2010年1月31日 星期日

鱗翅目幼蟲的自我療癒: 覺得被寄生了就多吃一點有毒的東西

文獻來源: Singer MS, Mace KC, Bernays EA (2009) Self-Medication as Adaptive Plasticity: Increased Ingestion of Plant Toxins by Parasitized Caterpillars. PLoS ONE 4(3): e4796. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0004796

自我療癒」應該要能提高動物受到寄生物或病菌感染時的存活率;其次,在未受到感染的情形下進行「自我療癒」,應該會降低動物的適應度;第三,感染要能引發動物的「自我療癒」 行為。少數以人類以外的動物進行的嚴謹「自我療癒」研究並未採取此推理的架構,因此無法測試在未受到感染的情形下進行「自我療癒」會付出多少減低適應度的 代價。在此研究中,作者藉由人為操作實驗,測試燈蛾幼蟲(Grammia incorrupta; Lepidoptera: Arctiidae)如何因應致死性內寄生物(寄生蠅)而改變其進食行為,以驗證他們的假說。實驗顯示幼蟲攝取含有植物毒素ー植物鹼 (pyrrolizidine alkaloids)能賦予幼蟲對寄生蠅的忍受力,並提高被寄生蠅寄生之幼蟲的存活率。和預測一致的是,未被寄生的幼蟲若攝取過量的植物毒素則會降低他們的存活率。受寄生的幼蟲明顯較未被寄生的幼蟲攝取多量的植物鹼。這個實例挑戰了過去對於自行服藥療癒僅限於具有高度辨識能力的動物(如靈長類)的成見, 並推動有關自我療癒的科學進入適應可塑性的領域中。

Self-medication is a specific therapeutic behavioral change in response to disease or parasitism. The empirical literature on selfmedication has so far focused entirely on identifying cases of self-medication in which particular behaviors are linked to therapeutic outcomes. In this study, we frame self-medication in the broader realm of adaptive plasticity, which provides several testable predictions for verifying self-medication and advancing its conceptual significance. First, self-medication behavior should improve the fitness of animals infected by parasites or pathogens. Second, self-medication behavior in the absence of infection should decrease fitness. Third, infection should induce self-medication behavior. The few rigorous studies of self-medication in non-human animals have not used this theoretical framework and thus have not tested fitness costs of self-medication in the absence of disease or parasitism. Here we use manipulative experiments to test these predictions with the foraging behavior of woolly bear caterpillars (Grammia incorrupta; Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) in response to their lethal endoparasites (tachinid flies). Our experiments show that the ingestion of plant toxins called pyrrolizidine alkaloids improves the survival of parasitized caterpillars by conferring resistance against tachinid flies. Consistent with theoretical prediction, excessive ingestion of these toxins reduces the survival of unparasitized caterpillars. Parasitized caterpillars are more likely than unparasitized caterpillars to specifically ingest large amounts of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. This case challenges the conventional view that self-medication behavior is restricted to animals with advanced cognitive abilities, such as primates, and empowers the science of self-medication by placing it in the domain of adaptive plasticity theory.

Michael Singer's Home Page

2010年1月27日 星期三


[photo by Bettaman]
文獻來源: 施禮正. 2010. 臺灣產螢斑蛾(Chalcosia)與其近緣Milleria屬蛾類介紹. 自然保育季刊 68: 56 -

在多數人的刻板印象中,「蛾」是一群相對於「蝶」的鱗翅目昆蟲,活動於夜間,長相遠遠比不上「蝶」的討喜。若說美麗是蝶最具代表性的形容詞,那其貌不揚就是最常為大眾使用來形容蛾的辭彙吧!然而,這明顯的是一種偏見。在蛾類之中,有許多成員並非活動於夜間,而是在白天出沒,且擁有與蝴蝶一樣美麗的衣裳。在這些日行性的美麗蛾類中,斑蛾是其中的代表性類群之一。這裡所說的斑蛾,是指分類地位被歸屬於鱗翅目(Lepidoptera)斑蛾總科 (Zygaenoidea)斑蛾科(Zygaenidae)的成員,全世界約有1,200種(Epstein et al., 1999)。在斑蛾科裡,螢斑蛾亞科(Chalcosiinae)裡的成員大多大型而美麗,十分引人注目,經常成為昆蟲學家與蒐藏家注目的焦點。[詳全文]


[photo by LC Shih]
文獻來源: 施禮正, 林旭宏. 2010. 臭椿瘤蛾介紹與其幼生期描述. 自然保育季刊 68: 52-54.

鱗翅目幼蟲,也就是為人熟知的「毛毛蟲」,大多取食植物的葉子。被鱗翅目幼蟲所取食的植物,我們稱之為該種幼蟲的「寄主植物」或是「食草」(host plant)。不同種類幼蟲的寄主植物範圍各有不同:僅取食單一食草者稱為單食性(monophagy);能取食少數幾種食草稱為寡食性 (oligophagy);能取食多種食草者稱為廣食性(poly-phagy)。在一般人的概念裡,蛾類幼蟲皆為廣食性,蝶類則是寡食性或單食性,其實 這觀念是誤解與偏見;蝶類有許多種類是廣食性,例如:琉球紫蛺蝶(Hypolimnas bolina kezia)、豆環蛺蝶(Neptis hylas lulculenta)等;蛾類也有許多種類是寡食性或單食性,例如:茄苳斑蛾(Histia flabellicornis ultima)、藍紋小斑蛾(Clelea formosana)等。廣食性的種類分布不易受到寄主植物限制,然而寡食性或單食性的種類則因對特定植物高度依賴,導致其分布常常與食草呈高度相關性。本文的主角─臭椿瘤蛾(Eligma narcissus)便是一種寡食性的大型蛾類。....[詳全文]


source: Ording GJ, Mercader RJ, Aardema ML & Scriber JM. (2010) Allochronic isolation and incipient hybrid speciation in tiger swallowtail butterflies. Oecologia, 162: 523-531. [abstract]
目前演化領域對於由雜交所導致的生殖隔離與雜交帶產生的新基因型,與其對於種化的意義了解並不多。北美有一雜交帶的族群由Papilio canadensis與其近緣種 P. glaucus雜交所產生,而該族群較其母族群晚羽化。本篇提供較進一步的證據,利用羽化的時間藉以判定P. canadensis、P. glaucus與雜交帶族群間是否有發生時間上的差異。該研究利用調控冬天時的溫度用以測試期羽化的時間,結果顯示雜交帶族群除了在溫度較高時與其母族群的發生時間可能重疊外,其他溫度皆顯著晚於其母族群,這個結果提供雜交所產生的形態與生理上的差異,可能導致生殖隔離的證據。

2010年1月20日 星期三


[書名] A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Vanuatu (Ol Buttaflae blong vanuatu) [NHBS]
[作者] John Tennent
[年代] 2009
[出版] Storm Entomological Publications
[ISBN] 978-0-9542045-1-8
[內容介紹] 請見ukbutterflies.co.uk之討論

另請參見Butterflies of the Solomon Islands

2010年1月16日 星期六

斑豹蛺蝶屬之分類綜述- 物種描述、模式標本影像與相關文獻

文獻來源:JC Dunford. 2009. Taxonomic overview of the greater fritillary genus Speyeria Scudder and the atlantis - hesperis species complexes, with species accounts, type images, and relevant literature (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). INSECTA MUNDI 0090: 1-74. [full text PDF]

本文為斑豹蛺蝶屬 Speyeria Scudder (= Argynnis Fabricius) 之綜述,並說明其置於蛺蝶科(Nymphalidae)毒蝶亞科(Heliconiinae)之原因。文中對於16個已被命名的斑豹蛺蝶屬物種以及 Speyeria atlantis (Edwards) 與 Speyeria hesperis種群下的(Edwards)25個亞種,均有物種描述、模式標本影像與相關文獻。本文指出過去命名上的錯誤,並更新分類處理、生活史與分布資訊,同時對模式標本產地資訊進行討論。最後,原有一亞種Speyeria atlantis hanseni Emmel, Emmel, and Matoon, 1998, 被處理至另一物種之下,故有新學名組合產生:Speyeria hesperis hanseni Emmel, Emmel, and Matoon.


A taxonomic overview for the fritillary genus Speyeria Scudder (= Argynnis Fabricius) and its placement within the Heliconiinae (Nymphalidae) is presented. Taxonomic accounts, type images, and relevant literature for the 25 subspecies within the Speyeria atlantis (Edwards) and Speyeria hesperis (Edwards) complexes and the 16 nominate Speyeria species are included. Errors in nomenclature are identified, taxonomic, life history, and distributional information are updated, and type locality information is discussed. Images of primary type specimens for all 16 Speyeria species and the 25 subspecies in the atlantis - hesperis complexes appear together in color here for the first time. One new combination of a species-subspecies is created: Speyeria hesperis hanseni Emmel, Emmel, and Matoon, 1998, new combination, which was previously Speyeria atlantis hanseni Emmel, Emmel, and Matoon.

Key words. Argynnis, bibliography, fritillary, Lepidoptera, North America, Nymphalidae, Speyeria, synonymy, taxonomy, types


081116 台北 景美 仙跡岩 鳥嘴壺夜蛾 Oraesia excavata (Butler, 1878)

文獻來源: Zaspel JM & Branham MA. 2008. World checklist of tribe Calpini (Lepidoptera: NoctuidaeL Calpinae). Insecta Mundi 47: 1-15. [Free PDF article]

壺夜蛾族(Calpini)是一群包含中大型物種的夜蛾科類群,此類群的定義為具有可穿透果肉或 哺乳動物皮膚的鋸齒狀鉤口器,也因此不少類群被視為經濟重要害蟲。此類群外觀上可以前翅後緣強烈的彎曲並於此後緣近基部1/3處具有一垂瓣(lobe)來 進行辨識。壺夜蛾多數為廣佈種,然也有幾屬局限分佈,例如GonodontaCalyptraGraphigona屬,此族食草紀錄主要為防己科(Menispermaceae)植 物。在近期隨夜蛾科高階分類處理的變遷下,此族曾被置於裳夜蛾亞科之下(如Fibiger & Lafontaine, 2005; Holloway, 2005),或是與其他三族(Anomini、Phyllodini、Scoliopterygini)合併入壺夜蛾亞科(Calpinae)中,而去年 畢業於弗羅里達大學昆蟲與線蟲學系的博士生Jennifer M. Zaspel,其論文為全世界壺夜蛾亞科的生態、行為與系統分類學研究。本篇介紹的文章即為Zaspel與其指導教授Marc A. Berham整理前人文獻與其博士論文所建立壺夜蛾族物種名錄。

此文中共計全世界9屬186種,分類上將原視為Calyptra屬次同物異名的Cluster屬復活為有效名、依親緣分析後具此族共有特徵的 Africalpe、Ferenta、Gonodonta、Graphigona、OraesiaTetrisia屬併入此族中,並將過去歸於此族之CecharismenaGoniapteryx、Pharga、Phyprosopus、PsammathodoxaRadara屬視為分類地位不 明類群,而種級上進行2同物異名處理、1地位變更的動作。

Genus Calyptra
Calyptra fletcheri (Berio, 1955)
Calyptra orthograpta (Butler, 1886)
Calyptra thalictri Borkhausen
Calyptra minuticornis (Guenee, 1852) 癤角壺夜蛾 [Link]
Genus Oraesia
Oraesia emarginata (Fabricius, 1794) [link]
Oraesia excavata (Butler, 1878) 鳥嘴壺夜蛾 [link 1 ; link 2]
Genus Plusiodonta
Plusiodonta coelonota (Kollar, 1844) 肖金夜蛾 [link]
Genus Eudocima
Eudocima salaminia (Cramer, 1777) 艷葉夜蛾 [link: 雄蟲 ; 幼蟲]
Eudocima homaena (Hubner, 1823) 鑲落葉夜蛾 [link: 雄蟲 ; 雌蟲]
Eudocima phalonia (Linnaeus, 1763) 落葉夜蛾 [link: 雌蟲]

Fibiger M & Lafontaine JD. 2005. A review of the higher classification of the Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera) with special reference to the Holarctic fauna. Esperiana 11: 7-92.
Holloway JD. 2005. The Moths of Borneo, Parts 15 & 16: Family Noctuidae, Catocalinae. Malayan Nature Journal 58(1-4): 1-529.
Lafontaine JD & Fibiger M. 2006. Revised the higher classification of Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera). The Canadian Entomologist 138: 610-635.

A preliminary checklist of Calpini is provided, incorporating corrections and changes to publication dates and nomenclature as presented in the checklists of Poole (1989), Fibiger and Lafontaine (2005), and Holloway (2005). Culasta Moore is removed from synonymy with Calyptra Ochsenheimer. Eudocima talboti (Prout) and Graphigona antica Walker are placed in synonymy with E. cajeta (Cramer) and G. regina (Guenée), respectively. Africalpe Krüger, Ferenta Walker, Gonodonta Hübner, Graphigona Walker, Oraesia Guenée, and Tetrisia Walker, are added to the tribe based on shared characters. The genera Cecharismena Möschler, Goniapteryx Perty, Pharga Walker, Phyprosopus Grote, Psammathodoxa Dyar, and Radara Walker are removed and considered incertae sedis. Hemiceratoides and Phyllodes are not considered to be members of Calpini.

2010年1月10日 星期日

台灣的蘇鐵灰蝶大爆發肇因於本土灰蝶族群因外來蘇鐵引入而擴張, 而此種擴張可能危害本土之台東蘇鐵保育以及園藝用蘇鐵之培育

文獻來源: Wu LW, Yen SH, Lees DC, Hsu YF. 2010. Elucidating genetic signatures of native and introduced populations of the Cycad Blue, Chilades pandava to Taiwan: a threat both to Sago Palm and to native Cycas populations worldwide. Biological Invasions DOI 10.1007/s10530-009-9672-4

Foreign plants are usually introduced for food or aesthetic reasons. Most of these plants are non-invasive, but can alter the evolutionary trajectory of the associated native insects or inadvertently spread potential pests. A hitherto poorly documented example is the rapid expansion of Chilades pandava, a Cycas-feeding butterfly. Since about 1990, large numbers of the Sago Palm Cycas revoluta were introduced into Taiwan. Invading or introduced with this hostplant, Ch. pandava has rapidly spread to all major parts of Taiwan. To trace the source of outbreaks, we sampled 810 specimens covering 50 Taiwanese localities and other regions using mitochondrial COII sequences. Overall haplotype diversity was high (h = 0.791), but only 29 haplotypes were found. The haplotype C which dominates outbreak populations from western Taiwan was endemic to the island. This is consistent with the hypothesis of a local range expansion of Ch. pandava, rather than an introduction. In addition, the Taiwanese Central Mountain Ridge may constitute a primary biogeographic barrier restricting gene flow between eastern and western populations. Our study not only flags an important new invasive insect that needs to be monitored and controlled within the horticultural trade and for in situ cycad conservation, but also provides a clearly documented case of the transformation of a native tropical butterfly into a pest via introduced horticultural plants.

2010年1月6日 星期三

毛蟲與蝴蝶並非來自共同祖先, 而是透過基因體的雜交而形成的?


Williamson反對達爾文認為幼蟲與其成蟲演化自單一祖先的假說,而主張會進行變態的動物之幼蟲基礎形態來自與成體不同的支系;亦即幼蟲的出現是由 成蟲與親緣關係遙遠的動物類群透過有性生殖的結合、發生基因體的雜交轉變而來,然後融合了來自兩個支系的雙重基因體生物,則在時間上依序表現兩組基因體。 起初可能是一個外觀如幼蟲之物種的卵被他種生物的精子授精,然後孵化為幼蟲狀,之後發生變態、再表現另一親代基因體之性狀,形成新的一種生物。此生物接下 來繼續演 化,造成新的動物支系出現。所謂的“Caterpillars”係指具有胸足與腹足之幼蟲形狀的動物,例如鱗翅目、鞘翅目與長翅目的幼蟲。甲蟲、蜂和蠅等 蛆狀的幼蟲由喪失“足”這個特徵的幼蟲演化而來。Williamson認為幼蟲的器官在蛹期被拆解然後重新裝配組合,這種非直接的發育形式(變態)並非僅 是由累積隨機突變、然後受到天擇壓力選汰而產生的結果,而是經由他所提出的基因體雜交理論演化而來。Williamson認為有爪動物門之成員應該是幼蟲 與其蛆狀外觀後裔的演化來源,並提出一個分子生物學的研究計畫,希望基因體學家進行實驗以驗證他的假說。在他的假設中,應該會有2組基因會在具蛆狀幼蟲形 態的所有昆蟲中找到:(i)有爪動物門決定幼蟲狀外觀之蛋白質的編碼序列 與(ii)隨後決定成蟲蛋白質的昆蟲基因。

幾個月後,Harta 與 Grosbergb在PNAS上發表了反駁Williamson的文章,他們認為動物生活史中特殊幼蟲形態的演化與喪失在不同的生活史階段與主要動物類群 之間產生複雜的相似或差異的樣式。其中一個相似的例子就是有爪動物門(Onychophora;天鵝絨蟲,櫛蠶)與某些昆蟲的幼蟲形態。他們認為 Williamson先前在PNAS上發表的看法ー櫛蠶的祖先透過雜交的方式造成昆蟲幼蟲形態的起源,而證據可由現生種櫛蠶、具有以及不具有幼蟲形態的昆 蟲之基因型來比對ー是驚人且無根據的。Williamson已經根據他的假說提出一系列的臆測,並催促基因體學家去測試。因此,他們利用文獻中已有的資料 去證明他的預測是錯誤的,親緣關係遙遠的的動物類群間的雜交無法解釋整體的形態與生活史的演化樣式,且動物的基因與基因體資料提供推翻櫛蠶與特定昆蟲之間 雜交或幼蟲形態轉移的強烈證據。這些證據包括:(1)寄生甲殼類的根頭目藤壺之基因體很小、且不須要從甲殼類身上獲取基因體。(2)完全變態類昆蟲比不具 幼蟲形態的昆蟲所擁有的基因體更小。(3)完全變態類昆蟲的基因比不具幼蟲形態的昆蟲者還要少,且也不須要從櫛蠶身上獲得基因。(4)完全變態類昆蟲並不 具有類似經由雜交而從櫛蠶身上獲得的基因體。(5)有爪動物門的基因體比完全變態類昆蟲還大,且亦並未和昆蟲雜交。

綜合以上兩篇, Williamson提出了神話故事般非常具有創意的假設,也提供了可測試的假說,然後由Harta 與 Grosbergb進行基因體上的比對提出證據反駁,雖然看似正反雙方的意見辯論,但也不能不算是一種科學研究上的合作討論。

文獻來源(1):DI Williamson. 2009. Caterpillars evolved from onychophorans by hybridogenesis. PNAS.

I reject the Darwinian assumption that larvae and their adults evolved from a single common ancestor. Rather I posit that, in animals that metamorphose, the basic types of larvae originated as adults of different lineages, i.e., larvae were transferred when, through hybridization, their genomes were acquired by distantly related animals. “Caterpillars,” the name for eruciforms with thoracic and abdominal legs, are larvae of lepidopterans, hymenopterans, and mecopterans (scorpionflies). Grubs and maggots, including the larvae of beetles, bees, and flies, evolved from caterpillars by loss of legs. Caterpillar larval organs are dismantled and reconstructed in the pupal phase. Such indirect developmental patterns (metamorphoses) did not originate solely by accumulation of random mutations followed by natural selection; rather they are fully consistent with my concept of evolution by hybridogenesis. Members of the phylum Onychophora (velvet worms) are proposed as the evolutionary source of caterpillars and their grub or maggot descendants. I present a molecular biological research proposal to test my thesis. By my hypothesis 2 recognizable sets of genes are detectable in the genomes of all insects with caterpillar grub- or maggot-like larvae: (i) onychophoran genes that code for proteins determining larval morphology/physiology and (ii) sequentially expressed insect genes that code for adult proteins. The genomes of insects and other animals that, by contrast, entirely lack larvae comprise recognizable sets of genes from single animal common ancestors.

文獻來源(2):MW Hart and RK Grosberg. 2009. Caterpillars did not evolve from onychophorans by hybridogenesis. PNAS.

The evolution and loss of distinctive larval forms in animal life cycles have produced complex patterns of similarity and difference among life-history stages and major animal lineages. One example of this similarity is the morphological forms of Onychophora (velvet worms) and the caterpillar-like larvae of some insects. Williamson [(2009) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106:15786–15790] has made the astonishing and unfounded claim that the ancestors of the velvet worms directly gave rise to insect caterpillars via hybridization and that evidence of this ancient “larval transfer” could be found in comparisons among the genomes of extantextant onychophorans, insects with larvae, and insects without larvae. Williamson has made a series of predictions arising from his hypothesis and urged genomicists to test them. Here, we use data already in the literature to show these predictions to be false. Hybridogenesis between distantly related animals does not explain patterns of morphological and life-history evolution in general, and the genes and genomes of animals provide strong evidence against hybridization or larval transfer between a velvet worm and an insect in particular.

2010年1月5日 星期二


大戟科木本植物 Neoboutonia macrocalyx Pax 圖片來源:Prelude Medicinal Plants Database
文獻來源:Sini Skippari, Timo Olavi Veteli, John Kasenene, Pekka Niemela and Heikki Roininen. 2009. High temporal variation in the assemblage of Lepidopteran larvae on a constant resource. African Journal of Ecology 47: 537–545

本文作者在非洲烏干達的吉貝利(Kibale)國家公園的中海拔熱帶雨林中,研究不同樹木植株之間的鱗翅目幼蟲物種多樣性與物種組成之時間變化。調查方式為在1995年1月~1996年12月間,每個月對大戟科樹木 Neoboutonia macrocalyx Pax 葉片上的鱗翅目幼蟲進行採樣。在研究其間總計採得1961個樣本,共有76個形態種的鱗翅目昆蟲。各個物種的標本數量差異非常大,範圍少至一種只有1個樣本、多至一種有707個樣本。不同植株上採得的物種組成非常相似且以尺蛾科幼蟲為主。植食者豐度的時間性變化很高,其個體量的高峰在1995年主要發生於雨季,但此現象在1996年並未出現,且在這兩年當中、豐度均未和降雨量有顯著的相關性。相反地,在這兩年中的觀察資料顯示:鱗翅目多樣性與降雨量反而呈現負相關,且似乎因此造成一個半年為期的循環,使得每年會出現一至二個物種多樣性的高峰。此外,物種組成的相似程度亦具有季節性,而且同一物種會在一年之中的特定時段出現在該組成當中。此研究顯示:短期的生物多樣性評估會對熱帶雨林中生物多樣性做出偏頗的結論。

We studied variation in the assemblage of lepidopteran larvae between individual trees, and temporal variation in the diversity and species composition of the assemblage in a medium-altitude rainforest in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Monthly samples of lepidopteran larvae were collected from the leaves of Neoboutonia macrocalyx Pax. between January 1995 and December 1996. During this period, a total of 1961 specimens representing 76 lepi- dopteran morphospecies were found. The numbers of individuals within species varied enormously, ranging from one to 707 individuals. Assemblages of individual trees were highly similar and dominated by geometrid larvae. Temporal variation in herbivore abundance was high. The number of individuals peaked during the major rainy season in 1995 but not in 1996 and was not cor- related significantly with rainfall within these 2 years. In contrast, a negative correlation was found between lepi- dopteran diversity and rainfall that seems to cause a semi- annual trend in diversity with one or two peaks per year. Furthermore, there was seasonality in the similarity of the assemblage. Consequently, the same species were found in the assemblage during certain times of the year. Our study shows that short-term biodiversity assessments can give a skewed picture of the diversity of tropical forests.

Key words: diversity, herbivory, insects, resource avail- ability, seasonality, species richness

2010年1月3日 星期日

[新書]飛吧, 紫斑蝶

  • 作者:馬小蘭
  • 出版社:台灣英文新聞(股)
  • 出版日期:2010年01月10日
  • 語言:繁體中文 ISBN:9789868531642
  • 裝訂:平裝