2009年4月30日 星期四


文獻來源: Chen LS, Jinbo U, Wang M. 2009. A new species of Ptycholoma (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) from South China. Zootaxa 2087: 65–68. [摘要下載]

The genus Ptycholoma Stephens, 1829 is a small Archipini genus comprised of four species distributed in the Palaearctic and Oriental Regions (Brown, 2005; Baixeras et al., 2008). Three species have been recorded from China: P. lecheana (Linneaus), P. imitator (Walsingham), and P. micantana (Kennel). Liu (2002) recorded P. plumbeolana (Bremer), but it subsequently was transferred to Clepsis. During field work in South China we discovered an undescribed species in this genus. The purpose of this paper is describe the new species and provide a comparison between it and its closest relative, P. lecheana. A key and the distribution map of Ptycholoma from China are provided.

2009年4月28日 星期二

小孩嘴大吃四方媽媽就會活不久 or 媽媽活得久小孩就偏食?

A trade-off between female lifespan and larval diet breadth at the interspecific level in Lepidoptera
Evol Ecol (2007) 21:307–323
Mark A. Jervis AE Peter N. Ferns AE Carol L. Boggs


A prediction arising from several evolutionary diet breadth models is that, in insect herbivores whose adults practise adaptive host plant selection based on larval performance, female adult lifespan should be negatively correlated with larval diet breadth. In one category of models, female adult lifespan drives evolutionary changes in larval diet breadth; in the other category, larval diet breadth drives evolutionary changes in female adult lifespan. Applying the method of independent contrasts to a biologically and phylogenetically diverse array of Lepidoptera, we ask whether larval diet breadth—as measured by the number of larval food plant species reported in the literature—is negatively correlated with female adult lifespan at the interspecific level. We show that these two life history variables are indeed inversely related. Next, we relax the assumption, common to all of the models, that the female adult is the life stage responsible for the distribution of progeny among different host plants. By introducing into our data set three species whose females are incapable of flight (due to either aptery or brachyptery), and whose larvae are the dispersive stage, the negative correlation between female adult lifespan and larval diet breadth is lost, when using the independent contrasts method. We interpret this effect as supporting the models’ common prediction. Ours is the first reported evidence of a lifespan/diet breadth trade-off at the interspecific level among insects, and it confirms the findings of a previous study in which the degree of habitat specialisation among arthropods was inversely related to proxy measures of the degree of search time constraint. In one of our ‘‘diet breadth drives changes in lifespan’’ models, the females’ type of egg maturation strategy (as measured by the ovigeny index) is predicted to be positively correlated with larval diet breadth, and it mediates a female adult lifespan/larval diet breadth trade-off; however, we found no convincing support for such a role.

2009年4月25日 星期六


Evolution of cave living in Hawaiian Schrankia (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) with description of a remarkable new cave species
PDF (1315k)
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (209) 156: 114-139.

Mattew J. Medeiros, D. Davis, Francis G. Howarth and Rosmary Gillespie


Schrankia屬(註1)原產五種特有種,皆具有正常的翅發育與飛行能力。Medeiros等人在此文章中以生殖器結構為依據將其中四種作同物異名處理為另外一種最早發表的S. altivolans (Butler, 1880),並描述分布於Hawaii與Maui兩島具有穴居性行為的一新種S. howarthi Davis & Medeiros,再來採用後者進行飛行能力測試,了解其在島內洞穴間或島嶼間之長距離擴散的可能性,最後在親緣關係重建上選用粒線體DNA之COI與COII,以及核DNA wingless基因片段進行重建,除夏威夷島上之兩種外,另加上大溪地產未描述種,與大洋區廣佈種、並被認為夏威夷類群近緣種的S. costaestrigalis(註2),以及Hypena屬類群作為外群。

  • 晚近分化的兩個形態種在分子樹上未各自形成單系群: 此研究中,親緣樹上主要的S. altivolans樣本形成S. howarthi樣本主支系中最晚近分化的一個支系之一,作者認為近似的形態種間並不形成穩定的單系群並沒有什麼好訝異的,因為在快速或晚近分化的支系,同域雜交與不完全的支系分化(incomplete lineage sorting)皆可能影響粒線體DNA所建構樹形的此類結果。
  • 外部形態的相似性並不一定等同於遺傳片段上的親緣關係: 雖然在生殖器結構檢視上S. altivolans與外群S. costaestrigalis相對S. howarthi較為相近,然而分子樹型中S. altivolans並未與此外群有近緣關係。
  • 單一洞穴內不同深度與狀態下所採集的樣本,在親緣關係中並無分化上的順序: 研究原本預期單一洞穴內的樣本,會隨著洞穴中由光與理化因子所分段定義的棲地,而有由淺入深的親緣分化關聯與順序,也就是出現於愈深愈黑暗無光區的樣本應會在最晚近才分化並拓殖於該區。然而結果是單一洞穴不同深淺區的樣本其在親緣樹上是散亂分布的,也代表洞內擴散與基因交流的存在。
  • 島內洞與洞間族群是有基因交流的: 分子樹上顯示同一洞穴中的S. howarthi並非形成單系群,也就是洞與洞間的族群間有往來。依據作者的觀察,雖然穴居性S. howarthi有些個體具翅退化、眼尺寸變小,而且將牠們置於陽光下有容易死亡的現象,然而夜晚的外部地表環境類似於洞穴而易於在地面爬行,也使得洞與洞間交流的推測由親緣關係得到佐證。
  • 島間各洞穴族群在親緣樹上無單系性: 由於測試上淺穴居性個體仍然有部份具有飛行能力,故島嶼間遷徙使得族群基因交流,進而使各洞穴樣本不形成單系群得到解釋。
  • 物種分化的時間並不一定等同於地質史: 分佈於Maui島的S. howarthi族群在親緣樹上是插入於整個Hawaii島的族群之中,也就是相對較晚分化的族群,然而夏威夷地史上Maui島較Hawaii島早形成,此結果並不如大多數夏威夷群島研究生物之拓殖與火山島形成順序相同。

Schrankia屬為廣泛分布於全北區、大洋洲的類群,據Holloway (1989)、Poole (1989)與此篇文章,全世界約有41種,據台灣鱗翅目誌記載台灣產一種
Schrankia seinoi Inoue, 1979.

Schrankia costaestrigalis (JPMoths影像連結)為廣泛分布於全北區與大洋洲的物種,據 徐堉峰老師(2007)所執行之「太魯閣國家公園昆蟲群聚與功能之研究(二)」中附錄十一記載此物種,該計畫存證標本現暫存放於中山大學昆蟲系統分類研究室。


Although temperate cave-adapted fauna may evolve as a result of climatic change, tropical cave dwellers probably colonize caves through adaptive shifts to exploit new resources. The founding populations may have traits that make colonization of underground spaces even more likely. To investigate the process of cave adaptation and the number of times that flightlessness has evolved in a group of reportedly flightless Hawaiian cave moths, we tested the flight ability of 54 Schrankia individuals from seven caves on two islands. Several caves on one island were sampled because separate caves could have been colonized by underground connections after flightlessness hadalready evolved. A phylogeny based on approximately 1500 bp of mtDNA and nDNA showed that Schrankia howarthi sp. nov. invaded caves on two islands, Maui and Hawaii. Cave-adapted adults are not consistently flightless but instead are polymorphic for flight ability. Although the new species appears well suited to underground living, some individuals were found living above ground as well. These individuals, which are capable of flight, suggest that this normally cave-limited species is able to colonize other, geographically separated caves via above-ground dispersal. This is the first example of an apparently cave-adapted species that occurs in caves ontwo separate Hawaiian islands. A revision of the other Hawaiian Schrankia is presented, revealing that Schrankia simplex, Schrankia oxygramma, Schrankia sarothrura, and Schrankia arrhecta are all junior synonyms of Schrankia altivolans.

2009年4月22日 星期三

[TaiBNET名錄修訂] 秋翠夜蛾之學名訂正與相關問題

051104 南投 梅峰 秋翠夜蛾 Daseochaeta autumnalis Chang, 1991

文獻來源: Yanagita Y. 2009.
Diphtherocome autumnalis (Chang) (Noctuidae) collected in Okinawa-jima and Amami-oshima Islands. Japan Heterocerists Journal 151: 13-15.

秋翠夜蛾為已故的張保信老師於1991年所描述的物種, 原本使用的學名組合為Daseochaeta autumnalis, 而此學名組合也為杉 繁郎於1992年的台灣鱗翅目昆蟲誌所沿用. 然而Hrebley等人於1998年研究西藏蛾類時認為autumnalis應改隸於Diphtherocome屬, 並置於Acronictinae亞科, 雖然Hrebley等人的分類處理完全未有任何的解釋, 但這樣的處理已經為Hrebley & Ronkay (1999), Hrebley & Kononenko (1999)以及傅建明與左漢榮所著鞍馬山的蛾(第一冊)所引用. 日本橫濱市的蛾類研究者柳田慶浩(Yanagita Yoshihiro)於2009年確認Diptherocome autumnalis亦分布於日本的沖繩本島與奄美大島, 並由吉野櫻上飼養出幼蟲. 柳田氏認為將autumnalis轉移至Diptherocome的合理性仍有待進一步的研究, 此外根據他所發現的幼蟲形態, autumnalis應該不屬於Acronictinae, 而比較可能屬於廣義的冬夜蛾亞科(Cuculliinae)或是近年重新定義的Psaphidinae. 目前TaiBNET上之秋翠夜蛾學名仍以原始組合呈現.

圖片連結: 林業試驗所昆蟲數位典藏計畫上傳至聯合目錄之秋翠夜蛾藏品


Butterfly host plant range: an example of plasticity as a promoter of speciation?
Sören Nylin1 Contact Information and Niklas Janz1

Mary Jane West-Eberhard 曾主張可塑性可能是促進演化發生和多樣化的首要條件。在本文中,作者以蛺蝶為例子探討植食性昆蟲透過此過程演化的可能性。作者討論寄主植物與可塑性之間相連的方式,並呈現作者對於 West-Eberhard 的腳本如何可能導致由寄主利用所驅動的種化之闡釋。作者也在本文中回顧一些植物利用的多樣性促使植食性昆蟲多樣化之實例,最終討論這是否暗示了一個由可塑性驅動種化的角色。作者找到一個作者的理論(植食性昆蟲多樣化是由寄主範圍波動驅使)與作者對West-Eberhard的理論所作最有效率的解釋,兩者之間緊密的概念連結。一個主要未解決的議題是寄主植物範圍廣泛的程度是由於適應可塑性伴隨著為利用不同植物設計的遺傳機制的專用模組。

Mary Jane West-Eberhard has suggested that plasticity may be of primary importance in promoting evolutionary innovation and diversification. Here, we explore the possibility that the diversification of phytophagous insects may have occurred through such a process, using examples from nymphalid butterflies. We discuss the ways in which host plant range is connected to plasticity and present our interpretation of how West-Eberhard’s scenario may result in speciation driven by plasticity in host utilization. We then review some of the evidence that diversity of plant utilization has driven the diversification of phytophagous insects and finally discuss whether this suggests a role for plasticity-driven speciation. We find a close conceptual connection between our theory that the diversification of phytophagous insects has been driven by oscillations in host range, and our personal interpretation of the most efficient way in which West-Eberhard’s theory could account for plasticity-driven speciation. A major unresolved issue is the extent to which a wide host plant range is due to adaptive plasticity with dedicated modules of genetic machinery for utilizing different plants.

2009年4月21日 星期二


Do canal-cutting behaviours facilitate host-range expansion by insect herbivores?
Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 272K)

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 96, 715–731.

根據共演化理論中物種數逐漸增加之輻射演化模型,能克服植物防禦能力的植食性昆蟲可進入一個新的適應區域(adaptation zone)並因此在演化上得到較高的物種多樣性。目前關於植食者如何對植物防禦產生逆適應可能導致的種化所知甚少。根據蛺蝶的研究結果推測食性的擴張可能是關鍵的一步。本文檢測能以切斷管道 (canal -cutting)方法撤消植物防禦的食葉性昆蟲是否通常有比較廣的食性範圍。作者從文獻中鑑定出92種會切斷管道的昆蟲(canal cutters),其中包括8種新的切斷通道者。已知寄主範圍的 canal cutters 中只有27%取食跨越多個科的寄主植物,此比例接近或低於整體植食性昆蟲中評估為廣食性者的比例。至多只有5種 canal cutters 專一性地取食具有分泌管的植物。廣食者數量不高有一部份可歸因於具有分泌管道的植物在親緣關係上距離相當遙遠,以及其對應之化學物質的特殊性。許多canal-cutting 物種對於從寄主植物的化學物質獲得防禦能力的倚賴,也會偏好種化發生。

According to the escalation–radiation model of co-evolution, insect herbivores that acquire the ability to circumvent a plant defence enter a new adaptive zone and increase in species. How herbivore counter-adaptations to plant defences might lead to speciation is poorly understood. Studies of nymphalid butterflies suggest that the evolution of a broadened host range may be a critical step. This paper examines if leaf-feeding insects capable of deactivating defensive plant canals with canal cutting often have broad host ranges. A total of 94 species of canal-cutting insects were identified from the literature, including eight new canal cutters described in this paper. Only 27% of canal cutters with known host ranges are generalists that feed on plants in multiple families. The proportion of generalist canal cutters is similar or lower than estimates of generalists among phytophagous insects overall. Only five species, at most, of the canal-cutting generalists feed exclusively on plants with secretory canals. The paucity of generalists can be attributed in part to the considerable taxonomic distance separating canal-bearing plant families and to their corresponding chemical distinctiveness. The dependence of many canal-cutting species on host chemicals for defence would also favour specialization.

2009年4月17日 星期五


Out of the Andes: patterns of diversification in clearwing butterflies
Full text: PDF
Molecular Ecology (2009) 18, 1716–1729


安地斯山的熱帶森林擁有全球生物多樣性的高峰,其令人矚目的地理特色似乎可提供促進產生生物多樣性的機會,如地理割據與生態上的種化。然而,對於占生物多樣性最多比例的昆蟲,這些山脈所扮演的角色仍很少被使用親緣關係方法進行研究。作者在本文中探討安地斯山在新熱帶區高多樣性的昆蟲- 蛉蛺蝶亞科(the clearwing butterflies)演化上扮演的角色。作者使用定年的種級親緣關係去評估發生種化的年代以及推測兩個多樣化的屬的祖先分布海拔範圍。結果顯示兩個屬可能都起源自第三紀中新世中期的安地斯山中海拔地區,與對脊椎動物發表的研究成果大多起源自低海拔相反。儘管作者偵測到由上新世-中新世之間安地斯山脈隆起所造成的割據種化訊號,大多數的姊妹種都是鄰域分布且沒有明顯的地理屏障。結合整體上趨緩的種化速率,此結果推測生態上的種化與適應性輻射所扮演的角色比單純的地理割據更為重要。

Global biodiversity peaks in the tropical forests of the Andes, a striking geological feature that has likely been instrumental in generating biodiversity by providing opportunities for both vicariant and ecological speciation. However, the role of these mountains in the diversification of insects, which dominate biodiversity, has been poorly explored using phylogenetic methods. Here we study the role of the Andes in the evolution of a diverse Neotropical insect group, the clearwing butterflies. We used dated species-level phylogenies to investigate the time course of speciation and to infer ancestral elevation ranges for two diverse genera. We show that both genera likely originated at middle elevations in the Andes in the Middle Miocene, contrasting with most published results in vertebrates that point to a lowland origin. Although we detected a signature of vicariance caused by the uplift of the Andes at the Miocene–Pliocene boundary, most sister species were parapatric without any obvious vicariant barrier. Combined with an overall decelerating speciation rate, these results suggest an important role for ecological speciation and adaptive radiation, rather than simple vicariance.

2009年4月15日 星期三


Monarch butterflies. (Credit: iStockphoto/Paul Tessier)
Defining behavioral and molecular differences between summer and migratory monarch butterflies
PDF (3.6MB)

Haisun Zhu email, Robert J Gegear email, Amy Casselman email, Sriramana Kanginakudru email and Steven M Reppert email

BMC Biology 2009, 7:14


在此研究中,作者發現對秋季遷徙者增加青春激素活性會促進如夏季一般的生殖發育,但是不會改變方向性的飛行行為或時間補償的導航。 相反的,有生殖能力的夏季個體皆無法表現出方向性飛行或是導航的行為。作者使用9417 unique cDNA進行微陣列資料分析以定義與行為狀態相關的分子,基因表現數據顯示有一系列40個基因在腦中對個體遷徙的導航飛行行為有不同的表現、且與青春激素的活性無關,從而在分子層次上區分秋季與夏季的個體。這些具差異調節的複雜基因包括時鐘基因vrille和酪胺酸β水解脢。此外這些基因中有37.5%是尚未被註解的,作者鑑定了腦中的23個與青春激素有關、可區別帝王蝶是否具生殖能力的基因;也發現涉及長壽、脂肪酸代謝與免疫力的基因在無生殖能力的遷徙者(青春激素有缺陷)中有被促進的現象。


2009年4月10日 星期五


文獻來源: Chiba. H. 2009. A revision of the subfamily Coeliadinae (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae). Bulletin of Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History, Series A 7: 1-102.

一本千呼萬喚才問世的一篇文章, 原始版本為千葉秀幸博士於1995年獲得夏威夷大學博士學位時的博士論文. 其中與台灣產分類群相關的觀點包含: (1) 台灣產尖翅絨弄蝶被視為原名亞種Hasora chromus chromus, 而非H. c. inermis; (2) 大綠弄蝶台灣亞種formosanus被處理為日本亞種的同物異名, 因此台灣產族群之有效學名成為Choaspes benjaminii japonicus, 此分類處理為新同物異名; (3) 台灣產褐翅綠弄蝶(chrysopterus)被視為原名亞種的同物異名, 因此其有效學名成為Choaspes xanthopogon xanthopogon.

The subfamily Coeliadinae of the family Hesperiidae is reviewed. The group is classifi ed into
9 genera, 78 species, and 202 subspecies, in which a new species and 4 new subspecies are described. Four of the species previously classified in the genus Coeliades have been transferred to the genus Pyrrhiades. Keys to the genera and species, general generic characters, distribution pattern, synonymic lists, type information, and geographic distribution are given. Brief description and diagnostic characters are provided for each species and subspecies. In addition, their early stages and bionomics are also shown where known. Nearly all of the species and subspecies referred to are illustrated.

2009年4月9日 星期四


photo by codiferous
Effects of herbivory by Hyblaea puera (Hyblaeidae: Lepidoptera) on litter production in the mangrove on the coast of Brazilian Amazonia
Full Text: PDF (142 kb)
Journal of Tropical Ecology (2009) 25:337–339.

Marcus Emanuel Barroncas Fernandes1, Antonia Aparecida Monteiro Nascimento and Muzenilha Lira Carvalho

Universidade Federal do Par´a, Campus de Braganc¸a, Instituto de Estudos Costeiros, Laborat´orio de Ecologia de Manguezal, Alameda Leandro Ribeiro s/n, Aldeia, Braganc¸a, Par´a, Brazil.

紅樹林植物也無法逃過植食性生物的取食,尤其是可能影響落葉產生與生態系中營養循環的食葉者。植食性昆蟲在生態系中扮演的腳色不只是使植物喪失生物量,而是涉及整體植物的表現與生態系的功能,因此植食性昆蟲也許可以視為一種對紅樹林的正面影響,例如能量在系統中的轉移。大量落葉的情形在巴西的亞馬遜海岸大約每兩年會發生大約一個月,海茄苳的葉片完全被黃帶駝蛾幼蟲取食殆盡,作者對此地區對紅樹林生產力進行為期四年的研究,本文章是此大型調查的一部分。作者於2000-2004年在Furo Grande一處幾乎是海茄苳純林的地點以凋落物收集網進行實驗,每月收集一次並將凋落物區分為六類:葉、花、果、細枝、托葉與其他混合類別(排遺和死亡的黃帶駝蛾幼蟲),在70℃恆溫烘乾秤重,再進行一年當中之統計比較與年間的比較。結果發現四年間凋落物量沒有顯著的差異,但是“混合“類別的重量在第一年與第三年顯著地較高(at 65 and 99 g m−2 mo−1, respectively),第二年與第四年則很少(10 g m−2 mo−1 or less in years 2 and 4)。“混合“類別在大多數的月份收集到的量都相當為不足道,唯獨在第一年的六月和第三年的五月的量呈現高峰,同時葉凋落物量在這兩個月份的接下來一個月中分別減少了45%和15%,反映出葉片受到幼蟲取食並轉換為糞便或幼蟲生物量,結果在第一年與第三年、“混合“類別佔全年總凋落物重達9% 和 17%,另外兩年則不到2%。黃帶駝蛾幼蟲在巴西亞馬遜地區專一性地取食海茄苳,在短時間內消耗大量年輕與老熟的葉片,此現象看似會減少對森林底層相當重要的營養物質,但是這並非每年都會發生的情形。據凋落物收集網中總量推測,落到林底層的營養物總量每年沒有顯著的變化,但是可能造成的影響是加速沈積層中的葉片分解速度。此外,該幼蟲可能在調節海茄苳葉片的動態上扮演重要的角色,而不同於其他研究認為昆蟲的取食會減低植物的葉片產生效率,作者認為兩年一度幼蟲大發生可在短時間內提供鄰近水域營養的補充。

相關中文文章參考:森林生態系中的食植行為 by 鹿兒陽 (台灣大學森林環境暨資源學系)

2009年4月7日 星期二

蕈蛾總科學者Gaden Robinson自大英自然史博物館退休

Dr. Gaden Robinson為國際知名的蕈蛾總科(Tineioidea)學者, 多年來鑽研其系統分類, 演化及生態. 除了無數的科學論文外, 他最為人所知的則是在退休前整理了近乎所有鱗翅類的已知寄主植物資訊, 並分為東方區, 新北區與新熱帶區部份分別發行, 並建立了數個利用率極高的國際性資料庫, 如HOSTs以及Global taxonomic database of Tineidae. 他也是澳洲蛾類誌數冊的作者, 此外他也擔任Systematics & Biodiversity的期刊編輯. 由於健康問題, 他已於本月退休, 退休後將休養並從事他最愛的休閒活動 - 集郵.

2009年4月6日 星期一

The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera全新改版

這是一個多災多難的鱗翅學期刊, 自1962年創刊後, 發行一直十分地不穩定. 相對於另一個美國鱗翅學期刊Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society來說, 其稿源不足, 編輯人事的異動極大, 財源也不穩定. 現在已經是2009年, 但只發行到第41卷(也就是2002年的卷期數). 本期的封面有了大幅度的變動, 相對於過去十分陽春的排版變得比較新穎. 不過在收錄文章的走向方面與LepSoc的期刊仍有相當大的重疊之處.

2009年4月4日 星期六


文獻來源: Yu H, Li H. 2009. Review of the genus Sorolopha Lower (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae, Olethreutinae) from Mainland China, with descriptions of two new species. Zootaxa 2062: 1–14. [摘要下載]

這篇文章事實上以中國大陸產種類為分類檢討的對象, 不過其中亦包含了分布於台灣的五個種, 如S. bryana (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875), S. plinthograpta (Meyrick, 1931), S. plumboviridis Diakonoff, 1973, S. rubescens Diakonoff, 1973, 以及S. semiculta (Meyrick, 1909).

Abstract The genus Sorolopha Lower from the Chinese Mainland is reviewed. Seventeen species are recognized, including two new species, S. dactyloidea sp. n. and S. identaeolochloca sp. n., and five species previously unrecorded from China, S. asphaeropa Diakonoff, 1973, S. ferruginosa Kawabe, 1989, S. karsholti Kawabe, 1989, S. liochlora (Meyrick, 1914), and S. stygiaula (Meyrick, 1933). Also, the female of S. ferruginosa is reported for the first time with a brief description and illustration. Sorolopha longurus Liu & Bai, 1982 (syn. n.) and S. micheliacola Liu, 2001 (syn. n.) are proposed as new synonyms of S. camarotis (Meyrick, 1936), and S. chlorotica Liu & Bai, 1985 (syn. n.) as a new synonym of S. rubescens Diakonoff, 1973. Photographs of adults and genitalia of the new species are provided. A key to the species from the Chinese Mainland is given based on the male genitalia.

圖片連結: pbase.com (credit: 57Andrew)


今天的台灣英雄:徐堉峰戀戀蝴蝶人生轉向 中央社 更新日期:"2009/04/02 08:25" (中央社記者黃季寬台北 2日電)



徐堉峰就有這樣刻骨銘心的經歷。1963年出生的他,小學3年級時受到姑姑徐喜美的啟發和鼓勵,對昆蟲產生莫大興趣,一次前往野外採集標本,看到華麗的紫斑蝶蛹,就此迷上蝴蝶。這一迷不得了,徐堉峰不但投注全副精力,也荒廢了學業,在高中聯考一敗塗地,只好轉進國四班。 接下來的一年,徐堉峰承受極大壓力,每天早上7點就走進補習班,直到天黑才拖著疲憊的身心回家,「一星期只有週末才看得到太陽」。經過365天日夜苦讀,終於在第2年的聯考鹹魚大翻身,金榜題名台北市建國中學。

不過,國中的教訓並沒有讓徐堉峰失去對蝴蝶的熱愛,到了高中依然故我,沈迷於昆蟲世界,「不喜歡的科目,書就看不下去」,以至在大學聯考又差點慘遭滑鐵盧,英文測驗題居然抱了個大鴨蛋,僅擦邊考上文化大學,直到大二插班進入台灣大學昆蟲系。 台大畢業之後,徐堉峰想繼續深造,那時候英文已經突飛猛進,托福和GRE都考得比班上同學好,申請到加州大學柏克萊分校,直攻昆蟲學博士,歷經7年拿到學位,返台任教。


編寫蝴蝶圖鑑並不簡單。一般來說,基本資料必須包括雌蝶和雄蝶個體外觀圖片,如果要更完整些,就要有幼蟲及寄主植物、卵、蛹、棲息地、生活史等資料。由於蝴蝶在野外罕見固定蹤跡,因此從尋找成蟲、發現幼蟲到辨識寄主植物,需費相當大精力。尤其覓尋一些一年才發生一次的罕見珍稀蝶種,那更是難上加難。至於確認新種,另要有解剖等專業資料,更為不易。 為了研究所需,徐堉峰三天兩頭就得上山下溪,深入荒野,有時不免身陷險境。有一次為了研究兩岸蝴蝶關係,在貴州不曉得被什麼蟲子叮咬,得了一種類似登革熱的不知名怪病,喉嚨腫得像桃子,咳嗽都吐血,全身關節疼痛,寸步難行,差一點沒了命。

即使如此,徐堉峰仍然鍥而不捨,樂此不疲,1999年「台灣蝶圖鑑」出版第1冊,2002年第2冊,2006年第3冊,總共記錄了約210種台灣各式蝴蝶生態資料。 除了編寫「台灣蝶圖鑑」,更重要的是,儘管日籍學者白水隆 (1960年發表「原色台灣蝶類大圖鑑」,至今仍被認為是台灣蝴蝶研究的里程碑)曾經斷言,台灣的蝴蝶資料在20世紀80年代就已大體完備,但是徐堉峰卻在其後陸續又發表了十幾種台灣新、特有種蝴蝶,破解了白水隆的迷思,把台灣蝴蝶研究向前推進一大步,徐堉峰並且成為台灣唯一發表過1種以上新蝶種的人,其中不乏讓日籍學者驚艷的美麗蝴蝶。 例如「密紋波灰蝶」,過去一直被誤以為是台灣常見的波灰蝶。而波灰蝶由於數量多,大家不太注意,只知道牠的寄主植物,卻幾乎沒有卵的資料。但是徐堉峰和中山大學顏聖紘博士合作,歷經3年追蹤調查,不但揭開了波灰蝶的產卵習性:把卵產在花苞縫間並隨即封膠,還進一步發現密紋波灰蝶與波灰蝶是兩種不同的蝶(兩者生殖器不同),並進而確定台灣的密紋波灰蝶是新亞種。 又如徐堉峰和博士生呂至堅共同發表的「高山鐵灰蝶」,不但確認了這是台灣第二種鐵灰蝶,還發現台灣的「高山鐵灰蝶」和中國大陸甘肅的「秦嶺鐵灰蝶」是近親,因為「高山鐵灰蝶」幼蟲寄主植物是高山櫟,與秦嶺鐵灰蝶相同,同是冰河時期孑遺物種。 此外,經徐堉峰確認的台灣特有新種蝴蝶還包括夸父璀灰蝶等。正是因為這些重要成果,徐堉峰的研究才能得到日本蝶類學會的肯定。 徐堉峰說,在編寫「台灣蝶圖鑑」的過程中,他越來越覺得這是一件很有意義的好事,一方面這個圖鑑可以具有半學術內涵,成為日後有關研究的基礎資料,另一方面這個圖鑑兼具推廣功能,對台灣生態保育也極具意義。

徐堉峰進一步指出,台灣一直有「蝴蝶王國」美譽,在有限的地域上分佈了近400種蝴蝶,其中約50種是台灣特有種。20世紀50、60年代,台灣的蝴蝶加工業發達,每年約消耗3000萬至5億隻蝴蝶,製成各式工藝品出口,年產值約200萬至3000萬美元,對台灣的經濟發展有過不小的奉獻。 然而,台灣本土對蝴蝶資源的了解卻很不夠,對蝴蝶的保育也只是在近年才受到提倡,所以才會發生像大紫斑蝶及台灣燕小灰蝶等在我們眼皮底下滅絕的情況,「太丟臉了,」徐堉峰說。 緣於種種因由,徐堉峰表示,他將會試著繼續致力於「台灣蝶圖鑑」的編寫,希望在有生之年能把總數大約400種的台灣蝴蝶全部調查清楚,掌握台灣蝴蝶資源的家底。走過國四班陰霾,如今站在台灣蝴蝶研究頂峰的徐堉峰說,這是他今生一輩子的工作,將用全部生命投入。980402


2009年4月3日 星期五

瑪環蛺蝶海南亞種 - 一個瀕危蝶種

文獻來源: Lang S, Xue D, Han H. 2009. Threatened butterflies: a new subspecies of Neptis manasa Moore, 1858 from Hainan Island (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). Zootaxa 2062: 65-68. [全文下載]

Neptis manasa Moore, 1858, belonging to the tribe Neptini (Nymphalidae: Limenitidinae), is distributed along the northern border of the Oriental Region. So far, four subspecies have been recorded: N. m. manasa Moore, 1858 (North
India to north Thailand), N. m. antigone Leech, 1890 (South China), N. m. narcissina Oberthür, 1906 (Northwest Yunnan, China) and N. m. shinkaii Koiwaya, 1996 (Southeast Tibet, China). N. manasa is very rare compared with most species of the genus Neptis. Restricted only to virgin forests, its habitats have been destroyed by the economic developments of China and neighbouring countries. Thus, N. manasa is likely to be threatened by losing its required habitats. Gu (1997) first recorded N. manasa from Hainan Island and considered the insular race as the nominate subspecies. We studied two N. manasa specimens collected in the early 1980s by Mr. Gu from Hainan and found that the insular race is quite different from all known subspecies based upon external features and male genitalia. The purpose of this paper is to describe the insular race from Hainan Island as a new subspecies and bring attention to its probably threatened status.

2009年4月2日 星期四


文獻來源: Kodandaramaiah U, Wahlberg N. 2009. Phylogeny and biogeography of Coenonympha butterflies (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) – patterns of colonization in the Holarctic. Systematic Entomology 34: 314-323.

We studied the historical biogeography of a group of butterflies in the Holarctic region belonging to the genus Coenonympha (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae: Coenonymphina), based on a phylogenetic hypothesis estimated from three genes. The genus is distributed mainly in the Palaearctic region, with two species extending into the Nearctic region. The tree is generally well supported and shows that Coenonympha is paraphyletic with respect to Lyela (syn.n.) and Triphysa (syn.n.), and we hence synonymize the latter two with Coenonympha. Within Coenonympha we identify three species groups, the tullia, glycerion and hero groups. The North American tullia exemplars are not sister to the Eurasian ones. A diva analysis indicates that the ancestor of the group was present in the Central Palaearctic or Central Palaeartic + Western Palaearctic or Central Palaearctic + Eastern Palaearctic. We conclude that the most likely origin of extant members of Coenonympha was in the Central Asian mountains. The tullia and hero groups started diverging in Europe following dispersal into the region. There have been two independent colonizations into Africa. The drying up of the Mediterranean during the Messinian period probably played an important role, allowing colonization into the Mediterranean islands and Africa.

圖片連結: Cor Zonneveld