2018年4月6日 星期五

台灣產夜蛾科新種杉氏后夜蛾(Trisuloides sugii)之描述

文獻來源:Wu, S & L. C. Shih. 2018. Trisuloides sugii sp. nov., a new species endemic to Taiwan (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Pantheinae). Tinea 24(2): 86-92. 

夜蛾科后夜蛾亞科后夜蛾屬(Trisuloides )為一分布於亞洲大陸、日本與台灣的小屬,過去已知僅產8種,由Behounek et al. (2013)作了分類回顧,台灣產類群長久以來殿於Sugi (1976)的研究產后夜蛾 T. sericea Butler, 1881以及台灣后夜蛾T. taiwana Sugi, 1976兩種。本研究確認過去鑑定為台灣后夜蛾的標本實混有兩物種,真正的台灣后夜蛾僅產於中部中海拔山區,而北部低海拔者為一新種,即杉氏后夜蛾 T. sugii Wu & Shih, 2018,其近緣種則為日本中南部以及韓國分布的 T. rotundipennis Sugi, 1976。此外,台灣后夜蛾之雌蟲生殖器則首次圖示與描述。

The present study elucidates the taxonomy and distribution pattern of taxa that previously identified as a single species Trisuloides taiwana Sugi, 1976. We prove Trisuloides taiwana only occurs in mid-elevation of central Taiwan and its female genitalia are firstly illustrated and described. The Trisuloides population occurring in the low mountain range of northeastern Taiwan is described as a new species, T. sugii sp. nov.
