2010年7月29日 星期四


NSMT_HT_Meganephria debilis ilan Kobayashi & Owada, 1996 Male
Meganephria debilis ilan Kobayashi & Owada, 1996 (syn. of M. cinerea ilan)

文獻來源: Ronkay, G., L. Ronkay, P. Gyulai and H. H. Hacker. 2010. New Psaphidinae and Oncocnemidinae (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) species and genera from the wide sense Himalayan region. Esperiana 15: 223-244.

  1. 描述Meganephria cinerea之新亞種morosa,模式產地為陝西太白山,此種之原名亞種分布於日本、韓國以及俄羅斯,台灣則有特有亞種M. c. ilan之分布;
  2. 首次描述台灣特有種Allophyes miali Hreblay & Kobayashi, 1997之雄蟲外生殖器結構,此特徵與1997年所描述的雌外生殖器特徵皆支持此物種與分布於中國雲南麗江之A. yuennana以及湖北之A. albithorax的近緣關係;
  3. 描述原產台灣之特有屬種Taipsaphida curiosa Ronkay & Ronkay, 1999之中國南方亞種T. c. fujiani,除模式產地福建之外亦分布於廣西。

Four new genera (Benedekia, Allomeganephria, Fansipania and Beshkovietta gen. nov.), seven new species (Meganephria (Belosticta) becheri, M. (B.) uniformis, Benedekia gaudina, Allomeganephria hollogabori, Fansipania viridistellata, Beshkovietta indigena and Bryomima striata spp. nov.) and three new subspecies (Meganephria (Belosticta) cinerea morosa, Taipsaphida curiosa fujiani and Oncocnemis mixtazona honeyi sspp. nov.) of Psaphidinae (including Feraliini) and Oncocnemidinae from the Himalayan region are described. With 4 colour plates and 12 genitalia plates.

2010年7月28日 星期三


文獻來源: Holloway, J.D. 2009. The Moths of Borneo: Family Noctuidae, subfamilies Pantheinae (part), Bagisartnae, Acontiinae, Aediinae, Eustrotiinae, Bryophilinae, Araeopteroninae, Aventiinae, Eublemminae and further miscellanerous genera. Malayan Nature Journal 62(1&2): 1-240.

Bornean moths in the noctuid subfamilies Pantheinae, Bagaristinae, Acontiinae, Aediinae, Eustrotiinae, Bryophilinae, Araeopteroninae, Aventiinae and Eublemminae are described, though the first two have been partially covered in other parts of this series. The first six belong to the Noctuidae sensu stricto and the remainder fall within the quadrifine sequence of subfamilies. The Oriental Bagisarinae are reviewed in some detail, with some additions to the genera included. A new concept of the Aventiinae si developed to embrace the majority of the traditional Acontiinae/Eustrotiinae genera in Sundaland and also the Trisatelini. This concept could be broadened to include the Eublemminae and the grouping of genera allied to Saroba Walker, but not to Pangraptinae. Some genera traditionally associated with the Hypeninae, such as Prolophota Hampson, are also included. The treatment convers 270 species distributed over 70 genera. For each species, a diagnosis and the geographical range are given and, where known, details of habitat preference and biology. Summary lists are provided of the new taxa described (4 genera and 88 species) as well as of numerous other taxonomic changes. A checklist of all species summarises the fauna.

由颱風引起的蛾類長距離傳播- 以東南亞大燕蛾為例

07.09.05~12 Khao Chong, Thailand- Lyssa zampa (Butler)

文章出處: Tokeshi, M. & M. Yoko-o. 2007. New record of the tropical swallowtail moth Lyssa zampa (Butler) (Lepidoptera: Uraniidae) from mainland Japan. Entomological Science 10(1): 103-106(4)

對於蛾類藉由風力的被動長距離傳播現象,過去雖然有被觀察過,然而超過1000公里以上的傳播並不多見且不容易被證實。本文對於日本西九州西所新採獲的大燕蛾(Lyssa zampa (Butler))個體,藉由氣象局所記錄的颱風路徑與形成資訊,提出單一個體由菲律賓受颱風傳播的可能性。此文中亦討論到台灣大燕蛾族群的來源,由於作者認為(1)台灣所採獲標本多不完整且多為偶發紀錄;(2)再加上此東南亞廣為分布的物種於該分布地區僅取食大戟科的Endospermum屬植物,而Yen et al. (1995)推測台灣大燕蛾族群可能的替代寄主是 Endospermum malaccense (黃桐)(但這個觀點顯然是Tokeshi & Yoko-o誤讀Yen et al.的文章所致, Yen et al.已經指出Endospermum不產於台灣, 因此其它大戟科植物或許可能被在地發生個體所利用),然作者對此推測有所保留,而推測台灣族群可能亦由颱風因子而由菲律賓傳播而來,然此說法尚待台灣是否能採獲幼蟲與寄主紀錄的發現,以及族群遺傳學的資訊來佐證或反駁。同樣的,目前分布於台灣而被認為屬於菲律賓系統或南方海島起源的昆蟲類群,颱風與其他氣流的被動傳播方式的確是比須考量的因素之一。除此之外,對於地區性甚至全島的資源普查與物候發生資料蒐集,也是探討較大尺度生物地理議題時所不可或缺的資訊。(註: 燕蛾的長距離播遷事實上並非新聞, 中美洲的Urania是著名的遷徙性物種, 而印尼產的Lyssa可被海上作業漁船燈光誘引也曾被記錄過)

Owada, M. 1989. A migrant noctuid moth, Hypocala violacea Butler, obtained at Itoigawa on the Japan Sea coast, central Honshu. Japan Heterocerist's J. 152: 27.

The tropical swallowtail moth Lyssa zampa (Butler) (Lepidoptera: Uraniidae) was recorded for the first time from mainland Japan. A male specimen of this species was captured in Amakusa, western Kyushu, on the night of 19 May 2006. An analysis of typhoon data suggests that this individual is likely to have reached the western coast of Kyushu from the Philippines, being transported over a distance of approximately 3000 km by typhoon no. 1 of 2006.

2010年7月27日 星期二



以形態特徵重建狹義星燈蛾屬(Utetheisa s. str.)的親緣關係顯示Utetheisa與Pitasila亞屬為姐妹群, 但Atasca亞屬則可能不屬星燈蛾, 而新世界物種則起源自亞洲

文獻來源: DaCosta MA. 2010. Phylogeny of Utetheisa s. str. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Arctiinae) with comments on the evolution of colour, hind wing scales and origin of New World species. Invertebrate Systematics 24: 113-130.

Species of Utetheisa Hübner incorporate pyrrolizidine alkaloids into their defence strategy where they are protective against both invertebrate and vertebrate predators, and courtship behaviours by males incorporate the alkaloids into their pheromones. Although Utetheisa’s chemical ecology is well understood, the systematics is less clear. A phylogeny of Utetheisa was constructed based on adult morphology. The final data matrix consisted of 29 species and 105 characters (268 states) from adults scored from both nongenitalic and genitalic characters as follows: 3 head (8 states), 4 leg (8 states), 21 wing (49 states), 44 male abdominal and genitalic characters (124 states), and 33 female abdominal and genitalic characters (79 states). The resulting parsimony and Bayesian analyses demonstrated that Utetheisa s. str. is monophyletic and sister to U. Pitasila (Moore). UtetheisaAtasca (Swinhoe) is more closely related to outgroup taxa than it is to other Utetheisa species. Monophyly of Utetheisa s. str. is strongly supported by a posterior probability of 0.98. Colour was lost once and male wing androconia evolved independently in several species, all of which feed on hosts in Boraginaceae. Forbes’ hypothesis of an Old World origin for the genus is corroborated and two origins for New World species are supported.

2010年7月21日 星期三

中國常綠闊葉林內產Micraglossa屬(鱗翅目: 螟蛾總科: 草螟科: 苔螟亞科)之分類學研究與其生物地理

文獻來源: Li W, Li H & Nuss M. 2010. Taxonomic revision and biogeography of Micraglossa Warren, 1891 from laurel forests in China (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea: Crambidae: Scopariinae). Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny. 68:159-180.

在過去,Micraglossa共有11個已被描述的種類,從印度、中國、日本、菲律賓經亞洲熱帶雨林區往新幾內亞分佈至昆士蘭。本屬成員的身體與前翅背方分布有金色或銀色的鱗片,可用於區別本屬與同亞科其他屬成員。在本篇研究之前,中國一共紀錄三種本屬成員,而台灣則紀錄二種(M. manoiM. aenealis),而本研究則加入大陸本土四個新種與三個新紀錄,因此該屬成員在大陸目前共有十種。其中,M. manoi原本被認為只產於台灣,在本研究中則引證了來自大陸貴州與尼泊爾的標本。除此之外,作者們認為本屬成員主要活於常綠闊葉林中,他們將大陸各種Micraglossa標示於地圖上,並結合一月月均溫的資料,做出「一月均溫-10度C是限制本屬向北分布極限的氣候因子」的結論。

Sasaki A. 1998. Notes on the Scopariinae from Taiwan, with descriptions of nine new species (Lepidoptera, Crambidae). Tinea. 15(3):191-201.

2010年7月17日 星期六


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