2009年3月27日 星期五

[TaiBNET名錄修訂] 尺蛾科一屬名變更

060719 宜蘭 四季蘭林道 Amblychia moltrechti (Bastelberger, 1909)
Amblychia moltrechti (Bastelberger, 1909) (Female)

Inoue & Sugi (1992)於台灣鱗翅目誌收錄了尺蛾科枝尺蛾亞科(Ennominae)之大型尺蛾類Elphos Guenée, 1858屬共兩種,Holloway (1993)基於雌雄生殖器結構之相似性,將此屬視為另一大型尺蛾類群Amblychia Guenée, 1857屬之同物異名。據Parsons等人(1999)的統計Amblychia全世界共有21種與4亞種,分布中心為熱帶東方區,另有一種產於大洋洲的新喀里多尼亞 (New Caledonia) (Holloway, 1976)。


Amblychia angeronaria Guenée , 1857 白斑褐尺蛾 (本屬模式種)

Amblychia moltrechti (Bastelberger, 1909) 大褐尺蛾
Amblychia sauteri (Prout, 1914) 異大褐尺蛾

Heppner & Inoue (eds.) 1992. Lepidoptera of Taiwan Vol. 1, part 2: checklist. Scientific Publishers Inc., Gainesville, USA.
Holloway, J. D. 1976. Moths of Borneo with special reference to Mt. Kinabalu. Kuala Lumpur. Malayan Nature Society.
Holloway, J. D. 1993. The Moths of Borneo: Part 11 Family Geometridae, Subfamily Ennominae. Malayan Nature Journal 47: 1-309.
Parsons, M. S., Scoble, M. J., Honey, M. R., Pitkin, L. M., and Pitkin, B. R. 1999. In Scoble (ed.) Geometrid Moths of the World: A Catalogue. Volumes 1 & 2: 1016 pp. + index 129 pp. CSIRO, Publishing, Canberra.


BMC Evolutionary Biology 2009, 9:64 Published: 24 March 2009

Sylvain Charlat , Anne Duplouy , Emily A Hornett , Emily A Dyson , Neil Davies , George K Roderick , Nina Wedell and Gregory DD Hurst

Abstract (provisional)
Background: The interaction between the Blue Moon butterfly, Hypolimnas bolina, and Wolbachia has attracted interest because of the high prevalence of male-killing achieved within the species, the ecological consequences of this high prevalence, the intensity of selection on the host to suppress the infection, and the presence of multiple Wolbachia infections inducing different phenotypes. We examined diversity in the co-inherited marker, mtDNA, and the partitioning of this between individuals of different infection status, as a means to investigate the population biology and evolutionary history of the Wolbachia infections.
Results: Part of the mitochondrial COI gene was sequenced from 298 individuals of known infection status revealing ten different haplotypes. Despite very strong biological evidence that the sample represents a single species, the ten haplotypes did not fall within a monophyletic clade within the Hypolimnas genus, with one haplotype differing by 5% from the other nine. There were strong associations between infection status and mtDNA haplotype. The presence of wBol1 infection in association with strongly divergent haplotypes prompted closer examination of wBol1 genetic variation. This revealed the existence of two cryptic subtypes, wBol1a and wBol1b. The wBol1a infection, by far the most common, was in strict association with the single divergent mtDNA haplotype. The wBol1b infection was found with two haplotypes that were also observed in uninfected specimens. Finally, the wBol2 infection was associated with a large diversity of mtDNA haplotypes, most often shared with uninfected sympatric butterflies.
Conclusion: This data overall supports the hypothesis that high prevalence of malekilling Wolbachia (wBol1) in H. bolina is associated with very high transmission efficiency rather than regular horizontal transmission. It also suggests this infection has undergone a recent selective sweep and was introduced in this species through introgression. In contrast, the sharing of haplotypes between wBol2-infected and uninfected individuals indicates that this strain is not perfectly transmitted and / or shows a significant level of horizontal transmission.

2009年3月23日 星期一

螟蛾學者Michael Shaffer辭世

享譽國際鱗翅學界的螟蛾總科(及網蛾總科)學者Michael Shaffer於3/23清晨於家中過逝. Michael Shaffer原為倫敦自然科學博物館(NHM)昆蟲系小鱗翅群部門之資深蒐藏經理, 多年前退休後仍一週三天, 全年無休地至博物館整理標本與更新文獻. NHM著名的LepIndex之螟蛾總科之資訊更新即由他所完成. 為了表彰他對國際鱗翅學界的貢獻, 一群國際螟蛾學者特別在1998年合著一本"Pyraloidea Studies"(為Entomologica scandicanvica的增刊)以慶賀他的退休與生日. Michael生前仍為澳洲蛾類誌的螟蛾部份進行研究工作, 而其著作, 如Smaller Moths of South East Asia以及澳洲蛾類名錄之螟蛾總科部份皆對亞洲的小鱗翅類與螟蛾研究有著重要的影響.


2009年3月16日 星期一


文獻來源: Lu, C. C. Lu, L. W. Wu, G. F. Jiang, H. Deng, L. H.Wang, Y.F. Hsu (2009). Systematic status of Agehana elwesi f. cavaleriei based on morphological and molecular evidence. Zoological Studies: 270-279 [全文下載]

Agehana swallowtail butterflies are unusual in having 2 veins present in the broad lobe-like “ tail”of their hindwing. Of the 2 species currently recognized in this genus, A. maraho is generally considered an endangered taxon endemic to Taiwan. The other species, A. elwesi, which is widespread in the southern part of continental China, contains a form superficially similar to A. maraho. This form is termed f. cavaleriei, and its distribution is restricted to southwestern China. The relationship between this form and A. maraho has not been critically examined using either morphology or molecular characters. The male genitalia and a 1530 p fragment of mitochondrial DNA including the cytochrome oxidase I barcoding region suggest that f. cavaleriei is a form of A. elwesi rather than A. maraho.

2009年3月11日 星期三

星燈蛾屬 (Utetheisa) Pitasila亞屬分類修訂

070728 台東 綠島 Utetheisa (Pitasila) inconstans (Butler, 1880)
綠島產Utetheisa (Pitasila) inconstans (Butler, 1880)

目前任職於荷蘭阿姆斯特丹動物學博物館的Rob de Vos長期對於所謂的"蝶燈蛾" (Nyctemera, Pitasila)的分類問題投注了相當多的時間. 多年來已經累積了相當多的文章, 也解決了許多東南亞(含新幾內亞)產物種的分類疑難. 根據明尼蘇達大學Susan Weller研究群對燈蛾科親緣關係重建的結果, NyctemeraPitasila並非近緣群, 而Pitasila顯然應被視為星燈蛾屬(Utetheisa)亞屬, 因此Pitasila的中名不宜再被稱為蝶燈蛾, 而且此類群也無一物種與任何蝶類有相似之處.

de Vos於2007年發表了對Pitasila, Atasca, 與一新亞屬Raanya de Vos修訂的巨著,文中亦包含13新種2新亞種,14個新同物異名及取代名(replacement name),8個新位階,還有14個轉移至Utetheisa的新組合,並提供所有描述分類群的成蟲、生殖器特徵與地理分布資訊。de Vos在此文中亦討論了兩種產在台灣的物種: Utetheisa (Pitasila) inconstans (Butler, 1880)與 U. (P.) fractifascia (Wileman, 1911),並將牠們歸於selecta種群內,以下就兩物種的命名修訂歷史作簡述:

1. Utetheisa (Pitasila) inconstans (Butler, 1880)
BMNH_Lectotype_Utetheisa (Pitasila) inconstans (Butler, 1880)
  • inconstans原本即被置於Pitasila Moore, 1877,隨後Pagenstecher (1901)、Swinhoe (1903)、Seitz (1915)、Matsumura (1930)等人將其歸於Nyctemera,Bryk (1937)認為這樣的組合將造成與Nyctemera inconstans Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1863 (現為Nyctemera latistriga Walker, 1854)同名(homonym), 而倡議使用一個新名brylancik取代Butler的inconstans,這個問題已在de Vos (2002)的論文中闡述
  • Inoue & Kishida (1992)在台灣鱗翅目誌中將brylancik轉移至Pitasila,王效岳(1994)在認識台灣的昆蟲(7)亦沿用(中文名為大花斑蝶燈蛾),隨後這個學名便在台灣的圖鑑或網路討論中被廣為使用
  • Holloway其實早在1988年將Pitasila處理為Utetheisa之 同物異名與亞屬,然這個處理並未被長期研究台灣鱗翅目昆蟲的日本鱗翅學者所理會. 不過Susan Weller博士的研究生Michelle DaCosta在其博士論文(2007)的分析, 以及de Vos (2007)的研究皆支持Holloway的觀點. de Vos並引用ICZN 59.3條(註一)將過去被視為junior secondary homonym的inconstans Butler, 1880恢復使用, 並與Utetheisa屬重新組合成為Utetheisa (Pitasila) inconstans. 此外, 過去被描述自日本琉球群島的okinawansis Inoue, 1982亦被視為此種的同物異名
  • Sugi (2002)紀錄琉球族群取食紫草科(Boraginaceae)的白水木(Tournefortia argentea L. f. 1781),而其幼蟲與Utetheisa亞屬非常相似,故可支持將PitasilaUtetheisa合併的分類處理
  • 此種之地理分布目前為: 日本琉球群島, 台灣南部近海低海拔山區以及綠島(筆者2007年7月紀錄),傅建明與左漢榮(2004)紀錄了中海拔鞍馬山區”Pitasila brylancik”的雌雄蟲各一筆紀錄,然其圖板(p. 252)所顯示的應該是Utetheisa (Pitasila) fractifascia
2. Utetheisa (Pitasila) fractifascia (Wileman, 1911)
BMNH_Lectotype_Utetheisa (Pitasila) fractifascia (Wileman, 1911)
  • fractifascia原被置於Deilemera Hubner屬中,而Deilemera現被視為Nyctemera的同物異名
  • Holloway(1988)將其轉至Utetheisa屬,但Inoe & Kishida (1992)仍將其置於Pitasila
  • 此種之次同物異名為Nyctemera basistrigata Reich, 1932,正模採自台灣甲仙(Kosempo),現存於ZMHB (德國柏林洪堡大學自然史博物館)
  • 此種為台灣特有種,傅建明與左漢榮(2004)紀錄了中海拔鞍馬山區產雌雄蟲各一筆紀錄(誤訂為brylancik)
3. 兩者之比較: 由於兩者的種內變異極大, 且在種間差異很小, 因此在鑑識上經常出現錯誤
  • Wileman (1911)與Reich (1932)分別選擇了極端表現的個體作為fractifasciabasistrigata的模式標本.
  • de Vos則根據生殖器結構的穩定特徵,例如抱器(valva)外緣突起(costal process)的長度與角度,以及clasper的形態支持兩物種的分割。
  • de Vos並未如王效岳(1994)為兩物種進行詳細的斑紋描述,僅陳述牠們兩者個斑紋變異甚大,僅能以inconstans白斑較發達,fractifascia的白斑較不發達辨識。不過腹部斑紋似乎可提供較穩定的特徵: inconstans之背、腹與側板黑斑小或不明顯;然fractifascia的圓斑較大,背板黑斑常向側方延伸
4. Utetheisa (Pitasila)與Nyctemera屬的差異
080702 新店 四崁水 粉蝶燈蛾 Nyctemera adversata (Schaller, 1788)
Nyctemera adversata (Schaller, 1788)
  • 因為與擬態相關的翅紋趨同現象(Holloway, 1988),因此造成此兩群長期紊亂的分類歷史。Holloway建議後翅翅脈相辨識牠們: 前者R1與M1脈合生(connate),而後者兩脈則為共柄 (sharing a common stalk)。
註一: 摘錄ICZN 59.3條款如下 (ICZN 網頁)
Secondary homonyms replaced before 1961 but no longer considered congeneric. A junior secondary homonym replaced before 1961 is permanently invalid unless the substitute name is not in use and the relevant taxa are no longer considered congeneric, in which case the junior homonym is not to be rejected on grounds of that replacement. [在1961年以前被替代而已不再被認為同屬的後異物同名。一個在1961年以前被替代的次後異物同名永遠無效,除非該替換名稱未在使用中,並且相關的分 類單元已不再被認為同屬,此一案例,該後位異物同名無須因該項替代而被摒棄。(摘譯自于名振,2003)]

根據這個條款,不摒棄後異物同名的情況須符合兩個條件,然而Vos(2007)對inconstans Butler的處理似乎僅合乎第二個條件(相關分類單元不再認為同屬),而忽略inconstans Butler的替代名brylancik Bryk持續被使用的事實。

Fu & Tzuoo. 2004. Moths of Anmashan Part 2. Taichung Nature Research Society, Taichung, Taiwan
Heppner & Inoue (eds.) 1992. Lepidoptera of Taiwan Vol. 1, part 2: checklist. Scientific Publishers Inc., Gainesville, USA.
Holloway. 1988. The moths of Borneo, part 6: Actiidae: Syntominae, Euchromiinae, Arctiinae, Aganainae (to Noctuidae). Southdene Sdn. Bhd, Malaysia.
Vos, R. de. 2002. Revision of the Nyctemera everigista group (=subgenus Deilemera Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Arctiinae, Nyctemerini). Nachrichten des entomologischen Vereins Apollo (Neue Folge) 23: 7-32.
Vos, R. de. 2007. The Utetheisa species of the subgenera Pitasila, Atasca and Raanya Subg. N. (Insecta, Lepidoptera: Arctiidae). Aldrovandia 3: 31-120.
王效岳。1994。認識台灣的昆蟲 7 燈蛾科。淑馨出版社,臺北市,臺灣

Dr. Rod de Vos,
Dept. of Entomology, Zoological Museum of Amsterdam
Dr. Susan J. Weller, Dept. of Entomology, University of Minnesota


High mitochondrial diversity in geographically widespread butterflies of Madagascar: A test of the DNA barcoding approach
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 50 (2009) 485–495

Marjorie C. Linares a, Iván D. Soto-Calderón a,b, David C. Lees c, Nicola M. Anthony a,*
a Department of Biological Sciences, Computer Resources Center Building, Room 200, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148, USA
b Biology Institute, University of Antioquia, Medellín AA1226, Colombia
c Department of Entomology, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Rd., London SW7 5BD, UK


使用粒線體COI基因序列作為DNA條碼進行鑑定物種與探索的方法,已經成為一種標準流程且具有很高的產出效率。物種的界定基於下列原則:(1)在親緣關係上呈現單系群,且頻率較低 (2)物間之間的分化至少比物種之內高出10倍。然而,如果姊妹種沒有被囊括在分析當中、或者所選分類群中的任何地理範圍產生的變異沒有被全面性地取樣,分化程度的評估就會過於誇大。本文對Heteropsis屬中的一些形態上有區別的特有種蝴蝶作大範圍變異的取樣,提出DNA分化評估中潛在的偏見;本文同時比較Heteropsis族群與另一個不相關的森林相類群Saribia tepahi之間的遺傳變異,以探究生物條碼領域中、粒線體DNA可被用來評價雨林破碎化造成之影響的限度。出乎意料地,廣義的引子使得細胞內共生物Wolbachia的DNA被不被注意地增幅,暗中減損了通用引子的使用、且迫使設計具屬級專一性的COI引子成為必須之務。雖然作者觀察到高度的種內遺傳變異,大部分物種仍滿足DNA條碼原則;但是兩種形態上可區別的候選物種卻無法滿足DNA條碼的10倍遺傳距離原則。COI資料的親緣地理分析暗示森林破碎化可能在蝴蝶近期演化的多樣性上扮演重要的腳色。未來研究中同時使用粒線體DNA與核DNA的資料研究馬拉加西的類群,將對歷史上棲地破碎化對物種多樣性的影響提供更好的洞見,且可能有助於指出保育上較優先的地區。

The standardized use of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequences as DNA barcodes has been widely promoted as a high-throughput method for species identification and discovery. Species delimitation has been based on the following criteria: (1) monophyletic association and less frequently (2) a minimum 10 greater divergence between than within species. Divergence estimates, however, can be inflated if sister species pairs are not included and the geographic extent of variation within any given taxon is not sampled comprehensively. This paper addresses both potential biases in DNA divergence estimation by sampling range-wide variation in several morphologically distinct, endemic butterfly species in the genus Heteropsis, some of which are sister taxa. We also explored the extent to which mitochondrial DNA from the barcode region can be used to assess the effects of historical rainforest fragmentation by comparing genetic variation across Heteropsis populations with an unrelated forestassociated taxon Saribia tepahi. Unexpectedly, generalized primers led to the inadvertent amplification of the endosymbiont Wolbachia, undermining the use of universal primers and necessitating the design of genus-specific COI primers alongside a Wolbachia-specific PCR assay. Regardless of the high intra-specific genetic variation observed, most species satisfy DNA barcoding criteria and can be differentiated in the nuclear phylogeny. Nevertheless, two morphologically distinguishable candidate species fail to satisfy the barcoding 10x genetic distance criterion, underlining the difficulties of applying a standard distance threshold to species delimitation. Phylogeographic analysis of COI data suggests that forest fragmentation may have played an important role in the recent evolutionary diversification of these butterflies. Further work on other Malagasy taxa using both mitochondrial and nuclear data will provide better insight into the role of historical habitat fragmentation in species diversification and may potentially contribute to the identification of priority areas for conservation.

2009年3月10日 星期二


Zootaxa 2033: 13-25 (11 Mar. 2009) 4 plates; 23 references
A revision of Episothalma Swinhoe, 1893, with descriptions of two new species and one new genus (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Geometrinae)
Abstract & excerpt (PDF; 20KB) free | Full article (PDF; 930KB) open access

擴大DNA barcoding樣本取樣之地理範圍並不會顯著降低物種鑑識的成功率

DNA barcoding Central Asian butterflies: increasing geographical dimension does not significantly reduce the success of species identification
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Molecular Ecology Resources (2009)

*Department of Karyosystematics, Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Science, Universitetskaya nab. 1, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia, †Department of Entomology, St. Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab. 7/9, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia, ‡McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA, §Biodiversity Institute of Ontario, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada N1G 2W1

動物方面的DNA條碼(DNA barcoding)研究經常使用粒線體COI作為物種內的鑑定標記,在過去的研究中此方式表現頗佳,因為典型的粒線體COI在種間的變異比種內的變異高出許多。然而,許多先前的研究只著眼於局部區域性的動物相,許多批評者認為基因條碼對於分布地區廣泛的物種鑑定可能效果較差,原因為:(1)許多較晚近分化出來的類群會被排除在局部區域分析之外,因為他們是異域種類;(2)由於基因條碼領域中不考慮地理變異,因此種內變異在地區性研究上可能被嚴重地低估。 本文作者檢驗353種中亞的蝴蝶以探討增加地理範圍如何影響基因條碼分析的解析度。結果發現,與晚近分化的同域類群相較,具地理區隔的類群或晚近分化出來的異域分布物種並未表現出較低的序列變異。雖然增加地理覆蓋範圍會大幅增加種內變異,使得兩個物種間的生物條碼距離縮短,但並不會降低使用Neighbor-Joining歸群方法時的物種鑑定。 包含更多族群的確會增加駢系的存在,但是並不妨礙種級的鑑定,因為駢系物種會因大量的序列分化而與他們的單系親戚分開。因此,作者認為本研究說明即使分類群來自廣大的地理分布範圍,DNA條碼仍然是一個有效的鑑定工具。

DNA barcoding employs short, standardized gene regions (5’ segment of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I for animals) as an internal tag to enable species identification. Prior studies have indicated that it performs this task well, because interspecific variation at cytochrome oxidase subunit I is typically much greater than intraspecific variation. However, most previous studies have focused on local faunas only, and critics have suggested two reasons why barcoding should be less effective in species identification when the geographical coverage is expanded. They suggested that many recently diverged taxa will be excluded from local analyses because they are allopatric. Second, intraspecific variation may be seriously underestimated by local studies, because geographical variation in the barcode region is not considered. In this paper, we analyse how adding a geographical dimension affects barcode resolution, examining 353 butterfly species from Central Asia. Despite predictions, we found that geographically separated and recently diverged allopatric species did not show, on average, less sequence differentiation than recently diverged sympatric taxa. Although expanded geographical coverage did substantially increase intraspecific variation reducing the barcoding gap between species, this did not decrease species identification using neighbour-joining clustering. The inclusion of additional populations increased the number of paraphyletic entities, but did not impede species-level identification, because paraphyletic species were separated from their monophyletic relatives by substantial sequence divergence. Thus, this study demonstrates that DNA barcoding remains an effective identification tool even when taxa are sampled from a large geographical area.


文獻來源: Hacker HH, Zilli A. 2007. Revisional notes on the genus Thiacidas Walker, 1855, with descriptions of Thiacidinae subfam. nov. and eleven new species (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Esperiana Memoir 3: 179-246.

任職於義大利羅馬的市立動物學博物館(Museo Civico di Zoologia)的Dr. Alberto Zilli為近年相當活躍的夜蛾總科分類學者, 其專長為四叉脈群的"非真夜蛾類的夜蛾", 也就是過去廣義的"裳夜蛾亞科"(Catocalinae). 在這篇文章中他為Thiacidas這個原來被置於Catocalinae, 後移轉到Erebidae的屬設置了一個新亞科Thiacidinae. 雖然大多數的物種分布於非洲大陸, 但仍然有兩個種分布於亞洲, 一為產於印度的T. postica, 另外是產在俄國遠東地區, 朝鮮半島北部以及中國東北的T. egregia (見上圖) (原被置於Panthauma屬, 並被認為屬於Pantheinae亞科). 目前這個亞科尚未被發現於台灣.

圖片連結: bric.postech.ac.kr

2009年3月8日 星期日


文獻來源: Hacker HH, Legrain A, Fibiger M. 2008. Revision of the genus Acontia Oschseheimer, 1816 and the tribus Acontiini Guenée, 1841 (Old World) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Acontiinae). Esperiana 14: 7-533.

Acontia是一個泛世界分布的大屬, 本文作者嘗試重新評估Acontiini以及Acontia屬的單系性, 並檢討舊世界類群的基礎分類, 這篇高達526頁的文章描述了1個新亞屬, 63個新種以及9個新亞種. 其中與台灣相關種類之分類變革如下:

Pseudalypia Edwards, 1874
Sprageia Grote, 1875
Trichotaracha Grote, 1875
Hoplotarache Hampson, 1910
Prociosis Hampson, 1910
Cardiosace Hampson, 1910
Fredina Brandt, 1939

Oschseheimer, 1816
Emmelia Hübner, [1821]1816
Metapilpalsta Wallengren, 1865
Acontarache Berio, 1977
Eusceptis Hübner, [1823]
Uracontia Beck, 1996
Olivacontia Hecker, Legrain, Fibiger, 2009 (新亞屬)

Acontia (Emmelia) bicolora Leech, 1889
Acontia (Emmelia ) crocata
Guenée, 1852
Acontia (Emmelia) marmoralis (Fabricius, 1794)
Acontia (Olivacontia) olivacea (Hampson, 1891) (在此文獻中為新組合)

圖片連結: gaga昆蟲網

[TaiBNET名錄修訂] 安土苔蛾 (黃緣苔蛾) 之屬名變更

090212 台北 景美 仙跡岩 安土苔蛾 Brunia antica (Walker, 1854) Female

090308 台北 景美 仙跡岩 安土苔蛾 Brunia antica (Walker, 1854) Male
Moore於1878年根據斯里蘭卡產的Lithosia antica Walker, 1854發表苔蛾亞科新屬BruniaHampson於1900年依據類似的翅脈特徵將此種轉至Eilema Hübner屬中,並成為非洲產E. vicaria Walker的同物異名,後續研究皆未再對此種有分類上的處理,直到Holloway(2001)才將Brunia復活使用,antica即為此屬模式種,而過去以台灣產標本所發表的甲仙土苔蛾Eilema kosemponensis Strand, 1917以及埔里苔蛾Lithosia horishanella Matsumura, 1927則被視為其次同物異名。

Brunia屬現今主要分布於印澳區與與東方區,其具有雌雄二型性的前翅顏色斑紋特徵,B. antica之雌雄蟲前翅沿前緣皆具有淡黃色條斑,除此雄蟲前翅底色為淡灰色,雌蟲為鐵灰色。

Holloway主要依據雄性生殖器特徵劃分BruniaEilema屬,前屬類群之抱器(valva)頂端多具有下彎的指狀突起,以及囊形突(saccus)短而彎曲等特徵,後者據Birket-Smith (1965)之重新定義, 其特徵主要為腹基突(vinculum)長而彎曲,之間具有著生毛束的多褶皺節間膜。

Birket-Smith. 1965. A revision of the West African eilemic moths, based on the male genitalia (Lep, Arctidae, Lithosinae; incl. gena. Crocosia, Eilema, Lithosia, Pelosia, Phryganopsis a.o.). Papers from the Faculty of Science, Haile Selassie I University (Series C: Zoology) 1: 1-161. [Link]
Hampson, G.F. 1900. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum. 2. Catalogue of the Arctiadae (Nolinae, Lithosianae) in the Collection of the British Museum. London.
Holloway. 2001. The moths of Borneo, part 7: Actiidae: Lithosiinae. Malayan Nature Journal 55: 279-486. [Link]
顏聖紘。2002。書評/ 書介: 婆羅洲蛾類誌第七卷--燈蛾科苔蛾亞科 The Moths of Borneo Part 7: Arctiidae, Lithosiinae。台灣昆蟲 22: 95-99. [Link]

[TaiBNET名錄修訂] 尺蛾科補遺 Pogonopygia pavidus (Bastelberger, 1912)

090214 台北 烏來 三排緣尺蛾 Pogonopygia pavidus (Bastelberger, 1912)

Bastelberger於1912年根據採自台灣阿里山的標本描述了Dilophodes pavidus這個物種, 故 張保信老師於1990年所出版的"台灣蛾類圖鑑(四)"中收錄此種,並稱之為"台灣八角尺蠖". 隨後矢崎克己(K. Yazaki)於1998年所出版的"尼泊爾的蛾類"(Moths of Nepal)系列第三卷中將此種轉移至Pogonopygia屬中,因此學名組合被更改為Pogonopygia pavida。然而根據歐洲鱗翅學會的決議以及對國際動物命名規約委員會的請求, 鱗翅目種級分類群之種小名若於屬間轉移時涉及屬名性別(gender)之差異時, 應保留其種小名字根原來的性別, 而不遵循gender agreement的原則. 因此在TaiBNET中我們採用Pogonopygia pavidus這樣的組合. 然而此種卻在先前資料庫建置時遺漏, 因此於此公告修訂.

此種現今被設置了兩亞種,原名亞種之模式產地為台灣阿里山,亦被矢崎克己認為分佈於尼泊爾,另一亞種為分布於日本沖繩列島的pavidus contaminata (Inoue, 1971),牠們之間的差異主要在於後者的前翅頂角具有白色斑塊。東清二(1975)的沖繩昆蟲類一書第54頁即收錄了沖繩亞種的標本影像,然而在文中錯誤地描述該亞種亦分佈於台灣。

雖然張保信(1990)倡議參考中國產八角屬(Illicium)植物害蟲- 八角尺蠖(D. elegans)之名,將台灣產者稱為"台灣八角尺蠖",然歷經屬間轉移以及此種寄主記錄仍不清楚的情況下,此中名並不被建議再使用。王效岳(1998)據此種後翅外線、亞外緣與外緣線皆具一列斑紋而稱"三排緣尺蛾",茲以對照亦分佈於台灣同屬的雙排緣尺蛾(P. nigralbata Warren, 1894)

Haruta (ed.) 1994. Moths of Nepal, part 3. Tinea Vol. 14 (Supplement 1). The Japan Heterocerists' Society. Tokyo, Japan
Heppner & Inoue (eds.) 1992. Lepidoptera of Taiwan Vol. 1, part 2: checklist. Scientific Publishers Inc., Gainesville, USA.
東 清二。1975。沖繩昆蟲類。風土記社,那霸,日本
張保信。1990。臺灣蛾類圖說 (四)。臺灣省立博物館,臺北市,臺灣
王效岳。1998。 臺灣尺蛾科圖鑑 (二)。臺灣省立博物館,臺北市,臺灣
顏聖紘。1998。< 新書介紹> 尼泊爾的蛾類(第五卷) - Moths of Nepal Part 5。中華昆蟲通訊 6(4)

2009年3月7日 星期六


圖片來源: HYPP Zoology
Concerted evolution of male and female display traits in the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis.
BMC Biology, 2009 (in press) provisional PDF (1MB)

Jean-Marc Lassance and Christer Löfsedt.

雌蛾與雄蛾都具有涉及近程或遠程溝通的費洛蒙,而雌雄兩性的費洛蒙似乎有不同的起源且受到不同的演化限制,故被認為是演化上互相獨立的特徵。雌蛾憑藉雄蛾釋放的費洛蒙選擇配偶,作者以歐洲玉米螟(Ostrinia nubilalis)進行實驗發現雌蛾可以由雄蛾釋放的化學混合物質中判別其血統、年紀與生殖適應力。雄蟲釋放的費洛蒙成分與年紀相關,而雌蟲在選擇試驗中傾向於選擇年紀較大的雄。作者以來自法國、匈牙利、美國、斯洛維尼亞族群與亞洲一個姊妹種的費洛蒙進行測試,結果發現這些化學物質組成差異使得母蛾會選擇與自己同類的雄蛾,此現象會促進生殖隔離- 這是形成新種的前奏。作者認為這結合了潛在的遺傳適應度,費洛蒙可能是蝶與蛾演化的推動力。

Sexual reproduction entails the encounter of the sexes and the multiplicity of rituals is parallel to the diversity of mating systems. Evolutionary mechanisms such as sexual selection and sexual conflict have led to the elaboration of traits to gain attention and favours from potential partners. A paradox exists about how coordinated systems can evolve and diverge when there would seem to be a stabilising selection acting. Moth display traits - pheromones - constitute an advantageous model with which to address questions about the evolution of mating systems in animals. Both males and females can possess pheromones that are involved either in close- or long-range communication. Female and male pheromones appear to have different origins and to be under different evolutionary constraints, thus they might be envisioned as independently evolving traits. We conducted laboratory experiments to explore the role of scents released during courtship by males of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis.
Information provided by the male pheromone appears critical for female acceptance. The composition of this male pheromone varies in an age-dependent manner and females show mating preference towards older males in choice experiments. Furthermore, male signals may allow species discrimination and reinforce reproductive isolation. Finally, we found evidence for a genetic correlation between male and female signals, the evolution of which is best explained by the constraints and opportunities resulting from the sharing of gene products.
In this study we used an integrative approach to characterise the male sex pheromone in a moth. Interestingly, the male chemical signal is analogous to the female signal in that structurally similar compounds are being used by both sexes. Hence, in systems where both sexes possess display traits, the pleiotropy of genes generating the traits could influence the evolutionary trajectories of sexual signals and lead to their divergence, with speciation being the ultimate result.

斑蝶北飛 車輛慢行給生路

【聯合報╱記者李蕙君/台東報導】2009.03.07 02:52 am 在台東越冬棲息的小紋青斑蝶,已有小群向北遷移。 照片/義守大學研究助理呂縉宇提供


義守大學休閒管理系助理教授趙仁方表示,台東縣是全台最大的越冬斑蝶棲息地,以紫斑蝶、小紋青斑蝶最多。紫斑蝶今年在台東縣有五群,最大群棲息於大武山區,數量60萬至100萬隻,其他群體各約60萬隻。 他指出,已有小群紫斑蝶往北遷移,最近台東較冷,等氣溫回暖就會大量北移,部分往西飛、部分沿台九線北上,三月底至四月中是紫斑蝶北移數量最多的時候。 趙仁方說,南迴公路知本到大武間,因為一邊是高山、一邊是大海,因此很多紫斑蝶停在路上,非常危險。義守大學研究助理呂縉宇最近在網路撰文,呼籲「請幫忙給人以外的其他生命一點機會」,提醒大家「莫讓公路成為蝴蝶死亡之路、車輛成為道路殺手」。

紫斑蝶有何重要性?趙仁方說,人類可從紫斑蝶移動狀況推測短期氣候,今年二月初紫斑蝶越冬期間就在棲息地大量移動,顯見今年氣候偏暖。 他說,今年二月初觀察紫斑蝶越冬期間的棲息方式,發現群蝶會大量移動棲息地,當時就推測今年會比較熱,因前年紫斑蝶也有相同反應,當年氣溫就偏熱。 【2009/03/07 聯合報】

2009年3月6日 星期五


photo by Ard's photos
No effect of larval experience on adult host preferences in Polygonia c-album (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): on the persistence of Hopkins’ host selection principle
Ecological Entomology (2009), 34, 50–57 | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 112K) |

NIKLAS JAN Z , LINA SÖDERLIND and SÖREN NYL I N Department of Zoology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

幼期的印痕或是「化學遺產」對其後產卵行為的可能影響常被稱為「霍普金斯寄主選擇原則」,這是一個有爭議性卻又一再在寄主植物選擇研究中出現的主題。既然被稱作是原則,這個假說的實驗支持其實是有歧義的。近期研究指出應該考量其理論上的暗示以及假設此原則成立、又是在怎麼樣的情形下受到天擇的偏好。本研究假設多食性的蝴蝶Polygonia c-album L. (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) 的寄主偏好並不會受到幼蟲環境的影響,幼蟲分別以三種天然寄主植物飼養:蕁麻科的Urtica dioica、柳科的Salix cinerea以及虎耳草科的Ribes uva-crispa,化蛹以後秤重依照性別分開,羽化後的母蝶在交配之後放入設有兩種植物的產卵室,每隻母蝶會被放入共計三種組合中測試(C3取2),其測試順序隨機。結果顯示以蕁麻科U. dioica 飼育的個體發育最快,取食柳科的S. cinerea 者次之;而幼蟲取食的植物對其選擇產卵植物沒有顯著影響;整體而言,P. c-album U. dioica 的偏好顯著高於其他兩種植物,對S. cinereaR. uva-crispa 的選擇則沒有顯著差異。雖然「霍普金斯寄主選擇原則」不適用於此例中,作者認為基於近期關於環境與遺傳資訊的精確性如何影響發育上轉換之控制的洞悉,幼蟲期的線索對產卵選擇有何影響仍値得討論,並認為植食性昆蟲在寄主選擇的適應上所需的條件太過特殊,以至於無法以單一普遍的假說來說明。

1. The possible effect of juvenile imprinting or ‘chemical legacy’ on the subsequent oviposition – often called the ‘Hopkins’ host selection principle’ – has been a controversial but recurrent theme in the literature on host-plant preference. While it appears possible in principle, experimental support for the hypothesis is equivocal. The present study points out that it is also important to consider its theoretical implications, and asks under what circumstances, if any, it should be favoured by natural selection.
2. Following this reasoning, it is predicted that host preference in the polyphagous butterfly Polygonia c-album L. (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) should not be influenced by larval environment. This was tested by rearing larvae on three natural host plants: the high-ranked Urtica dioica and the medium-ranked Salix cinerea and Ribes uva-crispa , and exposing the naive females to oviposition choices involving the same set of plants.
3. It was found that larval host plant had no effect on oviposition decisions of the adult female. Hence, the Hopkins’ host selection principle does not seem to be applicable in this species.
4. Based on recent insights on how accuracy of environmental versus genetic information should affect the control of developmental switches, the conditions that could favour the use of juvenile cues in oviposition decisions are discussed. Although the Hopkins’ host selection hypothesis cannot be completely ruled out, we argue that the circumstances required for it to be adaptive are so specific that it should not be invoked as a general hypothesis for host selection in plant-feeding insects.

2009年3月2日 星期一

尾突也可抽DNA- 保育類蛾種的非致死取樣方法之效果

Effect of non-lethal sampling on life-history traits of the protected moth Graellsia isabelae (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
Ecological Entomology (Accepted 4 December 2008, 將於2009近期出刊,尚未上線)

M . Vila 1, M . A . Auger-Rozenberg2 , F. Goussard 2and C . Lopez-Vaamonde2
1 Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of A Coruna, A Coruna, Spain and 2 INRA, UR 633 Zoologie Forestière, Orléans, France

在昆蟲方面使用非致死的取樣方法通常是由一隻腳或翅膀的一部分中萃取DNA,雖然比殺死動物以取得樣本更好,但關於缺少一隻腳或一部分翅膀對昆蟲個體的生存或繁衍有何影響並不清楚。Graellsia isabelae是一種受到生境指令與伯恩公約保護的歐洲蛾類,在保育遺傳學上的取樣必須採用非致死方式,作者的研究目標是(1)量化從腳和後翅尾突取得DNA樣本對於雌雄成蟲的生存和繁殖的影響,以及(2)評估由這些組織中萃取DNA的量與品質。結果顯示後翅尾突和中足都是品質良好的核DNA與粒線體DNA來源,且取自大於130mm2的後翅尾突的DNA濃度顯著高於來自大約半截中足的DNA濃度。對成蟲進行捉放法的結果顯示無論是後翅尾突或是中足被取樣,對於雄性的存活率或交配總次數都沒有顯著的減少;然而雖然少了中足對於母蛾的生存沒有顯著影響,卻對其能否成功交配有負面的影響。修剪雄蛾後翅對G. isabelae而言似乎是最好的非致死取樣方式,既快速又與自然造成的翅膀損傷類似,對其生存或交配行為沒有顯著影響

1. Non-lethal genetic surveys in insects usually extract DNA from a leg or a piece of wing. Although preferable to lethal sampling, little is known about the effect of leg/wing non-lethal sampling on fitness-related traits. 2. Graellsia isabelae (Graells, 1849) is a European moth protected by the Habitats Directive and the Bern Convention. Conservation genetics surveys on this species should therefore use non-lethal sampling. 3. The present study aimed to (1) quantify the effects of both leg and hind-wing tail sampling on survivorship and reproductive behaviour of adult males and females, and (2) assess the quality and quantity of DNA obtained from those tissues. 4. Both hind-wing tails and mid-legs proved to be good sources of high quality nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. DNA concentration was significantly higher when extracted from a large (130 mm 2 ) piece of the hind-wing tails than from about half of the mid-leg. Using mark – release – recapture experiments with adults, it was found that neither midleg nor hind-wing tail sampling significantly reduced male survivorship or total number of matings. However, although mid-leg sampling did not significantly affect female survivorship, it had a negative effect on female mating success. 5. Wing-tail clipping on males appeared to be the best non-lethal sampling procedure for G. isabelae . It is a fast procedure, similar to natural wing impairment, and did not significantly affect survival or mating behaviour.