2010年8月19日 星期四


產卵中的絲蘭蛾,圖片來源:Encyclopædia Britannica

文獻來源: Yoder, J.B., Smith, C.I. & Pellmyr, O. 2010. How to become a yucca moth: minimal trait evolution needed to establish the obligate pollination mutualism. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 100: 847–855. With 2 figures


由圖中(原文Figure 2.)可看出絲蘭蛾之祖先類群為廣食性,食草範圍包括單子葉和雙子葉植物,取食部位包括有花、胚珠、莖與葉片等,而後其遠親分化為以雙子葉植物為食,絲蘭蛾科與其近緣類群由取食薔薇科的成員演化至以木本單子葉植物為寄主植物:絲蘭蛾科朝以龍舌蘭科為食、取食胚珠部位的方向演化,其近緣類群假絲蘭蛾屬(Prodoxus)的物種以絲蘭和龍舌蘭的莖和果實為食。

The origins of obligate pollination mutualisms, such as the classic yucca–yucca moth association, appear to requireextensive trait evolution and specialization. To understand the extent to which traits truly evolved as part of establishing the mutualistic relationship, rather than being pre-adaptations, we used an expanded phylogenetic estimate with improved sampling of deeply-diverged groups to perform the first formal reconstruction of trait evolution in pollinating yucca moths and their nonpollinating relatives. Our analysis demonstrates that key life-history traits of yucca moths, including larval feeding in the floral ovary and the associated specialized cutting ovipositor, as well as colonization of woody monocots in xeric habitats, may have been established before the obligate mutualism with yuccas. Given these pre-existing traits, novel traits in the mutualist moths are limited to the active pollination behaviours and the tentacular appendages that facilitate pollen collection and deposition. These results suggest that a highly specialized obligate mutualism was built on the foundation of pre-existing interactions between early Prodoxidae and their host plants, and arose with minimal trait evolution.
