2009年2月11日 星期三


The principal structure of male genital sclerites and muscles of bombycoid moths, with special reference to Anthelidae (Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea)
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Arthropod Structure & Development 38:147–161

Andreas Zwick a,b (2009)
a Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO Entomology, GPO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
b School of Botany and Zoology, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia

Male genital structures and muscles of bombycoid moths have repeatedly been misidentified in the literature. Furthermore, the genital structures of some bombycoid families, such as the poorly known Australo-New Guinean Anthelidae, have essentially remained unstudied. Based on comparative morphology, this study details the principal arrangements of male genital sclerites and muscles in all bombycoid families, with particular focus on basic structures and their modifications in Anthelidae. Emphasis is placed on the homology of and fusions between these structures and their function, providing a basis for the interpretation of modifications in future phylogenetic and taxonomic studies. This includes the unique fusion of gnathos and valvae in several bombycoid families, the arrangement and extent of the fused tegumen and vinculum, as well as the homology of the ‘‘transtilla’’. Further, a modification of the valve adductor muscle (the segment IX sternum to valva muscle, m4) widely regarded as a synapomorphy of Bombycoidea is demonstrated to be non-existent, as is the presumed presence of the valve abductor muscle (the segment IX tergum to valva muscle, m2) in Saturniidae.

蠶蛾總科的雄性生殖器結構及肌肉在文獻中重複地鑑定錯誤,而某些蠶蛾總科下的科(如分布在澳洲-新幾內亞區且鮮為人知的澳蛾科),其雄性生殖器結構則尚未被研究過。本研究根據比較形態學,詳述蠶蛾總科內的雄性生殖器結構及肌肉之基本排列方式等細節,例如文中提到幾個蠶蛾總科下的科具有獨特的顎形突骨片(gnathos)與抱器(valvae)之癒合、背基突(tegumen)與腹基突(vinculum)癒合的排列與寬度,以及‘‘橫突片(transtilla)’’的同源性。此外抱器內收肌(valve adductor muscle, m4)的變形過去被廣泛地認為是蠶蛾總科的共衍徵,由於天蠶蛾科被推定出現抱器外展肌(valve abductor muscle, 第六節背板與抱器肌, m2),該論點已被證明為不再正確。這些特徵提供未來在親緣關係與分類學研究之基礎。
