2009年9月30日 星期三
2009年9月25日 星期五
文獻來源: Mizokami H & Yoshitama K. 2009. Sequestration and metabolism of host-plant flavonoids by the Pale Grass Blue, Pseudozizeeria maha (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Entomological Science 12: 171–176. doi:10.1111/j.1479-8298.2009.00322.x
本研究針對類黃酮化合物在酢醬灰蝶 (Pseudozizeeria maha) 的卵、幼蟲、蛹與成蟲中的種類與含量。在蛹與成蟲中所偵測到類黃酮化合物衍生物主要是異牡荊素(Isovitexin),而幼蟲體內主要的類黃酮化合物則是肥皂草苷(saponarin)。幼蟲會將異牡荊素經過生物轉換作用合成肥皂草苷,在蛹期則再將肥皂草苷轉換為異牡荊素。類黃酮化合物的總累積量會因性別而異、特別是在成蟲階段,雌性成蟲體內的類黃酮化合物濃度顯著高於雄性。在卵中亦可偵測到這些類黃酮化合物。以上結果指出類黃酮化合物不只被利用於翅膀色彩上、同時也可作為抵抗天然威脅的化學防禦化合物。
Flavonoids in the eggs, larvae, pupae and adult butterflies of Pseudozizeeria maha were identified and quantified. Isovitexin (apigenin 6-C-glucoside) was the dominant flavonoid detected in pupae and imagines, whereas saponarin (isovitexin 7-O-glucoside) was the dominant flavonoid in larvae. Saponarin, biotransformed from isovitexin by the larvae, was found to be reconverted into isovitexin at the pupal stages. The total amounts of accumulated flavonoids differed between sexes, particularly in adults where the bodies of females had a much higher flavonoid concentration than that of the males. These flavonoids were also detected in the eggs. These results indicate the possibility that flavonoids are utilized in not only wing coloration but also as a chemical defense compound against natural threats.
Key words: C-glycosylflavones, Oxalis corniculata, plant–insect interaction, Pseudozizeeria maha.
本研究針對類黃酮化合物在酢醬灰蝶 (Pseudozizeeria maha) 的卵、幼蟲、蛹與成蟲中的種類與含量。在蛹與成蟲中所偵測到類黃酮化合物衍生物主要是異牡荊素(Isovitexin),而幼蟲體內主要的類黃酮化合物則是肥皂草苷(saponarin)。幼蟲會將異牡荊素經過生物轉換作用合成肥皂草苷,在蛹期則再將肥皂草苷轉換為異牡荊素。類黃酮化合物的總累積量會因性別而異、特別是在成蟲階段,雌性成蟲體內的類黃酮化合物濃度顯著高於雄性。在卵中亦可偵測到這些類黃酮化合物。以上結果指出類黃酮化合物不只被利用於翅膀色彩上、同時也可作為抵抗天然威脅的化學防禦化合物。
Flavonoids in the eggs, larvae, pupae and adult butterflies of Pseudozizeeria maha were identified and quantified. Isovitexin (apigenin 6-C-glucoside) was the dominant flavonoid detected in pupae and imagines, whereas saponarin (isovitexin 7-O-glucoside) was the dominant flavonoid in larvae. Saponarin, biotransformed from isovitexin by the larvae, was found to be reconverted into isovitexin at the pupal stages. The total amounts of accumulated flavonoids differed between sexes, particularly in adults where the bodies of females had a much higher flavonoid concentration than that of the males. These flavonoids were also detected in the eggs. These results indicate the possibility that flavonoids are utilized in not only wing coloration but also as a chemical defense compound against natural threats.
Key words: C-glycosylflavones, Oxalis corniculata, plant–insect interaction, Pseudozizeeria maha.
[新書]蕈蛾科的生物學, 分布與多樣性

[作者] Gaden S. Robinson
[年代] 2009
[出版] The Natural History Museum (London) & Southdene Sdn. Bhd
[規格] A4, 143 pages, 16彩色圖版
[售價] 40英鎊
由近日驟逝的Dr. Gaden S. Robinson所著的新書. 其訂購資訊請洽馬來西亞自然學會(網址)
2009年9月23日 星期三

最近研究者利用全球鱗翅目生命條碼計畫(All Leps)的資料庫發現產於澳洲的尺蛾Oenochroma vinaria Guenée, 1858其實包含了兩個種。透過分析近年採集的標本以及150年前採集的的雌性選模標本的生命條碼片段,作者確認上述兩種之一是vinaria,另將Monoctenia decora處理為O. vinaria的同物異名,並指定了一隻選模標本。另一種是新種,作者將之命名為Oenochroma barcodificata sp. nov.,文中並有詳細的生活史描述,目前所知分布於塔斯馬尼亞以及新南威爾斯。
The assembly of a DNA barcode library for Australian Lepidoptera revealed that Oenochroma vinaria Guenée, 1858, as currently understood, is actually a mix of two different species. By analyzing DNA barcodes from recently collected specimens and the 150 year-old female lectotype of O. vinaria, we propose a reliable assignment of the name vinaria to one of these two species. A lectotype is designated for Monoctenia decora, a confirmed synonym of O. vinaria, and a new species, Oenochroma barcodificata sp. nov., is described. This species is only known from Tasmania and New South Wales; its biology and immature stages are described in detail.
香港的小鱗翅類: 織蛾科, 錦織蛾屬的分類檢討

Ten species of the genus Promalactis Meyrick, 1908 are reported based on the specimens collected from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China. Seven of them are described as new: P. quinilineata sp. nov., P. similinfulata sp. nov., P. noviloba sp. nov., P. longiuncata sp. nov., P. biovata sp. nov., P. lobatifera sp. nov. and P. apicispinifera sp. nov. Images of the adults and genitalia are provided.
2009年9月20日 星期日

非洲白鳳蝶(Papilio dardanus)被認為是貝氏擬態(Batesian mimicry)中的擬態者(mimic),其雌雄二態性與雌性其中一型擬態大樺斑蝶(Danaus plexippus)的表型長久以來被視為擬態生物學中的經典例子之一。本篇文章嘗試利用分子資料重建非洲白鳳蝶不同亞種間與不同區域間的親緣關係,嘗試找出其擬態斑紋的演化時順。該研究使用兩個粒線體基因與數個與擬態斑紋有關或無關的核基因,重建不同亞種間的親緣關係。結果顯示粒線體基因在不同區域間呈現地理上的結構,並且有較少的多樣性;而核基因間則無地理上的結構,並且基因序列間有多樣性的情形。定年的結果顯示,非洲白鳳蝶的種化約發生於2.9百萬年前,而擬態斑紋族群的產生則在0.55-0.94百萬年前,擬態斑紋的產生在非洲白鳳蝶的原名亞種(P. d. dardanus)中是較早出現的,但仍晚於雌雄二態性。
The Batesian mimetic swallowtail butterfly Papilio dardanus exhibits numerous distinct wing colour morphs whose evolutionary origins require large phenotypic shifts. A phylogenetic framework to study the history of these morphs was established by DNA sequencing of representative subspecies from sub-Saharan Africa and Indian Ocean islands. Two mitochondrial genes and the nuclear internal transcribed spacer marker revealed deeply separated eastern and western African mainland lineages, plus one lineage each on Madagascar and Grande Comore. These markers showed very little polymorphism within lineages. In contrast, markers genetically linked to the mimicry locus H, including the transcription factor invected and two adjacent amplified fragment length polymorphisms-derived sequences, showed high nucleotide diversity but were not geographically structured. Variation in the unlinked wingless gene showed a similar pattern, rejecting the hypothesis that high level of variation in the H region is due to balancing selection exerted by the phenotypes. The separation from a common ancestor with Papilio phorcas estimated at 2.9 Ma coincides with the origin of a mimicry model, Danaus chrysippus. However, the model reached Africa only at the time of the internal splits of P. dardanus mtDNA groups, here estimated at 0.55-0.94 Ma. The nuclear genome shows less geographic structure and may not track recent population differentiation, suggesting that widespread mimicry morphs have arisen early in the evolution of the P. dardanus lineage, although after the male-female dimorphism which is ancestral. The current wide distribution of P. dardanus and population subdivision evident from mtDNA may have been achieved only with the spread of the models across Africa.
2009年9月16日 星期三

文 獻出處: Li, HH and YL Xiao. 2009. Taxonomic study on the genus Gerontha Walker (Lepidoptera, Tineidae) from China, with descriptions of four new species. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 34(2): 224-233.
文 獻出處: Li, HH and YL Xiao. 2009. Taxonomic study on the genus Gerontha Walker (Lepidoptera, Tineidae) from China, with descriptions of four new species. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 34(2): 224-233.
太宇穀蛾屬(Gerontha)為穀蛾科中前翅延長且其上著生有非平行翅面的叢生鱗片,以及後足向後延伸並交疊等特徵的分類群(參考澳洲產物種標本之網路影像)。全世界已知23種主要分布於東方區與 舊北區系。本文檢討中國地區產穀蛾科太宇穀蛾屬分類群,共紀錄10物種,含4新種、3新紀錄種以及兩種之雌蟲首次描述。此屬台灣目前僅紀錄一種G. dracuncula Meyrick, 1928,並亦分佈於中國雲南。
Ten species of the genus Gerontha Walker are reviewed from China. Among them, four species are described as new ( G. similihoenei sp. nov. , G. rostriformis sp. nov., G. trapezia sp. nov., and G. rugulosa sp. nov.), and three species are newly recorded for China (G. siamensis Moriuti, G. navapuriensis Moriuti and G. borea Moriuti) . The females of G. flexura Huang, Hirowatari & Wang and G. siamensis Moriuti are reported for the first time . A key to all the known Chinese species is given.
太宇穀蛾屬(Gerontha)為穀蛾科中前翅延長且其上著生有非平行翅面的叢生鱗片,以及後足向後延伸並交疊等特徵的分類群(參考澳洲產物種標本之網路影像)。全世界已知23種主要分布於東方區與 舊北區系。本文檢討中國地區產穀蛾科太宇穀蛾屬分類群,共紀錄10物種,含4新種、3新紀錄種以及兩種之雌蟲首次描述。此屬台灣目前僅紀錄一種G. dracuncula Meyrick, 1928,並亦分佈於中國雲南。
Ten species of the genus Gerontha Walker are reviewed from China. Among them, four species are described as new ( G. similihoenei sp. nov. , G. rostriformis sp. nov., G. trapezia sp. nov., and G. rugulosa sp. nov.), and three species are newly recorded for China (G. siamensis Moriuti, G. navapuriensis Moriuti and G. borea Moriuti) . The females of G. flexura Huang, Hirowatari & Wang and G. siamensis Moriuti are reported for the first time . A key to all the known Chinese species is given.

系統發生學長久以來一直以形態特徵為主要的資料來源,直到聚合酶連鎖反應(polymerase chain reaction, PCR)以及分子技術的長足進展之後,DNA成了系統發生學主要的資料來源,結合形態與分子資料的研究也時有所見。此後關於形態資料在系統發生學研究的效用如何一直爭議不斷,且不同分類群的專家之間看法也常有出入。本文作者群選擇七個以系統生物學(包含各分類群)與兩個以昆蟲系統發生為主軸的期刊,分析自1992年至2007年間系統發生研究的文章,統計以形態資料、分子資料以及形態加分子資料的研究數量為何,試圖找出研究發展趨勢。結果過去15年包含各分類群的文章共有1469篇,有73%使用分子資料,18%使用形態資料,9%使用形態加分子資料。分三大類來看,分子資料的使用以植物(77%)最多,非節肢動物(73.1%)次之,昆蟲(66.8%)最少;形態資料的使用在昆蟲(19.9%)以及非節肢動物(19.1%)幾乎為植物(12.5%)的兩倍;分子加形態資料的使用以昆蟲(13.3%)最多,接著是植物(12.5%),非節肢動物(7.8%)最少。在昆蟲系統發生的期刊中,有71.9%的研究使用形態資料,21.5%使用分子資料,6.6%使用形態加分子資料。結果顯示雖然目前許多研究著重於分析大量的分子資料,形態資料仍常被使用,特別是在昆蟲領域。作者認為在昆蟲研究中形態資料依然被廣為使用可能是因為昆蟲有大量且狀況良好的標本收藏,而且形態構造高度特化,物種多樣性極高再加上強調形態特徵的分類傳統。作者最後呼籲所有分類學家仍應重視形態資料,否則我們可能將會失去鑑定與描述生物的能力。
2009年9月14日 星期一
由自動特徵選取系統來加速生物多樣性物種的開拓, 兼論數位時代對分類學門的影響

文 獻出處: Salle, JL, Q Wheeler, P Jackway, S Winterton, D. Hobern & D. Lovell. 2009. Accelerating taxonomic discovery through automated character extraction. Zootaxa 2217: 43-55.
由最近期全世界物種數的統計資料我們可以看到,由林奈氏出版「自然系統 (Systema Naturae)」以 來的250年間,約有一百八十萬種物種被發表,然而如此龐大的分類群數量卻只代表了地球中20%的成員。於此,對於急欲探討生物的多樣性、自然資源管理、 保育政策執行以及永續發展為終極目標的人來說,分類學家的地位較過去來說顯得更為重要且不可取代,然而,舊有且以形態描述進行發表新物種的傳統分類學方 法,卻被視為過於緩慢,甚至造成新物種發現發表的阻礙。
數位時代的來臨,正逐漸帶領分類學走向更寬廣的路,利用網際合作的平台,許多全球 生物資料庫(註)整合了當今最新的分類資訊、分子序列資料以及珍貴的古今文獻數位典藏,這些資訊的便利與易獲得性,使分類學家能夠更有效率的進行全球性的 分類群檢討,並在新發表文章時,將模式與重要標本數位影像、分子序列、分類描述、分類檢索表與文獻資料等種種資訊上傳至各網路資料庫群,可說是對全球物種 數統計與新物種發表之資訊取得的革新,並助於型態與分子資訊的整合。
對於物種鑑定或是對生物觀察有興趣者或研究人員來說,電腦運算也提供 了肉眼辨識以外的可能性。以昆蟲鑑定來說,在取得一隻標本部分清晰的翅斑紋或翅脈結構的影像之後,利用數位影像後製(例如裁切、修色、去除背景雜訊)、電 腦運算與結合內建標本影像資料庫的搜尋,便有辦法篩選出與該標本有關的物種,以此達成物種的鑑定。
然而,相關研究人員目前對於電腦運算潛 力的期望並不僅於已知物種的鑑定,本文作者群倡議將來能夠發展出一套全自動或半自動特徵選取系統(automated character extraction system),已達成對標本影像(包含平面影像、3D影像、立體造影、X光影像、核磁共振影像以及斷層掃描)的型態特徵選取,並執行同源性特徵的評估與 特徵矩陣化,進而應用特徵矩陣完成檢索表與分類描述的撰寫甚至進行親緣關係的重建。如此對於現今絕多數分類學家皆無法想像的可能性,作者群認為這樣的新思維是結合數位時代所必然的趨勢。然而作者群的確也指出了自動特徵選取系統在每個微細步驟、電腦邏輯編寫以及人力培訓上的艱難處,也提出未來不同領域(例如生物多樣性資訊、影像分析、軟體與搜尋引擎開發技術、語言學等)與專業技術人員整合。當然,也包含了資金的援助。
註: 全球生物多樣性資料庫相關網站:
• Encyclopedia of Life (EoL)
• Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
• GenBank
• Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)
• Species 2000
• ITIS Catalogue of Life
• MorphBank
• ZooBank
• Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL)
This paper discusses the following key messages. Taxonomy is (and taxonomists are) more important than ever in times of global change. Taxonomic endeavour is not occurring fast enough: in 250 years since the creation of the Linnean Systema Naturae, only about 20% of Earth’s species have been named. We need fundamental changes to the taxonomic process and paradigm to increase taxonomic productivity by orders of magnitude. Currently, taxonomic productivity is limited principally by the rate at which we capture and manage morphological information to enable species discovery. Many recent (and welcomed) initiatives in managing and delivering biodiversity information and accelerating the taxonomic process do not address this bottleneck. Development of computational image analysis and feature extraction methods is a crucial missing capacity needed to enable taxonomists to overcome the taxonomic impediment in a meaningful time frame.
2009年9月8日 星期二
文獻出處: Wu CS and Fang CL. 2009. A Review of the genus Squamosa Bethune-Baker in China (Lepidoptera, Limacodidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 34(2): 237-240. [Abstract]
文獻出處: Wu CS and Fang CL. 2009. A Review of the genus Squamosa Bethune-Baker in China (Lepidoptera, Limacodidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 34(2): 237-240. [Abstract]
Squamosa屬為Bethune-Baker發表於1908年Novitates Zoologicae第15卷之分類群(註),過去已知僅三種,為分佈於新幾內亞區系的S. ferruginea Bethune-Baker, 1908, 泰緬地區的S. chalcites Orhant, 2000以及印度半島之S. ocellata (Moore, 1879),而後者在過去亦被記載於中國大陸。 本文描述分佈於廣西與海南島之新種S. brevisunca (種小名字源為拉丁文短的生殖器勾狀突之意)、分佈於雲南之新種新亞種S. brevisunca yunnanensis以及中國新紀錄種S. chalcites,並首度確認S. ocellata並未分佈於中國。
註: 本文誤將Squamosa屬原始文獻發表之年代1908年寫為1904年,可參考Biodiversity Heritage Library之該卷數位化檔案,Squamosa屬描述於第183頁。
Two species and one subspecies of the genus Squamosa Bethune-Baker are recognized from China , including a new species , S. brevisunca , and a new subspecies , S. brevisunca yunnanensis , described herein. Squamosa chalcites Orhant is reported for the first time in China . Squamosa ocellata (Moore) is not found in China yet . The photographs and the genital illustration of the examined species and subspecies are given. A key to the Chinese species and subspecies of the genus is provided.
[弔唁]蕈蛾總科學者Gaden S. Robinson辭世
著名的蕈蛾總科研究學者Gaden S. Robinson於2009年9月8日早晨因血癌辭世. Dr. Robinson長期致力於鱗翅學, 尤其是蕈蛾總科親緣關係, 系統分類與演化生態學研究工作, 並對東南亞自然史與文化史有深入的研究興趣. 他於2009年4月才從大英自然史博物館退休, 並於2008年獲美國鱗翅學會之Karl Jordan Medal Award, 在退休前他長期為Systematics & Biodiversity之編輯, 大英自然史博物館將於近期為他撰立生平事蹟.
2009年9月5日 星期六

文獻來源: Aduse-Poku K, Vingerhoedt E, Wahlberg N. 2009. Out-of-Africa again: A phylogenetic hypothesis of the genus Charaxes (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) based on five gene regions. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 53 :463–478
雖然螯蛺蝶屬(Charaxes)長期在採集者與研究者之間受到歡迎,其演化歷史大多仍然未知。近期被接受的種群和屬內近緣種是專斷地以成蟲形態與生活史 為基礎,作者在本研究中以來自五個基因區域(1粒線體基因+4核基因)共 4167 bp序列資料檢驗螯蛺蝶屬內的單系性與演化上的親緣關係,並探討其近緣屬Euxanthe, Polyura(雙尾蝶屬)與 Palla之間的關係。在此提議的親緣關係架構中,作者評估屬級的分化年代並重建其歷史上的生物地理。作者採用包括所有非洲與亞洲的已知種群、所有已知的 Euxanthe與 Palla物種和兩個Polyura的代表種作為研究對象代表,研究結果發現螯蛺蝶屬(Charaxes)為一個駢系群、與Euxanthe 和Polyura有關聯,此結果和以往所認為的單系群假設相反。作者發現以形態定義的16個種群 (超過一個物種)中有13個為有強力支持的單系分支,Charaxes nichetes為其他Charaxes物種的姊妹群。 Polyura與Zoolina 和 Pleione 種群形成一個有良好支持度的支系,而Euxanthe則與Lycurgus 種群歸在一群。作者的結果指出Charaxes的共同祖先是在始新世中期(約4500萬年前)於非洲(中部)由Palla的共同祖先分化而來,並在1500萬年之後開始分化岀其他物種成員。此屬大部份的多樣性在漸新世晚期與中新世間、全球氣候發生強烈的波動時開始 增加。相當大量的衍生物種於上新世時從其姊妹種演化而來。播遷-割據分析推測在其衍生物種的分布過程中、播遷事件的發生多於割據事件。 Polyura與印澳區的Charaxes最可能是非洲的Charaxes於中新世在亞洲的三個獨立拓殖之結果。作者將以下兩屬處理為Charaxes的 同物異名:Polyura (syn. nov.)與Euxanthe (syn. nov.),並將新定義的 Charaxes劃分為五個亞屬以反應其親緣關係。
Despite the long popularity of Charaxes among collectors and researchers, their evolutionary history is largely unknown. The current and accepted species groupings and relationships within the genus are based exclusively on adult morphology and life histories. Here, we examine the monophyly and evolutionary affinities of the species-groups within the genus Charaxes and explore how they relate to members of their closest genera (Euxanthe, Polyura and Palla) using 4167 bp of sequence data from five (1 mitochondrial and 4 nuclear) gene regions. Within the proposed phylogenetic framework, we estimate ages of divergence within the genus and also reconstruct their historical biogeography. We included representatives of all known species-groups in Africa and Asia, all known species of Euxanthe and Palla and two exemplar species of Polyura. We found the genus Charaxes to be a paraphyletic group with regard to the genera Polyura and Euxanthe, contrary to the earlier assumption of monophyly. We found that 13 out of 16 morphologically defined species-groups with more than one species were strongly supported monophyletic clades. Charaxes nichetes is the sister group to all the other Charaxes. Polyura grouped with the Zoolina and Pleione species-groups as a well-supported clade, and Euxanthe grouped with the Lycurgus species-group. Our results indicated that the common ancestor of Charaxes diverged from the common ancestor of Palla in the mid Eocene (45 million years ago) in (Central) Africa and began diversifying to its extant members 15 million years later. Most of the major diversifications within the genus occurred between the late Oligocene and Miocene when the global climates were putatively undergoing drastic fluctuations. A considerable number of extant species diverged from sister species during the Pliocene. A dispersal–vicariance analysis suggests that many dispersal rather than vicariance events resulted in the distribution of the extant species. The genus Polyura and the Indo-Australian Charaxes are most likely the results of three independent colonizations of Asia by African Charaxes in the Miocene. We synonymize the genera Polyura (syn. nov.) and Euxanthe (syn. nov.) with Charaxes, with the currently circumscribed Charaxes subdivided into five subgenera to reflect its phylogeny.
Despite the long popularity of Charaxes among collectors and researchers, their evolutionary history is largely unknown. The current and accepted species groupings and relationships within the genus are based exclusively on adult morphology and life histories. Here, we examine the monophyly and evolutionary affinities of the species-groups within the genus Charaxes and explore how they relate to members of their closest genera (Euxanthe, Polyura and Palla) using 4167 bp of sequence data from five (1 mitochondrial and 4 nuclear) gene regions. Within the proposed phylogenetic framework, we estimate ages of divergence within the genus and also reconstruct their historical biogeography. We included representatives of all known species-groups in Africa and Asia, all known species of Euxanthe and Palla and two exemplar species of Polyura. We found the genus Charaxes to be a paraphyletic group with regard to the genera Polyura and Euxanthe, contrary to the earlier assumption of monophyly. We found that 13 out of 16 morphologically defined species-groups with more than one species were strongly supported monophyletic clades. Charaxes nichetes is the sister group to all the other Charaxes. Polyura grouped with the Zoolina and Pleione species-groups as a well-supported clade, and Euxanthe grouped with the Lycurgus species-group. Our results indicated that the common ancestor of Charaxes diverged from the common ancestor of Palla in the mid Eocene (45 million years ago) in (Central) Africa and began diversifying to its extant members 15 million years later. Most of the major diversifications within the genus occurred between the late Oligocene and Miocene when the global climates were putatively undergoing drastic fluctuations. A considerable number of extant species diverged from sister species during the Pliocene. A dispersal–vicariance analysis suggests that many dispersal rather than vicariance events resulted in the distribution of the extant species. The genus Polyura and the Indo-Australian Charaxes are most likely the results of three independent colonizations of Asia by African Charaxes in the Miocene. We synonymize the genera Polyura (syn. nov.) and Euxanthe (syn. nov.) with Charaxes, with the currently circumscribed Charaxes subdivided into five subgenera to reflect its phylogeny.
2009年9月4日 星期五

文獻來源: LN Kakati & BC Chutia. 2009. Diversity and ecology of wild sericigenous insects in Nagaland, India. Tropical Ecology 50(1): 137-146
Abstract: This paper deals with the diversity of wild sericigenous insects i.e., silk producing moths in Nagaland, a small mountainous state of north eastern India. A periodic survey conducted during 2004-2006 revealed the presence of 14 species belonging to 8 genera i.e. Antheraea, Actias, Attacus, Archaeoattacus, Cricula, Loepa, Samia, Sonthonnaxia and a large number of host plants. However, only four species are commercially exploited in Nagaland at present and there remains a great scope for producing novel silk from Actias selene, Antheraea roylei, Samia canningi and Cricula trifenestrata. The egg, worm, cocoon and adult stages of certain species have been studied for character evaluation and categorization. The paper emphasizes the importance of these lesser known silk producing insects, causal factors for depletion of population density and advocates for great need for conservation of wild silk moths and their ecological environment in Nagaland. Further, the paper highlights the socioeconomic perspective of rearing and utilizing wild silk moths by the forest dwelling tribal people who could play a major role in conserving these insects and their habitats.
Abstract: This paper deals with the diversity of wild sericigenous insects i.e., silk producing moths in Nagaland, a small mountainous state of north eastern India. A periodic survey conducted during 2004-2006 revealed the presence of 14 species belonging to 8 genera i.e. Antheraea, Actias, Attacus, Archaeoattacus, Cricula, Loepa, Samia, Sonthonnaxia and a large number of host plants. However, only four species are commercially exploited in Nagaland at present and there remains a great scope for producing novel silk from Actias selene, Antheraea roylei, Samia canningi and Cricula trifenestrata. The egg, worm, cocoon and adult stages of certain species have been studied for character evaluation and categorization. The paper emphasizes the importance of these lesser known silk producing insects, causal factors for depletion of population density and advocates for great need for conservation of wild silk moths and their ecological environment in Nagaland. Further, the paper highlights the socioeconomic perspective of rearing and utilizing wild silk moths by the forest dwelling tribal people who could play a major role in conserving these insects and their habitats.
2009年9月2日 星期三

文獻來源: de Camargo AJA, Mielke OHH & Casagrande MM. 2009. Cladistic analysis of the subfamily Arsenurinae (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae) based on adult morphology. Zootaxa 2218: 1-34, plates.
The family Saturniidae is distributed on all continents except polar areas, and includes about 1528 species in 162 genera, being the group with the largest diversity among Bombycoidea. Approximately 970 species are known from the New World. However, recent molecular studies indicate 1861 species in 162 genera and nine subfamilies. The family Arsenurinae consists of 63 species distributed exclusively in ten Neotropical genera, with phylogenetic relationships poorly understood. The goal of this study was to test the monophyly of the subfamily, tribes and genera using cladistic analysis of adult morphological characters. The subfamily, tribes and genera were all recovered as monophyletic groups with the following relationships among genera: (Almeidaia ((Loxolomia, Copiopteryx) ((Rhescyntis) ((Grammopelta, Arsenura) ((Caio) ((Dysdaemonia, Titaea) Paradaemonia)))))). Both tribes, Arsenurini and Almeidaiini, share several characters, but morphological study of Almeidaiini demonstrates that it also presents significant differences.
2009年9月1日 星期二
文獻來源:ML Forister, CC Nice, JA Fordyce, Z Gompert. 2009. Host range evolution is not driven by the optimization of larval performance: the case of Lycaeides melissa (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) and the colonization of alfalfa. Oecologia 160:551–561
Herbivorous insects that have recently incorporated novel hosts into their diet provide unique opportunities for understanding factors that promote or constrain the evolution of niche breadth. Lycaeides melissa has colonized both cultivated and feral alfalfa (Medicago sativa) throughout much of North America within the past 200 years. We investigated the quality of the novel host as a resource for juvenile development, and asked if the novel host is a preferred host for oviposition relative to a native host (Astragalus canadensis). Larval-performance and oviposition-preference were examined using L. melissa individuals from a population associated with both M. sativa and A. canadensis, and oviposition-preference was also examined in another population associated exclusively with M. sativa. In addition, we investigated the eVects of M. sativa and A. canadensis flowers on both preference and performance. Only one of the hosts, M. sativa, has flowers that are accessible to nectaring butterXies, and we hypothesized that the presence of flowers could aVect female behavior. We Wnd that the novel host is a relatively poor larval resource: adults that were reared as larvae on M. sativa were roughly one-third the size of adults that were reared on the native host, A. canadensis. The native host, Astragalus canadensis, is the preferred host in choice experiments involving only foliage. However, when flowers were included in preference assays, the native and novel hosts received similar numbers of eggs. Thus, the presence of flowers on hosts in the Weld might inXuence the utilization of a novel and inferior larval resource. These results are consistent with a model in which host shifts are driven by adult behavior that does not directly optimize larval performance.
Keywords Niche breadth · Niche shift · Preference ·Performance · Specialization
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