2009年4月22日 星期三


Butterfly host plant range: an example of plasticity as a promoter of speciation?
Sören Nylin1 Contact Information and Niklas Janz1

Mary Jane West-Eberhard 曾主張可塑性可能是促進演化發生和多樣化的首要條件。在本文中,作者以蛺蝶為例子探討植食性昆蟲透過此過程演化的可能性。作者討論寄主植物與可塑性之間相連的方式,並呈現作者對於 West-Eberhard 的腳本如何可能導致由寄主利用所驅動的種化之闡釋。作者也在本文中回顧一些植物利用的多樣性促使植食性昆蟲多樣化之實例,最終討論這是否暗示了一個由可塑性驅動種化的角色。作者找到一個作者的理論(植食性昆蟲多樣化是由寄主範圍波動驅使)與作者對West-Eberhard的理論所作最有效率的解釋,兩者之間緊密的概念連結。一個主要未解決的議題是寄主植物範圍廣泛的程度是由於適應可塑性伴隨著為利用不同植物設計的遺傳機制的專用模組。

Mary Jane West-Eberhard has suggested that plasticity may be of primary importance in promoting evolutionary innovation and diversification. Here, we explore the possibility that the diversification of phytophagous insects may have occurred through such a process, using examples from nymphalid butterflies. We discuss the ways in which host plant range is connected to plasticity and present our interpretation of how West-Eberhard’s scenario may result in speciation driven by plasticity in host utilization. We then review some of the evidence that diversity of plant utilization has driven the diversification of phytophagous insects and finally discuss whether this suggests a role for plasticity-driven speciation. We find a close conceptual connection between our theory that the diversification of phytophagous insects has been driven by oscillations in host range, and our personal interpretation of the most efficient way in which West-Eberhard’s theory could account for plasticity-driven speciation. A major unresolved issue is the extent to which a wide host plant range is due to adaptive plasticity with dedicated modules of genetic machinery for utilizing different plants.
