2010年5月19日 星期三


文獻來源:L DAPPORTO. 2010. Satyrinae butterflies from Sardinia and Corsica show a kaleidoscopic intraspecific biogeography (Lepidoptera, Nymphlidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 100: 195–212.

科西嘉島與薩丁尼亞島等地中海島嶼因具有大量的特有種而受人矚目,蝶類更是備受關注。然而,科西嘉島與薩丁尼亞島的蝶類並未與鄰近大陸或西西里島所產的族群進行廣泛的研究。本研究選取11個分布於科西嘉島與薩丁尼亞島之眼蝶亞科物種,和其產於鄰近大陸及西西里島之族群,針對雄蟲生殖器結構進行幾何 形態矩陣的比較。利用相對扭曲計算、判別分析法、階層式分群法與交叉驗證測試,已鑑定包含島嶼和大陸族群的一致分布樣式。這十一個物種表現出多面向的分布樣式,但可歸納出以下三個重點:(1)來自北非和西班牙的族群一般而言和屬於義大利半島者不同;(2)來自薩丁尼亞島和西西里島的族群通常與北非/西班牙 的族群相似;(3)海洋屏障似乎是族群散佈的屏障,雖然其效力似乎與擴增無關。雖然科西嘉島與薩丁尼亞島之間的海峽和西西里島與義大利之間的海峽較短,但 在阻止動物相的交流上表現出強大的效力。而科西嘉島與北義大利之間、西西里島與突尼西亞之間的海域較廣,但卻各自表現出高度的相似性。這十一個分佈在島嶼 和大陸上的分類群之比較,有助於釐清關於地中海蝶類族群分布的歷史因素、避難所的動態和後冰河期(近代)遷徙等因子的複雜交互作用。

The Mediterranean islands of Sardinia and Corsica are known for their multitude of endemics. Butterflies inparticular have received much attention. However, no comprehensive studies aiming to compare populations of butterflies from Sardinia and Corsica with those from the neighbouring mainland and Sicily have been carried out. In the present study, the eleven Satyrinae species inhabiting Sardinia and Corsica islands were examined and compared with continental and Sicilian populations by means of geometric morphometrics of male genitalia. Relative warp computation, discriminant analyses, hierarchical clustering, and cross-validation tests were used to identify coherent distributional patterns including both islands and mainland populations. The eleven species showed multifaceted distributional patterns, although three main conclusions can be drawn: (1) populations from North Africa and Spain are generally different from those belonging to the Italian Peninsula; (2) populations from Sardinia and Sicily often resemble the North Africa/Spain ones; Corsica shows transitional populations similar to those from France; and (3) sea barriers represent filters to dispersal, although their efficacy appears to be unrelated to their extension. Indeed, the short sea straits between Sardinia and Corsica and between Sicily and the Italian Peninsula revealed a strong effectiveness with respect to preventing faunal exchanges; populations giving onto sea channels between Corsica and Northern Italy and between Sicily and Tunisia showed a higher similarity. A comparison of island and mainland distributions of the eleven taxa have helped to unravel the complex co-occurrence of historical factors, refugial dynamics, and recent (post-glacial) dispersal with respect to shaping the populations of Mediterranean island butterflies.

ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: geometric morphometrics – glacial maxima – Mediterranean – refugia.
