文獻:Wu S & Chang WC (2013) Notes on the synonymy, distribution patterns and immature stages of
Camptoloma carum Kishida, 1984 (Lepidoptera, Nolidae) in Taiwan. Tinea 22(4): 237-241.
The bionomics and immature stages of hitherto known rare species Camptoloma carum Kishida, 1984 in Taiwan are given in the present study. The taxonomic problems surrounding this species is elucidated and C. quimeiae Buchsbaum and Chen, 2011 is regarded as the junior synonym of C. carum (syn. nov.)
此篇文章釐清台灣產Camptoloma屬物種花布麗瘤蛾(C. carum)之分類、地理分佈與幼生期資訊。Kishida (1984)首次描述此物種,模式產於廬山與烏來的,後續此種標本紀錄稀少。Buchsbaum and Chen (2011)描述廬山與藤枝產新種 C. quimeiae。本文經檢視兩者模式系列標本、台灣各產地與海拔之族群變異,確認上述兩分類群為同種,將後者視為前者之晚近同物異名。