛大勇
[年代] 2011年1月
[出版] 科學出版社
[簡介] 《中國動物志(昆蟲綱第54卷鱗翅目尺蛾科尺蛾亞科)》由韓紅香、薛大勇所著。尺蛾亞科隸屬于鱗翅目尺蛾總科尺蛾科,是尺蛾科中的第三大亞科,各種類大都是植食性害蟲。本《中國動物志(昆蟲綱第54卷鱗翅目尺蛾科尺蛾亞科)》主要對中國尺蛾亞科進行了系統分類學研究,在檢視絕大多數模式標本的基礎上,系統記述了67屬375種和亞種,其中,包括1新記錄屬、23新記錄種、6新異名、4新組合。本志內容分總論和各論兩大部分。總論包括了尺蛾科和尺蛾亞科的分類地位、分類系統、研究簡史、形態特征及分類學意義、寄主植物、生物學特性、地理分布特征。各論中編制了屬、種檢索表;總結了每個族的主要特征、屬的主要特征和鑒別特征;每種均有詳細的文獻引證、描述、檢視標本和分布等信息。附有各屬的翅脈圖,絕大部分種的雄雌外生殖器圖和腹部特征圖,共929幅,成蟲彩色圖版20版。本卷動物志可為昆蟲學、生物多樣性保護、生物地理學研究提供研究資料,可供昆蟲學科研與教學工作者、?物多樣性保護與農林生產部門工作人員及高等院校有關專業師生參考。

2011年4月15日 星期五


[書名] 日本産蛾類標準図鑑 1巻 カギバガ上科,シャクガ上科,カレハガ上科,カイコガ上科, 日本産蛾類標準図鑑 2巻 ヤガ上科(シャチホコガ科、ヤガ科など)
[編者] 岸田泰則
[出版] 2011年4月5日
[內容] 1982年に講談社の日本産蛾類大図鑑が発行されて以降、30年間蓄積された知見と、最近の情報を網羅した集大成の図鑑です。 美しい図版は、原寸大(一部例外有)、タイプ標本含む既知種をほぼ網羅しています。図版には各種名、学名、雌雄別、標本の産地が掲載され、図版のみでも充分同定が可能です。各種の解説は成虫の形態(開張、斑紋、色彩、変異など)が記述され、外部形態で同定が難しい種については、交尾器の写真(モノクロ)も掲載。このほか国内外の分布、成虫発生時期、化性、寄主植物、最新の分類体系による分類学上の知見も詳細に解説されている。用語解説も充実し、初心者の方にもたいへんわかりやすくなっています。今後は本図鑑が日本産蛾類図鑑の金字塔になることは間違いありません。プロ、アマチュアを問わず、蛾類研究者必携の本です。

2011年3月24日 星期四


photo from Shipher Wu
[文獻來源][原文網址] Rota J. (2011). Data partioning in Bayesian analysis: molecular phylogenetics of metalmark moths (Lepidoptera: Choreutidae). Systematic Entomology, 36: 317-329.

[文章簡介] 本篇文章利用COIEf1awingless等分子片段重建擬捲葉蛾科的高階親緣關係,內群取樣包含在擬捲葉蛾科中的三個亞科(擬捲葉蛾亞科(Choretinae)、舞蛾亞科(Brenthiinae)、密勒蛾亞科(Millieriinae)),共取樣21個屬中的13個屬。作者利用貝氏分析法與資料區分(data-partitioning)策略;資料共區分為每個分子片段矩陣、核基因片段矩陣與全基因片段矩陣,利用資料區分分析後發現對於結果有明顯的影響,根據資料區分的形式,樹的支持度會有所差異。在資料分析方面,本文章也測試了Bayesian star tree paradox(註),結果發現在Hemerophila hourruinialis, H. diva與H. felis的支系上,其支持度會被假性提高,而其他高支持度的支系並沒有發現這樣的現象。親緣關係的結果支持密勒蛾亞科與捲葉蛾科應為複系群,舞蛾亞科與擬捲葉蛾亞科強烈被支持為姊妹群。除了Hemerophila屬外,其他屬的單系性也被支持。根據其結果,本篇作者建議應將密勒蛾亞科從擬捲葉蛾科中移出,並從亞科級提升為科級,但其在雙孔群中的地位仍不清楚。

註:Bayesian star tree paradox為一種貝氏分析法重建親緣關係時的矛盾,最基礎的理論為若一個已置根有三個分類群的三叉樹,若要產生二叉樹時,則每個二叉樹所產生的機率皆不滿1/3,這個現象在大型矩陣中可能影響事後機率(posterior probability)的估算。

2011年3月22日 星期二


文章來源:Y Imada, A Kawakita & M Kato. Allopatric distribution and diversification without niche shift in a bryophyte-feeding basal moth lineage (Lepidoptera:Micropterigidae). Proc. R. Soc. B doi:10.1098/rspb.2011.0134 Published online.

鱗翅目昆蟲的多樣性極高,最常被提及的解釋為昆蟲與寄主植物的共演化,即植物演化出可抵抗飢餓幼蟲的化學物質,而植食性鱗翅目幼蟲則演化出可以克服該化學物 質的策略,或者轉換到另一種寄主植物上。因此,有數十萬種的植物,就可能會演化出數十萬種鱗翅目昆蟲,然而從一個對較原始的蛾類-小翅蛾科所得到最新的研 究顯示演化的故事不只「生態上的種化」如此簡單。

小翅蛾從侏儸紀至今都沒有與被子植物互動過,但是他們在日本群島中仍有適度的多樣性,日本京都大學Yume Imada的研究團隊在日本群島廣泛採集小翅蛾科昆蟲,同時採集幼蟲並鑑定其寄主蘚類,並以DNA樣本重建其親緣關係,結果發現有25個不同的物種在 1500-3500萬年前之間演化出來,而這些物種的寄主皆相同-他們都取食蛇苔 (或稱蛇蘚,Conocephalum conicum), 顯示他們佔有相同的生態棲位,且他們都生活在潮濕多苔蘚的環境中。作者認為棲位移轉造成物種分化的可能性很低,由於這些小翅蛾的飛行能力不佳,被侷限於溪 流沿岸的潮濕環境裡,因此不同地區的族群受地理上的隔離,為異域種化的結果。作者表示此研究是目前所知無涉明顯的棲位分化之最大輻射演化案例。
芬蘭學者Tommi Nyman 等人於2010年發表在BMC Evol. Biol.上的研究,也以葉蜂為材料獲得相近的結果,Nyman認為生態上的種化因為題材有趣而受到矚目,並猜測由生態因素種化而來的植食性昆蟲約佔 20-50%,但是異域種化的例子就相對受到忽視。Imada與其團隊猜測晚近利用不同寄主植物的物種並不盡然會因為移入不同的棲位而演化出不同的物種, 可能的方案是在初期的異域種化後伴隨或接著發生寄主選擇的微幅分化;此方案也可能有助於說明為何相近的昆蟲類群經常取食關係近緣的植物。

The Lepidoptera represent one of the most successful radiations of plant-feeding insects, which predominantly took place within angiosperms beginning in the Cretaceous period. Angiosperm colonization is thought to underlie the evolutionary success of the Lepidoptera because angiosperms provide an enormous range of niches for ecological speciation to take place. By contrast, the basal lepidopteran lineage, Micropterigidae, remained unassociated with angiosperms since Jurassic times but nevertheless achieved a modest diversity in the Japanese Archipelago. We explored the causes and processes of diversification of the Japanese micropterigid moths by performing molecular phylogenetic analysis and extensive ecological surveying. Phylogenetic analysis recovered a monophyletic group of approximately 25 East Asian endemic species that feed exclusively on the liverwort Conocephalum conicum, suggesting that niche shifts hardly played a role in their diversification. Consistent with the low flying ability of micropterigid moths, the distributions of the Conocephalum specialists are each localized and allopatric, indicating that speciation by geographical isolation has been the major process shaping the diversity of Japanese Micropterigidae. To our knowledge, this is the largest radiation of herbivorous insects that does not accompany any apparent niche differentiation. We suggest that the significance of non-ecological speciation during the diversification of the Lepidoptera is commonly underestimated.
Keywords: Eriocraniidae; non-glossatan moths; Japan; molecular dating

1. Nature News: Moths diversify without changing diet
2. Nyman, T. et al. BMC Evol. Biol. 10, 266 (2010). | Article | PubMed |


Photo by Dumbou

文獻來源: Wahlberg N. and D. Rubinoff. 2011. Vagility across Vanessa (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): mobility in butterfly species does not inhibit the formation and persistence of isolated sister taxa. Systematic Entomology 36(2): 362–370. [Abstract]


異域種化假設了族群間受地理隔離而無法進行基因交流,最終形成兩個獨立的分類群,因此對於廣域且活動能力強的物種來說此機制似乎無法形成隔離且侷限分佈的姊妹種。蛺蝶科紅蛺蝶屬(Vanessa)包含了許多世界性廣域分佈物種,卻也擁有不少局限分佈種,因次此屬成為測試此假說理想的材料之一。此研究藉由涵蓋全球紅蛺蝶屬與其姊妹群的取樣,使用粒腺體COI與8段核基因序列,進行親緣關係的重建與分子鐘枝系分歧的時間推估,所獲得的結果為: 1. 各基因所重建的親緣關係樹見少有衝突,且樹型符合過去形態證據所劃分的烏個紅蛺蝶種群; 2. 外群Antanartia成為駢系群,其中改屬兩物種在此研究中與Vanessa形成單系群,故以此將其轉屬,現用組合名為V. hippomene以及V. dimorphica,現今紅蛺蝶共計22種; 3. 由生物地理分析的結果呈現多數的侷限分佈種,其姊妹種為廣域分布種,因而顯示擴散分布與異域種化的存在。然而就分子定年的結果顯示這些分枝分化時間都相當久(大於500萬年),此結果支持了長時間的隔離分化。然而作者認為紅蛺蝶屬的高活動力與異域隔離在此研究中,並無法完全解釋此屬在系統發生上的成因。

Allopatric speciation is thought to occur in the absence of gene flow, thereby suggesting that widespread vagile species might be less likely to generate restricted sister taxa because of a lack of isolation. The butterfly genus Vanessa provides an ideal test of this concept, as it contains some of the most cosmopolitan and vagile species of butterflies on the planet, as well as some highly restricted taxa. Given the age of these groups, this arrangement offers a special opportunity to examine the relationship between vagility and phylogeny in generating novel taxa; specifically, does the vagility of some lineages impede allopatric speciation, leaving restricted clades more speciose? A phylogenetic hypothesis is proposed for all species belonging to the butterfly genus Vanessa based on DNA sequences from one mitochondrial and eight nuclear gene regions. The resulting topology shows very little conflict among gene regions, with five well-supported clades corresponding to morphologically consistent species groups. The data very strongly indicate a polyphyletic genus Antanartia, and thus to preserve monophyly two species previously assigned to Antanartia are transferred to Vanessa, Vanessa hippomene comb.n. and Vanessa dimorphica comb. n., resulting in a total of 22 species placed in Vanessa. A biogeographical analysis shows that in many cases the most geographically restricted species are sister to geographically widespread species, suggesting dispersal and allopatric speciation. Surprisingly, in almost all cases the divergences between widespread and restricted species are quite old (>5 Ma), suggesting long-term isolation and stability of both vagile and sedentary species, despite the high (even intercontinental) vagility of many extant species and, by extension, ancestral species. The biogeography of Vanessa suggests that species vagility and allopatry do not fully explain the forces governing cladogenesis in this remarkable genus.