文獻來源: Qi, F., K. Wang, D. Xue, D. Yang. 2011. A taxonomic revision of the Stictopterinae (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea, Noctuidae) in China. Zootaxa 2926: 1-45. [PDF]
蕊翅(裳)夜蛾亞科為一主要分布於熱帶、亞熱帶之廣義夜蛾科(Noctuidae sensu lato)或是裳蛾科(Erebidae)下分類群,目前已描述有10屬約200種(台灣產2屬7種)。本研究進行了中國產此亞科之回顧、5新種描述、1屬與9種之新紀錄以及過去文獻之鑑定修訂。此亞科於中國分布之物種中,除了新描述之5新種之外其餘皆亦分布於鄰近地區/國家,且於中國境內主要分布於南方省會(海南、廣西與雲南等)。
The Stictopterinae from China are revised. Seven genera and forty species are reported from China. Five new species (Lophoptera hamata sp. nov., Lophoptera solealis sp. nov., Lophoptera acutiprocessa sp. nov., Lophoptera purpurfera sp. nov. and Lophoptera trigonoprocessa sp. nov.) are described. One genus and ten species are recorded from China for the first time. Nine misidentifications in Chen (1982b, 1991, 1999) are revised. The male genitalia of Lophoptera obliquilinea Prout, 1928 are described for the frist time. Descriptions for the subfamily, all genera, and new species in China are provided, as are keys to genera and species, diagnoses for all species, and illustrations of adults and genitalia.
Key words: Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea, Noctuidae, Stictopterinae, taxonomy, new species