2015年2月11日 星期三


文獻來源:Watabiki D, Yoshimatsu S (2014) Taxonomic study of Targalla delatrix (Guenee) and its close relatives from East and Southeast Asia with description of a new species (Lepidoptera: Euteliidae). Lepidoptera Science 65(4): 158-178.

浮尾夜蛾這個屬大約有20個種。部份種類被認為是桃金孃科與楝科果樹的害蟲。東京農業大學的綿引大祐與國立農業環境科學研究所的吉村慎一檢討了這個屬的分類。他們發現了一個從日本、台灣與中國分布到中南半島的新種Targalla silvicola (森林浮尾夜蛾),並恢復了T. infida與T. pantarcha的種級地位。

Targalla delatrix (Guenee) and its close relatives from East and Southeast Asia are revised. A new species, T. silvicola sp. nov. is described from China, Vietnam, Laos, Taiwan and Japan. T. subocellata pantarcha Turner is recognized here as a good species distinct from T. subocellata (Walker) and is treated as T. pantarcha (Turner) stat. rev. Additionally, T. infida Walker sp. rev. is treated here as a distinct species from T. palliatrix (Guenee). In addition, using the DNA barcoding data of mitochondrial DNA (COI) genes, together with the Targalla data already registered in GenBank, we can distinguish seven Targalla species successfully and an NJ-tree is give.
