2013年12月9日 星期一


酋胸鬚裳蛾 Cidariplura maraho Wu & Owada sp. nov.
文獻來源:Wu, S., M. Owada, S. F. Hsiao & S. H. Yen. 2013. Review of the genus Cidariplura Butler, 1879 (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Herminiinae) in Taiwan with descriptions of four new species. Zootaxa 3746 (1): 143–160.

The genus Cidariplura Butler, 1879 from Taiwan is reviewed. A total of seven species are confirmed to occur in this old landbridge island, and four new species are described: C. shanmeii Wu & Owada sp. nov., C. maraho Wu & Owada sp. nov.C. atayal Wu & Owada sp. nov. and C. ilana Wu & Owada sp. nov. The Taiwanese C. bilineata (Wileman & South, 1919) is superficially similar to the Indian and Nepalese C. brevivittalis (Moore, 1867) but their genitalia show distinct differences. Elyra albifascia Hampson, 1929 is regarded as a junior synonym of C. brevivittalis (syn. nov.)All diagnostic characteristics of Cidariplura from Taiwan and its adjacent areas are illustrated. 

裳蛾科毛足裳蛾亞科胸鬚裳蛾屬(Cidariplura)為一分布於東方區的類群,過去已知有17種而台灣產3種,本種雄具有明顯長而向背方後彎的下唇鬚可與絕多數毛足裳蛾類群作辨識。本文章回顧台灣產此屬物種,描述四個新種如下:山美胸鬚裳蛾(C. shanmeii Wu & Owada sp. nov.)、酋胸鬚裳蛾 (C. maraho Wu & Owada sp. nov.), 泰雅胸鬚裳蛾(C. atayal Wu & Owada sp. nov.)以及宜蘭胸鬚裳蛾(C. ilana Wu & Owada sp. nov.),此四新種與黯點胸鬚裳蛾(C. nigrisigna (Wileman, 1915))皆為台灣特有種。此外,過去被視為雙線胸鬚裳蛾(C. bilineata (Wileman & South, 1919))之晚近同物異名的 Elyra albifascia Hampson, 1929在此文章確認應視為印度與尼泊爾產C. brevivittalis (Moore, 1867) 之晚近同物異名。


Cidariplura nigrisigna (Wileman, 1915)
Cidariplura bilineata (Wileman & South, 1919)
Cidariplura gladiata Butler, 1879
Cidaiplura shanmeii Wu & Owada, 2013
Cidariplura maraho Wu & Owada, 2013
Cidariplura atayal Wu & Owada, 2013
Cidariplura ilana Wu & Owada, 2013

黯點胸鬚裳蛾 Cidariplura nigrisigna (Wileman, 1915) 雄蟲
雙線胸鬚裳蛾 Cidariplura bilineata (Wileman & South, 1919) 雄蟲
棕胸鬚裳蛾 Cidariplura gladiata Butler, 1879 雄蟲
山美胸鬚裳蛾 Cidariplura shanmeii Wu & Owada sp. nov. 正模式標本,雄蟲,林試所收藏
酋胸鬚裳蛾 Cidariplura maraho Wu & Owada sp. nov. 正模式標本,雄蟲,林試所收藏
泰雅胸鬚裳蛾 Cidariplura atayal Wu & Owada sp. nov. 正模式標本,雄蟲,林試所收藏
宜蘭胸鬚裳蛾 Cidariplura ilana Wu & Owada sp. nov. 正模式標本,雄蟲,科博館收藏

2013年11月28日 星期四


文獻來源:Chang, W. C. & S. Wu. 2013. Review of the genus Hemistola Warren, 1893 in Taiwan with notes on an unusual conifer-feeding larva and descriptions of three new species (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Geometrinae). Zootaxa 3741(4): 538–550.

The genus Hemistola Warren, 1893 in Taiwan is reviewed. Seven species are confirmed, with descriptions of three new species provided: H. piceacola sp. nov., H. fui sp. nov. and H. taiwanensis sp. nov. The immature stages and unusual conifer-feeding behavior of H. piceacola on Taiwan spruce (Picea morrisonicola) are reported. The distribution of H. tenuilinea (Alphéraky, 1897) is discussed and this species is omitted from the Taiwanese fauna. 

台灣產尺蛾科青尺蛾亞科無繮青尺蛾屬(Hemistola)過去有五種之紀錄,本文章描述三個新種,即雲杉無繮青尺蛾(H. piceacola sp. nov.)、傅氏無繮青尺蛾(H. fui sp. nov.)與台灣無繮青尺蛾(H. taiwanensis sp. nov.),前種被發現取食台灣雲杉,而歸屬於同一種群且分佈相似之傅氏無繮青尺蛾與黃緣無繮青尺蛾(H. monotona)亦被推測取食裸子植物。本文章亦首次描述黃緣無繮青尺蛾雌蟲以及鋸齒無繮青尺蛾(H. kezukai)之雌蟲生殖器,並確認東亞廣布種H. tenuilinea (Alphéraky, 1897)並未分布於台灣。

雲杉無繮青尺蛾 (H. piceacola Chang & Wu, 2013)幼生期取食台灣雲杉之針葉

2013年11月21日 星期四

台灣產繡苔蛾屬 (Asuridia)之分類檢討與兩新種之描述

文獻出處:Wu, S. & C. M. Fu. 2013. The genus Asuridia Hampson, 1900 in Taiwan, with descriptions of two new species (Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini). Zootaxa 3737(5): 595-599. 


The lithosiine genus Asuridia Hampson, 1900 comprises seven described species from the Oriental region (Hampson 1900; Inoue 1988; Inoue and Kishida 1992; Fang 2000; Dubatolov et al. 2012). Its closest relative has been proposed to be Disasuridia Fang, 1991, based on the presence of a medial spur and absence of large cornuti on the aedeagus (Chang 1991; Kirti et al. 2013; the presence of spinose patches on the manica may be diagnostic for Asuridia). In Taiwan, only one endemic species, A. rubripennis Inoue, 1988, has been reported. However, the taxonomy of Asuridia remains incompletely understood, and we here review the Taiwanese fauna and describe two new species from Taiwan. 

本文章檢討台灣產繡苔蛾屬 (Asuridia)之物種分類問題。此屬過去在台灣僅有一種露繡苔蛾 (A. rubripennis Inoue, 1988)之紀錄,作者等發現該種之原文圖板所呈現之正模式與一副模式分別為不同之物種,而經於大英自然史博物館比對標本,確認原圖板影像中的副模式標本實為正模式標本,而原文中標示為副模者為一新種,即此文章所發表之井上氏繡苔蛾 (A. inouei sp. nov.),此外亦同時描述另一新種岸田氏繡苔蛾 (A. kishida sp. nov.)。

井上氏繡苔蛾 (Asuridia inouei Wu & Fu, 2013)

2013年11月11日 星期一

[Undergraduate Research Opportunity] 以生物物理視角探索蝴蝶飛行的力學基礎與生態意義


  • 有關昆蟲飛行的研究面相很多,飛行動力學(flight dynamics)是其中最主要的議題。然而飛行動力學本身涉及更多子議題,例如飛行軌跡、翅的拍動方式、能量的運用、翅型/身體質量對飛行的影響、翅膀本身力學結構與飛行行為的關聯等等。
  • 除了飛行動力之外,翅的拍動方式直接影響其翅面視覺訊息如何被接收者所接收與解讀,而飛行的高度也直接影響昆蟲承受什麼樣的掠食壓力,以及佔有什麼樣的棲位。
  • 瞭解分類群、翅形、飛行行為以及飛行動力機制間的關聯;
  • 物理學者得以獲取大自然的素材,並思考與微型飛行器開發間的連結;而生物學者得以藉由物理學者的專業,來精確地描述這些因素的顯著性以及其間的關聯
  • 我們要確認現象的存在: 需要學生幫忙養蟲、紀錄特定蝶種的日週性、飛行高度、飛行方式等參數;
  • 我們需要讀書:閱讀昆蟲飛行動力學的文章,以確認我們所見到的現象,還有我們的提問,是否有新意?
  • 把涉入的物理學研究方法整理出來,釐清可以做得到而且有趣的部份

2013年10月29日 星期二


矮綠刺蛾 (Parasa pygmy)終齡幼蟲取食台灣雲杉葉

文獻來源:Wu, S. and W. C. Chang. 2013. Review of the Parasa undulata (Cai, 1983) species group with the first conifer-feeding larva for Limacodidae and descriptions of two new species from China and Taiwan (Lepidoptera, Limacodidae). Zookeys 345: 29-46. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.345.6179 [2013/10/23] [連結]


Although the caterpillars are well-known for the stings and magnificent coloration, the systematics of Limacodidae is historically neglected and chaotic due to the difficulty in matching the larval with adult stages as well as the very conservative and convergent adult morphology. One of the biggest taxonomic problems surrounds a collective group from Southeastern Asia, termed the “green limacodid moths”, which harbours at least 90 species placed in the genus Parasa Walker, 1859 and 14 “subunits”. The P. undulata group was previously composed of 3 species from China and Taiwan, and characterized only by wing pattern. This species group is extensively studied herein with two new species described, i.e. P. viridiflamma sp. n. (Taiwan) and P. minwangi sp. n. (S. China), and discovery of female genitalia of three species, presenting new phylogenetic insights in this potentially paraphyletic genus. In addition, one limacodid larva was found to be feeding exclusively on Picea (Pinaceae) in Taiwan. Its identity, Parasa pygmy Solovyev, 2010 in P. undulata group, is confirmed through matching its COI sequence to the adult. This discovery is also biologically significant because the previous known host breadth of Parasa was of polyphagy on various angiosperm plant families. This case, therefore, represents the first record of conifer-feeding behavior in this family as well as the first of specialized herbivory in the genus. Meanwhile, the background match between Picea leaves and larval coloration is shared with other Picea-feeding insects. This phenomenon is worth of further investigation in the aspect of convergent evolution of crypsis associated with a particular plant.


過去刺蛾科幼蟲多被記錄為廣食性的取食被子植物類群。本文章首次記載了刺蛾科幼蟲 (矮綠刺蛾 Parasa pygmy)專食裸子植物(台灣雲杉)的行為與特別的幼蟲體色斑紋,並同時描述兩新種,即台灣產焰綠刺蛾 (P. viridiflamma)與中國南部產王氏綠刺蛾 (P. minwangi)。此幼蟲與兩新種皆歸屬於波帶綠刺蛾 (Parasa undulata)種群,此種群目前僅知分布於中國大陸與台灣。藉由幼蟲形態與雌蟲生殖器結構的特徵討論,本文章亦評估了此種群與可能為駢系群的同屬綠刺蛾類群的親緣關係。

2013年10月22日 星期二


合歡山曲翼夜蛾 (Teratoglaea hohuanshanensis Wu, 2013)正模式標本,存放於林試所昆蟲標本館
文獻來源:Wu, S. 2013. Teratoglaea hohuanshanensis sp. nov., a new Xylenini moth endemic to Taiwan (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae). Zootaxa 3722(3): 396-400. [連結]

Teratoglaea Sugi, 1958 is a peculiar noctuid genus and has long been considered to contain only one rare species, pacifica Sugi, 1958, ranging through the Manchurian-Pacific area of the north-eastern Palaearctic region (Japan, Korea, N. E. China, South of Russian Far East)(Sugi 1958; 1982; Kononenko et al. 1998; Chen, 1999; Kononenko 2005; Eda and Shikata 2011) and subtropical alpine Taiwan (Hreblay and Ronkay 1997). The peculiar large scale tufts on the metathorax and incised forewing costal margin at 3/4 of the length from the base have defined its unique generic status (Sugi 1958). According to the biology and genital structures (i.e. the late autumnal appearance of adults, overwintering then flying again in spring) and the armature of vesica with one long cornutus situated on the apical part of the vesica, Fibiger and Hacker (2007) placed this genus into Xylenini, Xyleninae (currently Noctuinae sensu Zahiri et al. 2013) and embedded this genus in subtribe Xylenina; however the absence of the digitus is discordant with most of the other included genera. When examining the genital structures of both sexes of Teratoglaea specimens from Japan (type locality of T. pacifica) and Alpine Taiwan, the two geographically separated populations represent two distinct morphological types. Therefore, T. hohuanshanensis sp. nov. has been described in the present study. According to the male genitalia, the tapering valval apex of T. hohuanshanensis, compared with anti-trapezoidal valval apex of T. pacifica, provides an argument to reassess the systematic placement of Teratoglaea in subtribe Xylenina of Xylenini (Fibiger and Hacker 2007). The similar valval structure also is present in some species of the Agrochola-Conistra generic complex sensu Ronkay et al. (2001), especially genus Conistra Hübner, 1821. This generic complex was also placed into Xylenina by Fibiger and Hacker (2007). The third segment of labial palpi is long in Agrochola and Conistra but short in Teratoglaea. However, this character can be variable in different species within the same genus of Xylenini. For instance, in Hyalobole Warren, 1911, the taxa of two species groups (i.e. H. phaeosoma group and H. changae group) can be distinguished by the length and colour of the third segment of palpi (Hreblay and Ronkay 1998). The female genitalia of Teratoglaea and Conistra share similar structures as both ostium bursae and appendix bursae are heavily sclerotized. Although the absence of the digitus in Conistra is not concordant with the diagnosis of subtribe Xylenina in Fibiger and Hacker (2007), its larval narrow tubular spinneret is regarded as a subtribal autapomorphic character in Fibiger and Hacker’s study. Further molecular study may help clarify the phylogenetic relationships among these genera. 

曲翼夜蛾屬 (Teratoglaea)為一外型較特別的夜蛾類群,具有前翅前緣彎曲以及胸部背方具有濃密毛束等特徵,長久被認為是一單種屬,即僅包含分布於古北區東北部的太平洋曲翼夜蛾(T. pacifica Sugi, 1958)。Hreblay and Ronkay (1997)根據一隻採集於台灣高山帶的未解剖雌蟲將此種之分佈延伸至台灣。此文章經比對太平洋曲翼夜蛾模式產地(日本)以及台灣產之雌雄標本生殖器,確認台灣族群為獨立種,描述為 T. hohuanshanensis Wu, 2013,並討論此屬與其他夜蛾亞科木夜蛾族類群之親緣關係。

[書介] 西拉雅蝴蝶誌

[書名] 西拉雅蝴蝶誌 (博客來訂購連結)
[著者] 詹家龍
[出版] 交通部觀光局西拉雅國家風景區管理處    
[頁數] 399 頁
[出版年月] 民國101年06月    
[ISBN] 9789860329117    
[摘要] 本書內容主要介紹西拉雅國家風景區蝴蝶生態、研究及圖鑑。成立於2005年11月的西拉雅國家風景區是國內第13座國家風景區。為了解轄區內蝴蝶月間的豐度與發生頻度,並做為西拉雅國家風景區發展生態旅遊之依據,特於2011年委託台灣紫斑蝶生態保育協會進行「西拉雅國家風景區蝴蝶資源調查、應用及斑蝶標放案」。針對轄區內的大棟山步道、鹿寮水庫及崁頭山、紅葉公園及南化生態遊憩區、社子農林場及新化林場、曾文水庫及梅嶺等5大區域共9個樣點進行蝴蝶資源調查工作。經過本計畫一整年的持續調查及重新匯整過去文獻後,總計在西拉雅地區被記錄過的蝴蝶共有238種(弄蝶科36種、鳳蝶科26種、粉蝶科25種、灰蝶科55種、蛺蝶科96種)。扣除迷蝶、應已滅絕種、區域滅絕種及疑問種,本計畫仍有30種未調查到蝶種,有待後人進行更詳細調查確認其現況。

[書介] 我最近遇到好久不見的詹家龍大大,他就送了我這本書。我剛拿到時還覺得,咦,這該不會和那種「各縣市蝴蝶圖鑑」差不多吧?(種類少、照片普通、文字說明可有可無、看完以後沒感覺)。然後我就在高鐵上翻啊翻啊,覺得字好多喔,會不會當成論文在寫啊?居然把過往相關報告都review過,也把各步道的蝶類資源寫得很清楚。

然後往下翻到各物種的解說,我覺得寫得很認真啊~ 認真在那?有些物種曾經在過去,台南的植被還沒有被破壞的時候出現過,但是在現在可能已經沒了,絕種了~ 那記錄那裏來?當然就是過去的採集記錄。那當年在台南採集過的學者有誰呢?就是Alfred. E. Wileman(以關仔嶺為主),還有一些日籍採集者。Wileman的標本都存在倫敦的自然史博物館中,而日本人的蝶類標本則存放在農試所中。詹家龍先生自大學時期起就經常到農試所檢查蝶類標本,也因此能累積許多的資訊,用以佐證許多蝴蝶曾經在台南地區飛舞的身影。



2013年9月27日 星期五


黃褐類扉尺蛾 (Phigaliohybernia fulvinfula Inoue, 1942) 雄蟲
文獻:Wu, S. Chang, W. C., Owada, M & Nakajima, H. 2013. Phigaliohybernia fulvinfula Inoue, 1942, the third winter geometrid moth recorded in Taiwan (Geometridae, Ennominae). Japan Heterocerists' J. 268: 455-456.

The fauna of winter geometrids in Taiwan was explored in the previous studies (Nakajima, 1990; 1994) and only two species, i.e. Operophtera brunnea Nakajima, 1991 (= O. variabilis Nakajima, 1991) and Phigalia owadai Nakajima, 1994 were recorded. Recently we collected a male specimen belonging to the genus Phigaliohybernia Inoue, 1942 in Xicun (1,090m), northern Taiwan. Having compared to P. fulvinfula Inoue, 1942, an endemic species ranging in Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, Japan (Nakajima,1998; Sato, 2011), we proved the Taiwanese and Japanese specimens are conspecific. Therefore, the recent discovery gave new biogeographic evidence showing the range extension of P. fulvinfula, also the third winter geometrid moth recorded in Taiwan. The single specimen was deposited in Insect Collection, Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, Taipei, Taiwan (TFRI).

台灣產冬尺蛾類(註一)之生物相研究中,過去曾有新種大和田扉冬尺蛾 (Phigalia owada Nakajima, 1994)的描述以及灰褐波冬尺蛾 (Operophtera brunnea Nakajima, 1991)的紀錄。隨著近年來相關研究人員於中高海拔進行低溫期燈光誘集調查,台灣冬尺蛾類之物種多樣性和與鄰近區系近緣種之親緣關係正逐步明朗化。本篇文章首次紀錄第三種冬尺蛾類群,即黃褐類扉尺蛾(Phigaliohybernia fulvinfula Inoue, 1942),而此種目前僅有一隻於三月中旬,採自桃園西村低中海拔闊葉原生林帶(1090公尺)之雄蟲標本。


2013年9月2日 星期一


文獻:Wu S & Chang WC (2013) Further records of Gastropacha insularis with notes on its distribution range, variation of male genitalia and first female discovery in Taiwan (Lasiocampidae). Tinea 22(4): 233-236.

The distribution range of Gastropacha insularis Zolotuhin, 2005 is confirmed in low to midaltitude (555~2400m) of central and northeastern Taiwan. Its female is recorded for the first time and variation of male genitalia is noted in the present study.

此篇文章釐清台灣特有種島嶼枯葉蛾 (Gastropacha insularis Zolotuhin, 2005)的地理分佈與生殖器變異範圍,並提供與過去誤鑑定種錫金枯葉蛾 (G. sikkima)之特徵辨識。


文獻:Wu S & Chang WC (2013) Notes on the synonymy, distribution patterns and immature stages of
Camptoloma carum Kishida, 1984 (Lepidoptera, Nolidae) in Taiwan. Tinea 22(4): 237-241.

The bionomics and immature stages of hitherto known rare species Camptoloma carum Kishida, 1984 in Taiwan are given in the present study. The taxonomic problems surrounding this species is elucidated and C. quimeiae Buchsbaum and Chen, 2011 is regarded as the junior synonym of C. carum (syn. nov.)

此篇文章釐清台灣產Camptoloma屬物種花布麗瘤蛾(C. carum)之分類、地理分佈與幼生期資訊。Kishida (1984)首次描述此物種,模式產於廬山與烏來的,後續此種標本紀錄稀少。Buchsbaum and Chen (2011)描述廬山與藤枝產新種 C. quimeiae。本文經檢視兩者模式系列標本、台灣各產地與海拔之族群變異,確認上述兩分類群為同種,將後者視為前者之晚近同物異名。


台灣截脈波尺蛾 (Triphosa taiwana sp. nov.)副模標本,存於林試所昆蟲標本館
文獻:Wu S & Chang WC (2013) Triphosa taiwana sp. nov., a new species endemic to Taiwan (Geometridae, Larentiinae). Tinea 22(4): 263-265.

A new species of the genus Triphosa Stephens, 1829, T. taiwana sp. nov. taken in mid altitude mountain regions of Taiwan is described in the present study. T. largeteauaria (Oberthür, 1881) in China is proposed to be its sibling species through external patterns and genitalic structures.

此篇文章描述臺灣產截脈波尺蛾新種 台灣節脈波尺蛾 (Triphosa taiwana sp. nov.)。此種已知分布於中央山脈東西兩側2100~2400公尺原生林帶。


台灣莫夜蛾 (Mormo owadai Wu, 2013)正模標本,存於林試所昆蟲標本館
文獻來源:Wu S (2013) Mormo owadai sp. nov., a new dypterygiini moth endemic to Taiwan (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Xyleninae). Tinea 22(4): 266-268.

The genus Mormo Ochsenheimer, 1816 is firstly recorded in Taiwan with description of one new species, M. owadai sp. nov. The Japanese M. cyanea Sugi, 1982 is similar to this new species in external appearance but can be separated well through male genitalic structures.

本篇文章描述台灣新紀錄屬、新種台灣莫夜蛾 (Mormo owadai sp. nov.),目前僅兩隻指定模式標本分別產於花蓮關原與南投畢碌溪。

2013年8月25日 星期日


文獻來源:Wu S, Owada M, Fu CM (2013) Rediscovery of two rare ptilodontines in Taiwan: Himeropteryx yui Okano, 1969 stat. nov. and Ptilophora rufula Kobayashi, 1994 (Lepidoptera, Notodontidae). Zootaxa 3702(2): 193-197.

The notodontid genera Himeropteryx Staudindger, 1887 and Ptilophora Stephans, 1828 are both typical low-temperature flying taxa belonging to subfamily Ptilodontinae (Schintlmeister 2008). The former is a monotypic genus containing H. miraculosa Staudinger, 1887 from East Asia, and the latter encompasses six Old Word species. Ptilophora are well known Acer-feeders (Aceraceae) in the previous records (Nakatomi 1987; Schintlmeister 2008; Kobayashi 2011), while Himeropteryx miraculosa also feeds on Aesculus tuburinata (Aceraceae) and Carpinus japonica (Betulaceae) (Nakatomi, 1987). The population of Himeropteryx in Taiwan was first recorded and described by Okano (1969) as a subspecies yui of H. miraculosa based on one male specimen collected in the vicinity of Nengkuoshan (elevation ca. 3000m) in central Taiwan. Subsequently, this name combination was listed in Sugi (1992) but the reference year was erroneously cited as 1960 and no further study has corrected it. In Ptilophora, a single species, P. rufula Kobayashi, 1994, was described from Taiwan from two males (both designated as type) collected in Siyuanyakou (1800 m), northern Taiwan; no additional records have been reported since then. Based on recently collected specimens from Taiwan, we here reassess the status of yui Okano. The result suggests that the Taiwanese population should be regarded as distinct species, H. yui stat. nov. In addition, the female of P. rufula is described for the first time. Institutional acronyms are as follows: BMNH, The Natural History Museum, London; ESRI, Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute, Jiji, Nantou; NMNS National Museum of Natural Science, Taichung; NSMT, National Museum of Nature and Science, Tsukuba; NTU, National Taiwan University, Taipei; TFRI, Insect Collection, Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, Taipei.

本文針對臺灣產舟蛾科Ptilodontinae亞科兩稀有種評估其分類處理與提供生物學資訊。經生殖器比對,東亞大陸產麗斑舟蛾 (Himeropteryx miraculosa)與台灣產之族群應視為不同種,臺灣產族群原始描述為H. miraculosa yui Okano, 1969,此文章處理為 H. yui,中文名余氏麗斑舟蛾。此外,薄翅栗舟蛾之雌蟲亦首次被紀錄。

2013年7月28日 星期日

台灣夜蛾大系 第一部:夜蛾亞科與金翅夜蛾亞科

文獻來源:Ronkay G., L. Ronkay, G. M. László, C. M. Fu & S. Wu. 2013. The Atlas of the Noctuidae (s. l.) Fauna of Taiwan (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea). Part I. Noctuidae: Noctuinae and Plusiinae: 9-122. Fibigeriana Supplement. Book series of Taxonomy and Faunistics. Volumn 1. Heterocera Press, Budapest.

The Noctuinae and Plusiinae fauna of Taiwan is revised, their taxonomic survey is presented. The nomenclature and biogeography of the taxa are discussed, all species (41 Noctuinae and 37 Plusiinae) are illustrated in colour, and the genitalia of both sexes are figured. Four new species (Sineugraphe elkalandozta, Pseudohermonassa owadai, Xestia supravidua and Xestia enyachangae spp. n.) are described; Xestia csoevarii Hreblay & Ronkay, 2000 has been upgraded to species level (stat. rev.). Four species are reported as new for the fauna of Taiwan.

台灣產廣義夜蛾科(Noctuidae sensu lato,現今夜蛾科 Noctuidae 與裳蛾科 Erebidae)之物種在長久被夜蛾科學者視為研究東亞、廣義喜馬拉雅區系夜蛾類群不可或缺的材料。過往雖有不少以屬級為單元或是以新分類群描述為主的文章問世,於1992年出版之台灣鱗翅目誌夜蛾科名錄亦提供概要之物種分佈憑據,然而除了顏與吳 (2009)針對蕨夜蛾亞科(Eriopinae)之研究外,並無其他以亞科級作為單元的系統性回顧。本文章以地方生物誌的形式來撰寫台灣產廣義夜蛾科夜蛾亞科(Noctuidae)與金翅夜蛾亞科(Plusiinae)之研究,發表在歐洲期刊Fibigeriana之分類與地方誌系列第一冊中,文中著重於台灣與鄰近生物地理區系物種之親緣關係討論,亦提供已知種詳盡的生物學資訊,並點出對台灣分佈存疑種的看法。而台灣產此兩亞科類群雖然在過去被視為相對較無分類問題之類群,然而經此研究之比對,仍確認了四個未描述新種與一物種之分類位階修訂,如下:

Sineugraphe elkalandozta Ronkay, Ronkay, Fu & Wu, 2013 雄蟲 正模式標本 (台中科博館藏)
Sineugraphe elkalandozta Ronkay, Ronkay, Fu & Wu, 2013 sp. n. 遙扇夜蛾

Pseudohermonassa owadai Ronkay, Ronkay, Fu & Wu, 2013 雄蟲 副模式標本 (林試所館藏)
Pseudohermonassa owadai Ronkay, Ronkay, Fu & Wu, 2013 sp. n. 高山擬狹翅夜蛾
台灣特有種。分布於2900~3430公尺之高山帶,成蟲發生於8-9月,一年一代。種小名獻名給已退休之東京科博研究員大和田守博士 (Dr. Mamoru Owada),其於1989-1991年區作為台灣3000公尺以上高山帶蛾類相研究的先驅者,前往雪山圈谷與南湖大山圈谷採集,並首次採獲此高山帶物種。

Xestia csoevarii Hreblay & Ronkay, 2000 雄蟲 (林試所館藏)
Xestia csoevarii Hreblay & Ronkay, 2000 stat. n, bona sp. 褐縷魯夜蛾
台灣特有種。原被發表為東北亞分佈的X. fuscostigma台灣亞種,經詳細比對確認兩者間穩定之形態差異。

Xestia supravidua Ronkay, Ronkay, Fu & Wu, 2013 雌蟲 副模式標本 (林試所館藏)
Xestia supravidua Ronkay, Ronkay, Fu & Wu, 2013  sp. n. 黛紫魯夜蛾
台灣特有種。原被鑑定為東北亞與東亞分佈的X. vidua,於此研究確認兩者間穩定之形態差異。

Xestia enyachangae Wu, Fu, Ronkay & Ronkay, 2013 雄蟲 正模式標本 (林試所館藏)
Xestia enyachangae Wu, Fu, Ronkay & Ronkay, 2013  sp. n. 台彩魯夜蛾
台灣特有種。原被鑑定為東北亞與東亞分布的X. efflorescens,於此研究確認兩者間穩定之形態差異。種小名獻名給前特有生物中心助理研究員,目前任職於林務局的張維君技士,表達對其在特生期間,於2011年底所執行製作完成台灣第一部蛾類影片(幻蛾 台灣蛾類之美 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S45s6BhpA3Y )之敬意。

夜蛾科木夜蛾亞科蘚綠夜蛾屬 (Atrovirensis)之分類研究回顧

Atrovirensis taiwani Gyulai, Ronkay & Wu, 2013 雄蟲 正模式標本 (台中科博館藏)

文獻來源:Gyulai, P., L. Ronkay & S. Wu. 2013. Survey of the taxa of the genus Atrovirensis Kononenko, 2001 (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Xyleninae): 123-134. Fibigeriana Supplement. Book series of Taxonomy and Faunistics. Volumn 1. Heterocera Press, Budapest.

Five new species of the genus Atrovirensis, A. annamita (Vietnam), A. pedibus (China), A. yoshimotoi (China), A. owadai (China and Vietnam) and A. taiwani (Taiwan) are described. The three main species-groups of the genus are characterised and all known species and their genitalia are illustrated. With 32 figures. 

蘚綠夜蛾屬 (Atrovirensis)為2001年由Dr. Kononenko由廣義陌夜蛾屬 (Trachea sensu lato)獨立來描述的新屬,過去僅有分別分布於北印度與中國之兩物種,本研究回顧此屬之分類歷史並描述五個新種,使此屬已知的分布範圍延伸至越南與台灣。台灣產物種即新紀錄屬新種 台灣蘚綠夜蛾 (Atrovirensis taiwani sp. n.),目前據僅採集到之兩雄蟲標本,來瞭解此種成蟲發生於七八月台中鞍馬山區與南投梅峰山區,推測為一年一代。

夜蛾科木夜蛾亞科 Trachea denticulosa 種群之分類研究回顧

Trachea delica Kovács & Ronkay, 2013 雄蟲 副模式標本 (林試所館藏)

文獻來源Kovács, S. T. & L. Ronkay. 2013. Revision of the Trachea denticulosa (Moore, 1882) species-group (Noctuidae, Xyleninae): 135-152. Fibigeriana Supplement. Book series of Taxonomy and Faunistics. Volumn 1. Heterocera Press, Budapest.

Present paper provides the revision of the Trachea denticulosa species-complex, including the characterisation of the main phyletic lineages and the description of four new species, T. fugonga sp. n. (China, Yunnan), T. delica sp. n. (Taiwan, China, Vietnam), T. malvasigna sp. n. (Vietnam) and T. chloromixta sp. n. (Thailand). 

本研究釐清陌夜蛾屬 (Trachea)之 T. deticulosa種群過去之分類問題並發表四新種,其中包含台灣、南中國與北越南分布之新種 得利卡陌夜蛾 (Trachea delica sp. n.),種小名以匈牙利研究者在台灣採集到該新種第一隻標本時所租用之三菱得利卡車款名命名之。此種之台灣族群發生於晚冬早春以及初夏中北部1000~2000公尺之原生林帶,推估一年有兩世代。

2013年7月13日 星期六


文獻來源:Zahiri, R., J. D. Lafontaine, J. D. Holloway, I. J. Kitching, B. C. Schmidt, L. Kalia and N. Wahlberg. 2012. Major lineages of Nolidae (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea) elucidated by molecular phylogenetics. Cladistics 1(2012): 1-23. [Abstract]

To elucidate the evolutionary relationships of the major lineages within the moth family Nolidae, we analysed a molecular dataset comprising eight independent gene regions (6.4 kbp), cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) from the mitochondrial genome, and elongation factor-1α (EF-1α), ribosomal protein S5 (RpS5),carbamoylphosphate synthase domain protein (CAD), cytosolic malate dehydrogenase (MDH), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) and wingless genes from the nuclear genome, using parsimony and model-based evolutionary methods (maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference). Our analyses revealed a well-resolved phylogenetic hypothesis, again recovering the six previously recognized families within Noctuoidea (i.e. Oenosandridae, Notodontidae, Euteliidae, Erebidae, Nolidae and Noctuidae), and monophyly of the quadrifid Noctuoidea (i.e. Euteliidae, Erebidae, Nolidae and Noctuidae). The family Nolidae is diagnosed and characterized by two synapomorphies from morphology: construction of a ridged boat-shaped cocoon that bears a vertical exit slit at one end; and two other morphological character states: elongation of the forewing retinaculum into a bar-like or digitate condition and possession of a postpiracular counter-tympanal hood. We present a new phylogenetic hypothesis for Nolidae consisting of eight strongly supported subfamilies, two of which are erected here: Diphtherinae, Risobinae, Collomeninae subfam. nov., Beaninae subfam. nov., Eligminae, Westermanniinae, Nolinae and Chloephorinae. Where we are able, each monophyletic lineage is diagnosed by morphological autapomorphies and within each subfamily, monophyletic tribes and subtribes are circumscribed, most of which are also diagnosable by morphological apomorphies. We also describe two new taxa: Gelastocerini trib. nov. and Etannina subtrib. nov. The Neotropical subfamily Diphtherinae, here newly circumscribed, is considered to be the plesiomorphic sister lineage to the rest of Nolidae. Diphtherinae are characterized by loss of the proximal pair of metatibial spurs in males and by the presence of a frontal tubercle, which is presumably associated with a derived strategy of emergence from the cocoon.

瘤蛾為夜蛾總科六個主要支系之一,全世界已知約有1861740種被描述,主要分布於舊熱帶區系,因部份類群(例如赭瘤蛾屬 Carea)之幼蟲胸部背方隆起而有此中文名之稱。此類群當中被視為主要之農業害蟲為鑽瘤蛾屬(Earias),其於印澳區與非洲區的物種常被視為棉花作物之柱莖性害蟲。
瘤蛾因包含了不少形態異質性高的類群,因此在過去的分類位階一直不明確,而部份成員特徵(例如聽器結構、前後翅翅脈相、幼蟲毛列序)介於夜蛾科與燈蛾科(現今之裳蛾科燈蛾亞科),亦散置於該些分類位階之下。雖然由Holloway (2003)為主的文章開始重新驗證了此科級的單系性,然而內部親緣關係尚未確認。
作者在材料上主要選取82個瘤蛾科各亞科、亞科下分類單元具代表性的物種,新世界之Afridinae與東方區之花布麗瘤蛾亞科(Camptolominae)則並未取樣到。方法上則選用粒腺體COI序列與七段獨立之核蛋白轉錄基因序列,作最簡約方法與模型化演化方法之親緣分析,並使用特徵最佳化分析(Mesquite ver. 2.75)來瞭解過去被視為在夜蛾總科具重建親緣意義特徵(例如三叉/四叉翅脈相、翅疆、聽器與作繭形式)的演化模式。

  1. 瘤蛾科由下列形態共衍徵所支持:(1) 結船狀並具垂直羽化口的繭;(2) 前翅翅疆呈棒狀或指狀;(3) 鼓膜兜呈後氣孔式;
  2. 瘤蛾科包含六個具高支持度之枝系:中名未定之亞科(Diphtherinae), 長角瘤蛾亞科(Risobinae), 中名未定之亞科(Collomeninae), 中名未定之亞科(Beaninae), 旋瘤蛾亞科(Eligminae), 俊瘤蛾亞科(Westermanniinae), 瘤蛾亞科(Nolinae)與白襯瘤蛾亞科(Chloephorinae);其中Diphtherinae(DiphtheraLepidodes)Collomeninae為新世界特有的分類群;Diphtherinae因具有共衍徵(1)因此首次被視為瘤蛾科成員;Collomeninae因過去無清楚定義,在此文章中被正式描述為新亞科;印澳區廣布之Beana屬在親緣樹中與Eligminae, Westermanniinae, Nolinae之三叉支系成為姊妹群,因此被描述於新亞科Beaninae之下;
  3. Diphtherinae物種具有前額突出的結構,被視為成蟲與話時用來破繭用的功能性特徵,而雄蟲失去後脛節之近基部一對距的罕見雌雄異型特徵亦被重新提出來檢視;
  4. 白襯瘤蛾亞科所有屬級成員之雄蟲皆具有腹部基節的發聲器,此亞科下劃分鑽瘤蛾族(Eariadini)、赭瘤蛾族(Careini) 白襯瘤蛾族(Chloephorini)、皮瘤蛾族(Sarrothripini)與新族霜瘤蛾族(Gelastocerini),過去所定義之Ariolicini需後續研究。皮瘤蛾族下劃分皮瘤蛾亞族(Sarrothripina)、癬皮瘤蛾亞族(Blenina)與新亞族Etannina,後者具有附黑色鱗片的抱器突起之鑑識特徵。
  5. 花布麗瘤蛾類群雖未在此文研究中被取樣,然而與白襯瘤蛾族皆具有發達的發聲器結構,而兩者之幼蟲已知皆取食殼斗科,被推測具有潛在的近緣關係。
台灣產瘤蛾科物種於1992年出版之臺灣鱗翅目誌共收錄88(歸屬於夜蛾科皮瘤蛾亞科、白襯瘤蛾亞科與瘤蛾亞科),於此據Wan (1994; 1995), Inoue (2000), Fu & Tzuoo (2002), Holloway (2003), Fu & Hsu (2009), Kishida (2011); Sasaki (2011)Hu et al. (2013)之研究將臺灣產瘤蛾科名錄更新為6亞科107種並附備註如此連結