此文所描述之新種包含了產於台灣的Gargela xanthocasis, G. renatusalis, 以及G. minuta. 其中G. minuta為產於台灣蘭嶼的新種 (模式標本存放於國立中山大學生物科學系昆蟲系統分類與演化研究室)
Abstract The present paper reports twelve species of the genus Gargela Walker from China. Ten species are reported as new to science, named herein G. bilineata, G. distigma, G. hastatela, G. xizangensis, G. hainana, G. albidusa, G. quadrispinula, G. furca, G. fuscusa, G. minuta. The adults and genital structures of new species are described, with photographs of the adults and illustrations of genitalia. A key to the Chinese species, based on male specimens is provided.